Category 67
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query to get the due date in payment under invoices to payHi, Could you please advise in which SQL table can I find the Due Date in Payables → Payments → Create Payment under Invoices to Pay. Thank you.Elyse Meouchi 665 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Westerfield-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
how to Retrieve the GUID of a row (global unique identifier ) using SQL ,not RESTsome apis require the GUID to update a record , not the id or rowid We can retrieve that value using REST api (/fscmRestApi/resources/…
Initial cap/upper case in BIP report RTFSeeded report column value is like 'ANNUAL' .I want to display the value as 'Annual' which is in Init cap format without having to modify the seeded XML. How to do that …
fr studio indentation issue after export to excelAfter Patch our Prod Fr studio indentation changed only when export to excel. Html indentation looks great. Other instance have no issues with the export indentation. *R…
Query to get the tax name and rate from a draft invoice under contractI need to retrieve the tax name and tax rate applied on the draft invoice (without calculating it manually) under contract management. In the tables pjb_inv_line_dists a…
Audit Report BI Publisher does not show folder informationHello! I would need some help with Audit Report from BI Publisher. It is assumed that it is not showing the information of all the operations performed at the folder lev…
combine or overlapping to different sub templates in a main templatehow can we achieve combine or overlapping to different sub templates in a main template of rtf and output to be in html
How to retrieve asset category base rate for previous month & current month using sqlRetrieve asset category base rate for previous month & current month using sql
BI Publisher Report- Learning Initiatives including Course number and Title-LearningHello All, I have the SQL code that fetches the learning initiative number, name, Course Number, and Title, but I have found duplicate rows because the Course titles do …Thulasi Ram 86 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Soare Oldrich Alexandru-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Oracle Fusion Application MT Timezone is not reflecting sometimes in OTBI ReportsHi Everyone, I have set the timezone in oracle fusion application as UTC-07:00 Denver - Mountain Time (MT) and now when I am creating an OTBI analysis and using Now() fu…Himansh Agarwal 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Himansh Agarwal BI Publisher Learning Center
Bi Reporting Error #221When attempting to open our organisation structure report we are being hit with an error as shown in the screenshot attached. This error is occurring when initially tryi…
Can we Use .XLS template with Excel Macro enabledHi Team, Is it possible to utilize a BIP .xls template that has a macro embedded into it? Our User requirement is to have a Macro in excel template a user can run on the…
Use .XLS template with Excel MacroIs it possible to utilize a BIP .xls template that has a macro embedded into it? If so, are there any examples that can be shared with me? I am not sure how to apply for…
How to find the sum total of an element for all the groups in rtf template?Hi, I am working on an RTF template for Oracle BI Publisher and I am trying to get the total sum of amount for all the groups in the template. The scenario is there are …
How to group rows based on one column and then find the sum for each group?Hi, I am working on a rtf template where it is required to group the records based on the tax code value. Now I want to show the sum of amount for each tax code in diffe…
BI Publisher - Obtain YTD / accumulated balances via SQLGreetings, We are trying to pull custom balance totals via a SQL query in BI publisher. So far, we have been able to obtain individual run results but cannot pull the to…
BIP report Group data need to be show in message bodyI want to send a report to each manager with the employee details. Employee details should show in message body instead of attachement. Please let me know, how to do tha…
Need Oracle BI accountHi Team, We have registered as a Oracle Partner. We need Oracle BI reports account for creating and accessing data in it. Please provide us access to the account. Thanks…
HCM Extract attribute back end QueryHi All, We need your help in finding out the Actual query being used in the back end of Attribute in HCM Extract. We built a HCM Extract with data group using the user e…
query for receivables receiptsI wrote the query of receipts, but I need the receipt date, I think it's in the table AR_CASH_RECEIPT_ALL but I don't know how to join with the others. Can anyone help m…
how to select correction record from data?Hello everyone How to select by SQL query records of elements whose value was changed not by UPDATE but by CORRECT, is it in the HRC_EVT_OBJ_CHANGE_COMPONENTS table? or …
How to create from and to date parameter without default and mandatory fileHow to create from and to date parameter without default and mandatory file in BI PublisherRitika.ray-Oracle 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta BI Publisher Learning Center
how to add prompt of Start Accounting date and end accounting date in FRS reportHi, I am looking out for ways to pass a period range Prompt in FRS report based on which my columns will dynamically be fetched. However i can't seem to find the ways to…
where to find the database connection manager in FRS workspaceHi, I am trying to get the database connection definition and details for FRS report, however i can't find the database connection manager in 23D. I do see the Essbase a…
Oracle BI PublisherI'm trying to create a DM and extract in Oracle BI publisher to pull some payment data from the cloud and build a report for our users to run to identify payments made. …
In Blanket Agreement, how to get name of level one approver in partial approved stateIn oracle fusion we have implemented two level of approval for blanket agreements. When the level one approver has approved the agreement and it is pending for approval …
sub total label in interactive layout BI PublisherHi Team, Facing issues in displaying Subtotal label dynamically based on some report column as there is no such option available in Interactive layout of BI Publisher an…
Document delivery failed while sending email using BIP report burstingHi Team, We are getting below error while sending email using BIP report bursting. Document delivery failed [INSTANCE_ID=bip.bi_server1] [DELIVERY_ID=-1]Exception happen…vikram khengare 422 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta BI Publisher Learning Center
Can Learning Initatives triggred through BIP reportshi Can Learning Initiatives triggered through BIP reports, if yes how the same can be configuredabhilashblackbox 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by abhilashblackbox BI Publisher Learning Center
Current Date in OTBI for Enterprise Hire dateHi Need to know the exact query to add up in Enterprise hire date filter , date should be current date , we tried with the below options CURRENT DATE 'CURRENT DATE' CURR…abhilashblackbox 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swapnil Kashid BI Publisher Learning Center