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Fusion Applications Administration
Discussion List
Cloning lower instance from Production with only customer and vendor DataSummary: Actually. we have a specific requirement where we want to clone our Dev instance from Production with only customer and vendor data only. No transactional data …
Is there any process to check user login frequencySummary: Hi Team, Is there any way to know the frequency of user login during certain time period. Thanks and Regards, sailaja Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Stage environment is running super slow after data dumped from ProductionSummary: Stage environment is running super slow after data dumped from Production. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like…
2024 Fusion SaaS SSL Certificate Renewal-How to determin if our POD is CAC enabled or notOur Oracle fusion SaaS POD is ELXC . We received Fusion SaaS SSL Certificate Renewal update that it will be applied in Dec 13, 2024. Since we are using inbound interface…
Oracle Fusion Upgrade Schedule UpdateSummary: Currently we are following non-concurrent approach for our Environment upgrades. Till 24D, same was followed. But due to some issues during 24D, we are looking …
Privilege or Duty role to run any Custom or seeded ESS JobSummary: Privilege or Duty role to run/submit any Custom or seeded ESS Job. I am aware it is present in Application Implementation Consultant Role. Content (please ensur…
How to create custom role from IT security manager that has only assign role privilgeSummary: How to create custom role from IT security manager that has only "assign role" privilge and able to assign certain roles only? Content (please ensure you mask a…
HCM post cloning activity check listSummary: We have implemented Oracle cloud HCM recently. After implementation, we have done P2T copy. In Test, we can see that the notification setting is set to 'in-app'…
What are the privileges that count towards the metric for B91080Summary: I am trying to find a list of privileges that are counted for B91080 Oracle Fusion Enterprise Resource Planning for Self Service Cloud Service - Hosted Named Us…
Define attachment type securitySummary: Understand how setup and maintenance "Global Attachment Entities" security checks work. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please, i…
How to change to email address in workflow email notification approval emailsSummary: We have a requirement to change the "TO" email address when approving /rejecting workflow emails. We need to replace it with organization email address. Content…
Issue with Data Security Policy Not Migrating for Custom Role in Oracle FusionA custom role was created in the Oracle Fusion Dev environment, including all necessary components such as Basic Information, Function Security Policies, Data Security P…
Transport User Interface and General Preferences from DEV to TESTHow do I Transport (Export and Import) User Interface, including logo, design etc. and General Preferences from one instance to another?
How to disable FYI notifications for users in Fusion SCMSummary: Our supply chain users receive an excessive number of BPM Worklist notifications and also email notifications. Can we turn off some of these notifications in an…
P2T Refresh before Quarterly Patch UpgradeSummary: P2T Refresh before Quarterly Patch Upgrade Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How many days before can a P2T Refresh be scheduled be…
SSO for Fusion Application with ADFSHi, I have gone through many of blogs and posts regarding subjected topic, however following queries are still required assistance. In case SSO is configured with out ch…
Unable to test the functionality of new privilege View Application Usage Metrics in 24DOracle has released a new privilege View Application Usage Metrics (FND_VIEW_APP_USAGE_METRICS_PRIV) as part of 24D release. However, we couldn't find any documentation/…
Customize or hide task action approver on BPM worklist BellHi, Is it possible to customize or hide the task owner shown on HCM bell under the subject ?
Need Table name where approver comments are stored.Summary: Im working on Employee Request Type Report where i need Comments column. Here comments column need to be the comment left by the approver while approving the re…
How to get the last login date for all users including the terminated usersSummary: We have an audit requirement to get the last login date for all users(active/inactive). we have used this table ASE_USER_LOGIN_INFO. Now this is replated with F…
Hide Analytics section from home page for specific rolesSummary: Hi TEam, We need to hide Analytics section from home page for specific roles. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
Can we schedule refresh from same source instance to 2 different target instance at the same time?We would like to schedule a refresh from the same source instance (A) to 2 different fusion instances (B, C) at the same time. Can this be accomplished or any challenges?
Fusion customer managed key assignment using OCI VaultWe are planning to do change the Oracle Managed key to customer managed key for Fusion environment. Is there any dependency when we assign customer managed key in lower …
How to disable FYI notifications for users in Fusion Cloud HCM?Hello Customer Connect community! Might someone help me find out how do I disable FYI notifications? I have received complaints from Oracle users of the HCM system on th…
P2T refresh Masking requirementWe are performing the P2T refresh from admin console using self service feature and there is an option of selecting the Oracle standard masking checkbox and we are perfo…
Setup Task CSV Exports Rest Api only returning 25 rowsSummary: Setup Task CSV Export API is only returning 25 rows for some tasks, ex Manage Common Lookup FND_MANAGE_COMMON_LOOKUPS Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
How WFTASK to FND_BPM_TASK_B and WFTASKHISTORY to FND_BPM_TASK_HISTORY_B tables mapDear All, We are looking proper documentation for mapping WFTASK to FND_BPM_TASK_B and WFTASKHISTORY to FND_BPM_TASK_HISTORY_B because we are facing the issue when we ar…
Performing audit for actions performed on a set of usersGreetings, The client is looking to perform an audit for a user who is performing actions on a set of users. Looking for a report that we can run as an ESS job in Oracle…
Need to get the Table name and column for user_login_hashHi, Im actually working on active user role report, i need this column(login_user_hash) to be shown in the report as a column. and how we can retrieve the user email ID …
what role needed to be able to create and modify language ?hello all i am trying to activate some language from manage languages and the action button is grayed can you advise what role is needed to be able to modify