Category 67
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Reports to get Service Usage in fusion HCMWe need reports for below: 1) Anonymized Authorized User Names by Service Details 2) Authorized User Names by Service 3) Authorized User Privileges by Service 4) Authori…
Sql query or table joining link between Project and expense reportHi Team, Can anyone please let us know the table or SQL queries for getting Project number along witht Expense report number ?. Need to connect table PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B …
Documents Of Record BIP ReportHi, Is there any way to see person related information in a report. while submitting a Documents of Record . I know we have view document option . But the out put is com…
How can we send a file at UCM on "prc/supplier/export" folder location?Hi I want to send a supplier report at UCM on "prc/supplier/export" folder location using bursting, but I'm not able to find this location. There is only "prc/supplier/i…
What values should be provided to lexical parameters for seeded BIP data model?I am working on the SQL query for Oracle Seeded Data Model - Transactions Print Data Model for Invoice Print Template report, where it shows some lexical parameters and …Kratika Sharma 118 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran G BI Publisher Learning Center
Global Level Function By Expression does not show anythingHello, I'm trying to use the below Global Level Function expression in a RTF but even though it shows in the XML outpout it doesn't in the Table view not RTF. Do you hav…Guillaume SAVALL 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Eshwar Kappala BI Publisher Learning Center
Custom SQL Returns Only One RecordI am working on a new report using the below SQL and I am only seeing one Record when running it. I have confirmed that there are many users with no additional assignmen…Nathaniel.Wilcox 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Nathaniel.Wilcox BI Publisher Learning Center
Do we have backup table for ESS request historyThe ESS request history table has data of last 90 days. Would like to know if there is any backup table which stores the entire request history information.Mounika Samayamantri 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijaya Sekhar A-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
How to call a service logistics PVO from an SQL query from BI Publisher and BI AdministrationHow to call a service logistics PVO from an SQL query from BI Publisher . We are trying to use the PVO- oracle.apps.scm.serviceLogistics.billing.publicView.DebriefLinesP…P.S.Nikhitha Muduliar 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shrikant Nene-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Seeded Function PER_AVAILABILITY_DETAILS.GET_AVAILABILITY_DETAILS takes longer to run in BI ReportThe function takes longer time to run in BI report and gives time out errors out when run in Adhoc. Since we are placing this report in dashboard as a link to BI, the re…
Why does the query in the dataset take an extended time to process?I have a query that typically takes around 2 minutes to process and returns the expected output. However, after adding a small condition to exclude a specific value, the…
want to report on specific components of learning initiativeswant to report on specific components of learning initiatives. I've attached a screenshot of the various ways you can select learners when building a learning initiative…
Which column from REVISIONS table needs to be mapped to Document ID of Content server dataset?My goal is to read contents of file in UCM and append it to PO PDF. Currently, I am using DID column from REVISIONS table and mapping it to Document ID of Content server…
Pivot balance rolling basis calculated using rtf template in BI reportHi, I hope this email finds you well. I facing some issue from balance logics in rtf layout, Also, balance is equal to (On-hand + current commit – demand qty) on a rolli…
Do all view tables hold data constantly or is there a process to get the information to showHello, I'm using the view FND_BPM_TASK_HISTORY_VL to see the history of tasks and approvals for transactions. This is to create a report to show the approval workflow fo…
Translation of Performance Document Reports RTF Templates to other languagesHi Team, Kindly suggest a best approach or is it feasible on how we can translate an English language Performance Document Worker Ratings Report RTF template & Performan…
Learning DashboardDoes anyone have a template for Learning Dashboards in OTBI?
BIP Letter Templates and ImagesHi all, I've created a simple data model that allows an end user to run a self service report where they input the employee number and it generates a semi complete lette…
What values should be provided to lexical parameters for seeded data model for Asset Register ReportWhat values should be provided to lexical parameters for seeded BIP data model for Asset Register Report - *&L_INVOICES *&L_SOB_INV *&d_category_segs *&d_asset_key_segs …Shikha_Singh12 51 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha_Singh12 BI Publisher Learning Center
How to extract only employee's current grade step using BI publisher?How to extract only the last grade using BI publisher? I tried to filter on EFFECTIVE_LATEST_CHANGE, EFFECTIVE_SEQUENCE and ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE, but it is the same recor…Cindy Mavioga Malaga 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cindy Mavioga Malaga BI Publisher Learning Center
query to get the tax liability account of the tax rateHi, Could you please advise in which SQL table can I find the natural account of the tax rate. Setup and Maintenance → Financials → Manage Tax Rates and Tax -Recovery Ra…Elyse Meouchi 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
can we use the regexp_replace function in a xsl bi publisher template?I'm trying to use the regexp_replace function in my xsl template to replace special characters and I receive an error. Is the regexp_replace supported by the xsl templat…
How to remove decimal value in BAR CHART - RTF Template - BIP Report?Decimal value is displayed in the Bar chart of RTF Template - BI Report. How to remove decimal values in the chart?SARAVANA KUMAR T-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by SARAVANA KUMAR T-Oracle BI Publisher Learning Center
Is There an way to Default BI report Text parameter to logged in user person id like in Date typeIs There an way to Default BI report parameter to logged in user person id like we default System data in Date type parameter {$SYSDATE()$}. We have a Text parameter whi…
How to find redline change data in the OBI tablesHi Experts/Team, Is there any OBI table that stores if any attribute is redlined on a change order, redline information i'm looking for a specific attribute is redlined …
Issue with .xlsx formatWhen scheduling a report and then the report is sent to the manager, manager cannot receive it because report cannot be sent. Could it be that .xlsx option is not suppor…
How to pivot to display questions horizontally as the heading using answers instead of measureI wish to create a table of questions as the horizontal headings (dynamic from data) and the users as the vertical with the answers in the data section. Pivoting appears…
How to display a 2nd signature based on Check AmountHi, we have a requirement to print a second signature on a check when the check amount exceeds a threshold e.g., $25,000. We have created our RTF template with one stati…
List of Values SQL query with multiple columnsHello - I want to know if it is possible to use a List of Values object (with a Parameter) and select 2 columns in the LOV query, and then display one column for the End…
AR Aging Report Issues in BI PublisherHi everyone, I'm hoping to get some help with an AR Aging Report built in BI Publisher. I inherited this report from someone else, and I'm facing two issues: Missing Cus…