Category 169
Discussion List
Consigned Inventory aging on shipping methodSummary: Business would like to maintain consigned aging on shipment method like Ocean or Air rather than aging days on the agreement. In current scenario consigned ship…
Does the Oracle Fusion system consider the usage of serial-number when creating count sequences?Hello, How can i record cycle count for a serialized-item whose usage status is "Resides in in-transit inventory" ? For the serialized items that have been shipped but n…
How to restrict users to create sales orderHi, Our client wants a group of users see a specific sales order, for example the users X, Y and Z can see and create a sales order type A,B and C. Is it possible to cre…
Unable to add items in bulk to cycle count based on Item Category in the Redwood UISummary: While adding items to cycle count based on Item category , there is no option to do a multi- select of items. Each items needs to be selected one by one , by cl…
How to restrict duplicate values in a free text DFFSummary: At the subinventory level, we have created a DFF (Descriptive Flexfield) as a free text field. We require that if we enter a value in the DFF field for one subi…
Is there a way they can convert that original receipt date along with On-hand in Fusion via FBDI?Customer have a scenario where the source system has on-hand based on receipt date. Example: They received a part in four PO. Now they store the original receipt date fo…Sushruth Rao 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
error in receipt advice lines rest apiSummary: Hi In OIC, We are trying to get the receipt advice lines which are present in PO. Through API it is giving error in OIC but postman it is not giving. Can you pl…Mayur Mhetre 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Terminated employees able to be entered as the "Reviewer" for cycle count sequences and approvals.The names of terminated employees can be entered in the "Reviewed By" field line each line of the "Approve Count Sequences" screen. We want to eliminate this option for …
Supplier lotSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, We have a requirement to generate the BRC if that specific has a BRC under the Supplier L…
Item Revision Control in Oracle CloudSummary: Hi Gurus, Need to check how Item Revision control works and What is the impact on transactions that have the old revision. Like, PO, Item Structure, WO, Move tr…Mangesh Shastri 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Create Project TransferSummary: Hi Gurus, We have a requirement to transfer inventory from source project to destination project at the current cost of source project. Does "Create Project Tra…
Mobile UI: Multiple users picking same pick slip in inventory managementSummary: Hi All, We are using oracle inventory management (not WMS), We have transfer order with 100+ lines, and our pick slip also have 100+ lines. since we don't have …
How to retrieve Manage Receipts page's "Receipt Date" from subject area?Summary: How to retrieve Manage Receipts page's "Receipt Date" from subject area? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like t…
PAR Count performed using mobile device is not triggering a movement requestSummary: PAR Count performed using mobile device is not triggering a movement request Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are using Invento…Prasoon_P 25 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinod Parameswaran-Oracle Inventory Management
Automatic allocation of expired lots to a specific subinventoryHello, is this feature available? if not, is there any workaround? Thank you
Please provide the Service mapping steps or details to transfer IR DFF to Supply order or TO.Summary: Please provide the Service mapping steps or details to transfer IR DFF to Supply order or Transfer Order (TO). We have process where Internal Requisition is cre…
How to hard code "Quantities to Include" in the new Review Item Supply and Demand Screen?Summary: Is there a way that we can hard code the Quantities to Include in the new 25A Review Supply and Demand Screen? We'd like to have "ATP Only" set as the default s…
How to clear on hand quantity in Sub inventory which is not available for further transactions.Summary: How to clear on hand quantity in Sub inventory which is not available for further transactions in Inventory Management Content (please ensure you mask any confi…Anuradha.vaddivalli 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Inventory Management
Is it Possible to get a Notification when goods are Receive(GRN)?Summary: We need to get a FYI notification when goods are received to the inventory. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Orac…Navindu Amarasinghe 130 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Navindu Amarasinghe Inventory Management
Inventory Min-Max Planning considers negative on-handHi , We have items having negative onhand . while running the min-max planning, negative onhand is being considered for min-max calculation reorder quantity For example:…
Which currency conversion rate will system takes if the GRN was created today with back date.The PO was raised in USD Currency with corporate as conversion rate type and the user has created the GRN on 8th Jan 2025 with back date as Dec 24. Now, Which currency c…
Ability to Confirm Picking by consolidated linesSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to consolidate the pick confirm lines by item number. In the below example Item 105680 appear multiple times from different ISO line n…
Leading practice in addressing shipment packaging for a finished good productSummary: I have a situation where the work order is being used to drive the shipping packaging activities and to consume the packaging materials. In the this use case, m…
Is it possible to update the AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE in the receiving interface ADFDI?Summary: We found a scenario where the field "AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE" was not being populated in our REST API during WMS to Fusion integration and as such, the TM is not abl…
How can we use Manage Process constraint for transfer order?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
What would cause an Invalid Subinventory error message in the Receiving transaction manager?Summary: I am seeing several receiving transactions fail to process through the receiving transaction manager. They are stuck with the error "The value provided for the …
INV-2415419 when trying to record the cycle count sequence using the new Redwood interfaceSummary: When one of the newly created user tried to record the cycle count sequence using the new Redwood interface, the following error is shown. Error 300000004199052…
Lot Expiry date Alert or any intimationSummary: Is there any option available in the system that users will notify about the lot expiry date when it's getting expired or before one day. Content (required): Lo…
How to delete the backordersSummary: We have a requirement to delete the backorders line for internal requisitions -Transfer Orders. Need assistance how we can do it in fusion inventory management …
Responsive Self-Service Receiving Sandbox configuration update the Receiving icon to all the usersSummary: We want to implement the Responsible SS Receiving but when I configured the sandbox it updated the Receiving icon to all the procurement users. We want to move …Pablo Schenquerman 9 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pablo Schenquerman Inventory Management