Category 67
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Need help with checkbox wingding.ttf font fileHi All, we have a requirement to insert check box in a report. based provided "DocID: How to Add a Checkbox in a BI Publisher Report ( Doc ID 2692589.1 )" For the checkb…
Email Bursting not workingI have the below Email bursting definition configured. The Schedule job completes successfully, however I never actually receive an email from it, even though there was …KDR 681 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sreekanth Chennabathini BI Publisher Learning Center
How to solve java error in the excel template while working on BI reportHi, I am getting this error while trying to get the excel template for my BI report "javaw -Xmx256M -jar "C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Templ…nehayadav86 110 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Swapnil Kashid BI Publisher Learning Center
Adding a parameter to custom data model of a seeded reportWe need to customize a seeded report and add a new parameter. But when we create a copy of seeded Data model and add a parameter in the custom data model, it gives an er…
How to add column in a seeded BI report with existing package, ESS jobs, before/after event triggerHi, I am trying to add two columns in a "Payables Payment Register" seeded report but i am getting errors like and I would need to add column "PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_ID"fro…
How to read AUDIT_CHANGE_BIT_MAP_Hello Guys I am in need to read data from tabel: FND_VS_VALUES_B_ Because i need to understand which field has been changed in the Value set I've activated the audit and…
BIP Can you encrypt a file using PGP Encryption with AES-256 CipherHello, I set up a Data Model and report layout to extract data in an xml file. My next step is to encrypt the file using PGP with the AES-256 cipher. I'm able to set up …Mospherey Yu-Oracle 120 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by PG_of_NSG-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
RTF values not summing upI have been trying to calculate the sum of values group by specific element and person number in the RTF template, but unfortunately, I have been unable to achieve the d…Michael Angelo Lucena 62 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Michael Angelo Lucena BI Publisher Learning Center
How to create dashboard with all BIP reports and BI/OTBI analysis reports with action links?Hi All, We are planning to create a dashboard with all custom reports (including BIP report and OTBI Analysis reports) created in Oracle Fusion cloud. Our requirement is…
Error when run BI Publisher Report from cURL(REST API)According to Oracle documentation (, i installed cURL in my desktop. To t…
BI Publisher Word Plug-In ErrorI have the Word Plug-in that has previously worked without issue, however it is now kicking back an error when I attempt to preview my data. Steps taken: Opened rtf temp…
Is there any way to invoke a soap service from a BIP report passing parameters dynamically?Hi experts, The idea is to invoke a soap service let say pressing a button on the BIP report layout and pass report parameters as part of a payload. Is it possible someh…Volodymyr Faranosov 11 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by MandeepGupta BI Publisher Learning Center
Which table stores the flag "Use Withholding Tax" at supplier levelHi, Kindly asking for help in locating the table which stores the supplier flag "Use withholding tax". Many thanks for your kind replies!
How can we add a chart or graph in RTF template of a BIP reportWe need to build a report that shows a table with all the data and then a graph/chart for the same data. We have an RTF template built for the same. Please advise if its…Ashu Raj-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by ALOK SH-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Remove Banner from BIP Report templateIs there a setting to remove the below banner from BIP templates (.rtf) that output in Excel format, either globally or at the report level? This banner is not in the ac…KDR 81 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Job code with Null profilesSummary: Hi Everyone! I am trying to create a report which should fetch the job codes with No profiles in Manage job page. I hard coded one job code which is having no p…
Conditionally send report to email ONLY if query returns data resultsIs it possible to setup a schedule in BI Publisher to run every day that will only output a report to EMAIL if the query fetches at least one row of data? In other words…
BIP Report Alignment IssueIn the BIP report the alignment is coming up differently in different mail applications i.e. table alignment looks fine in Thunderbird but the same is misaligned in MS O…SaurabhJaiswal-Oracle 108 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Security in Oracle Business Intelligence - BI Consumer Role securing by content area?Hello, Is it possible to secure data for users with the role BI Consumer by subject area for example limiting to just GL or just Accounts Payable or Order Management? Th…James O'Brien 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
BIP Samples?Is there another place to see samples of reports? the links from this page are brokenWayne Van Sluys 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Bhaskar Konar BI Publisher Learning Center
Maximum Number Of Columns Created In Excel RTF TemplateHi All, What is the maximum number of columns supported by Oracle Fusion BIP report having Excel Template. Regards VijaiVijai Bhatia 53 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Does oracle has any table that give us Users Signin and signout details for the past few weeksFor auditing purpose we want a report to extract the users who login and logout in the past 7 days login datetime logout datetime if any table or pre-build tables please…Chandra Thangavelu 71 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Chandra Thangavelu BI Publisher Learning Center
Would like to report on HR Help Desk Audit History table in BI PublisherHello, We would like to report on HR Help Desk audit history in a BI Publisher report. Has anyone done this and might be willing to provide instruction? Thank you, Natal…Natalie Andrek 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Narayanan Subramaniam-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Is there a way to organize the Shared Reports and Analytics in PD?Currently we have a list of shared reports under the Shared Reports and Analytics task drawer drop down in Product Development. Is there a way to setup folders for bette…Candice Chacon - Dexcom 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Report Missing NotificationsHi All, We have loads of notifications we have from Oracle and few we develop custom. We have them scheduled and some are BI Bursting notifications. Due to multiple reas…Vibha Pandey - Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
I can't view a job option in more menu for default report ?I can't view a job option in the more menu and the scheduled job doesn't appear on the Manage Report Jobs page for default reports. but it works well and shows scheduled…New 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Can we suppress a hyperlink in BI Publisher Report PDF Output?We are building a BI Publisher Report in which one of the field has email ids. We are using an RTF template to generate the report output. When we view the output in PDF…Pinky Mukherjee 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Create BIP Report to Fetch the ESS Job Name, ID, And the SubmitterHi, We would like to create a report to fetch the ESS job name, id, and the submitter. ThanksAhmed Maher Kadeh 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhijit Sahu-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Multiple null columnsHello, How can I display multiple empty columns, with empty column labels? The aim is to send a csv like field1,field2,field3,,,,,field4,field5 When I try NULL multiple …