Sample Reports
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Analysis report to exclude the individual on extended leave from recertificationSummary: Hi All, Has anyone created an analysis report to exclude the individuals on extended leave from recertification. Thanks, Jyothi Content (please ensure you mask …
Sample Dashboard in Oracle LearningSummary: Sample Dashboard in Oracle Learning Hi All We are trying to develop a custom dashboard in Oracle Learning. Can you please share with us any sample dashboard tha…
Are there any List of Seeded Reports for Learning ManagementSummary: Hi team, Are any seeded reports in Learning Management. If so, is there a list of it that we can viewed? Regards, Omar Jawed Shaikh
Fail Activity 1 must continue to activity 2, Missing SCORM SCORE,Summary: We have a learning that Tests the learner knowledge of the content and if they aren't able to complete with a passing score after 2 attempts in activity 1 they …
Alert composer : All team Overdue Assignments - Group By ManagerSummary: I would like to customize the notification "All team Overdue Assignments - Group by manager" This notification will target all required learning assignments whi…
Report that show what OBTI Analysis is being used with each initiative?Summary: We need to audit our initiative and OBTI analysis. Is there a report or can someone provide the criteria for a report that will show all the initiatives that ar…
Report to extract initiatives associated to Learning ItemsHello all, We're trying to create a report which should extract for each learning item (specialization, course, offer etc) the initiative(s) created and its status (acti…
Table name to join course with competency/skill/certification details direclySummary: Hi Team, I have one requirement where we need to fetch course wise skill/competency/certification details. Please help to apply direct join to the skill/compete…
Export is incomplete due to error JBO-25060: How can it be generated completely?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The business area generated a export on the portal of employees who completed the offers. However…
Exclude course completions from AnalysisContent Anyone have an example of an Analysis filter that excludes associates who have completed a specific course? If so, can you share? Thanks, Lena Version 20D
oracle learning cloud requirement gathering templateHi Team, I would like to get OLC (Oracle Learning Cloud) requirement gathering template Thanks in advance
Where can we find a common calendar area to see all learning sessions scheduledSummary: Hi, we have a requirement where customer wants to have a broader look at the entire calendar area to see when are all learning sessions scheduled by different I…
Export To Excel Downloads Output Files As .xls Instead of .xlsxSummary: Customer wants to download all the exported files in .xlsx format but oracle is defaulted to .xls format. Is there any way to change it across all the modules. …
Unable to load content in self paced activity using HDL when content was loaded in system manuallySummary: We are attempting to load the self-paced activity using the content previously loaded from the front end. However, when we pass the content number, an error is …
Links to how to videos for OBTI builds for Learning ONLYSummary: Does anyone have any links to videos showing how to build OBTI analysis for reporting out different topics for Learning (Training and Development). Content (req…
Is there any BI reports table for Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary: So, we have a requirement where we want to create a report for Oracle learning cloud using BI report but didn't get any table values. Can you kindly share the t…
course in community reportSummary I don't have access to the running code etc - how can I run a report or anaylsis to find out which courses have / have not been added to a community.
How to Retrieve Deleted By and Activated By in HCM Learning Module for Reports?Summary: We have a requirement that needs to display the Deleted By and Activated By fields using a BIP Report / SQL Query. We have tried looking for these in fields HCM…
DFF information in our learning request approval flowSummary: We would like to include DFF information in our learning request approval flow . Is it possible to achieve it ? If yes, please suggest the steps for the same. C…
Training CalendarSummary: Has anyone implemented training calendar for a particular month for all the employees in an organization. Please share the template so that we can reuse the sam…
Non Catalog Learning Request ReportContent Hi All, Is it possible to generate an OTBI report for the non catalog requests which includes standard fields and DFFs? Please advise. Thanks.
Learning courses linked to any of the communityHi Team, Anyone developed the report to link the courses under the topic community? If so, please share. Thanks,
Where is the Overdue Status in OBTI Analysis?Summary: Making my own version of a Compliance Report that was in a webinar teaching and I cannot find the Overdue Status Content (required): Best criteria for showing a…
Report on who edited an assignment and the commentsSummary: I need to have a report that shows who modified/edited an assignment and the Notes, Comments, Justifications (anywhere, that someone need to put in the reason w…
does Minimum Price in course creation is available in OTBI ReportSummary: Does Minimum Price in course creation is available in OTBI Report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…
Does oracle provided any learners reporting dashboardSummary:Does oracle provided any learners reporting dashboard ? Do we have any standard dashboard on oracle learners reporting? Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Can Learning module integrated with third party Mobile APPWe have a requirement to integrate Oracle fusion learning module with third party mobile app with all the progress detail(360 View). IF Yes then what all API's are avail…
I've set my Prompt, how to I make it so Managers can see them to run their own report?Summary: I'm building custom reports for managers, but when the click on the report they can not pick the criteria they need to narrow the search. What am I missing? Or …
Need payload and api to get a person course number in response for a particular coursewe know the person number and course name how can we get the "assignmentRecordNumber": "OLC12345678", using below api. /hcmRestApi/resources/…
Content Status - Correct common lookup typeSummary: Hi, Content Status - For fetching the exact content status names, we see there are two lookup types available. Neither of them have the complete set of data tha…