Sourcing Programs
Discussion List
What steps are needed to change the status of a negotiation in active using the Oracle API?Summary: What steps are required to change the status of an active negotiation using the Oracle ERP API? We can update the header or line-level details if the negotiatio…
How can notification for negotiation invitation be sent to all suppliersSummary: How can notification for negotiation invitation be sent to all registered suppliers Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently in …
customize Negotiation score Spreadsheet (ADFDI File) downloaded from the Negotiation module.Summary: The client is interested in customizing the negotiation score spreadsheet (ADFDI file) that was downloaded from the negotiation module. Kindly inform me if this…
How to get the supplier contact when creating a supplier surrogate response?Summary: Hi, When I create the surrogate response , I don't have the supplier contact : The supplier contact is already registered in Supplier in the tab contact . How d…
How to disable Contract PDFSummary: While converting negotiation to BPA, supplier is receiving the contract PDF as attached in the pic below. Is there a way to remove the PDF from sending it to th…Koti Reddy Chintaguntla 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Koti Reddy Chintaguntla Sourcing
No option to download scoring spread (ADFI_)No option to download scoring spread Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24A Code …
how to EXPORT SEARCH RESULTS TO EXCEL IN SUPPLIER PORTALSummary: how to EXPORT SEARCH RESULTS TO EXCEL IN SUPPLIER PORTAL. I NEED THE STEPS HOW TO DO THIS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version…
Negotiation Supplier invitation by searching based on supplier product and servicesDears Orace Support, There is no option to search for suppliers based on the products and services The search by 'category name' does not support the hierarchy of suppli…
How to prevent buyers from choosing and searching for suppliers from different BU in RFQBusiness Requirement: Restrict the invitation of suppliers in Sourcing documents (RFI, RFQ, RFP) to only those assigned to specific Business Units. or when creating a ne…
Sourcing Technical Evaluation On Item LevelDear Oracle Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek clarification regarding the technical evaluation capabilities within the sourcing module …
Non Disclosure Agreement - How to implement in SourcingSummary Our Client is looking to send the NDA to each supplier before sending them RFPContent Hi, Our client has a requirement that they send NDA to all the suppliers an…
How to hide Sealed Response InformationSummary: There is a problem with the Sealed Responses. It is possible to query Sealed Responses and their reilated information even if the negotiation is active and clos…
Bulk Supplier Negotiation Creation for MigrationSummary: We have requirement for client to load 7000+ Negotiation as part of data Migration. Current Process to Load Negotiation through FBDI is Large Negotiation to be …
How to view 'Notice of Award' PDF ?Summary: We're implementing Sourcing for our client and we want to use the 'Notice of Award' PDF when awarding a Negotiation to a supplier. We've tried using the seeded …
At what level should sourcing rule be assigned in case of dropship scenarios?Summary: How to set up sourcing rule assignment for dropship scenarios - We cannot set up at item+Region level as there is a possibility that multiple BU will map to sam…
supplier not able to take action negotiation from supplier portalSummary: When supplier trying to take action on the negotiation he's not able to action on negotiation and getting below error. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Migrate custom objects/page created via application composerSummary Need steps to migrate custom objects/page created via application composer (in a sandboxContent Hi Everyone, We need steps to migrate custom objects/page created…
Manage project tasks and Manage Requirements in RFQ SectionSummary: Hi Oracle, Additional LOV in RFQ Section: Manage Project Task Manage Requirements These options have not been here before. What are these options for? It's not …
Target Date must restrict the team members not to take action after the target dateSummary: Hi, our requirement is that post target date , team members should not able to take action on the assigned tasks Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Get Negotiation Status using EL ExpressionHi. I have a request from the business area to show or hide the button to publish the RFQ according to some conditions. I did some research and didn't find any expressio…
Not able to create Supplier Response for Line Attributes using the Oracle Visual BuilderSummary: Hi, I am trying to create a Supplier Surrogate Response through Visual Builder. However, I am not able to get the Line Groups or the Line Attributes in the spre…
How/ Where is item, category, supplier, purchase requisition data maintained in sourcing and supplieSummary How/ Where is item, category, supplier, purchase requisition data maintained in sourcing and supplier qualification standalone implementationContent We are imple…
Standalone SourcingSummary Standalone SourcingContent Hi Everyone, We have a requirement from a client where they want to implement only Sourcing Module. So want to understand whether foll…
Error when generate purchase documents by award negotiationGood morning. We are having problems awarding RFQs with a medium volume of lines (around 1k lines). The award screen freezes, the purchase document is not generated, whe…
Invite supplier to attach large size (2 GB) documents in RFQSummary: In sourcing, the suppliers have to attach documents more than 2 GB in size while sending a response against RFP. The single attachment size is more than 2 GB. T…
Is it possible to prevent/disable duplicate negotiation feature?Hi team, Is it possible to prevent/disable duplicate negotiation feature? Thank you
Sourcing - Group SelectionGood afternoon people. I'm doing some tests with the functionality of grouping lines in the RFQ, I can create a group and add the lines I want within that group. I publi…
Award Negotiation ExportContent Hello, Can we edit Award By Spreadsheet. Is there any report for this? If yes, where we can find the data model for this export. Thanks, Nishanth
How to Update the Confirmation Message in Cancel, Close, Pause/Resume, Extend Negotiation?Summary: Manage Sourcing Lifecycle include the tasks - Cancel, Close, Pause/Resume and Extend Negotiation and a confirmation is getting displayed in which there is a wro…
How to make the email body of Awards and Requisitions approvals notifications show the currency codeSummary: How to make the email body of Awards and Requisitions approvals notifications show the currency code to make easier the approvals? Content (please ensure you ma…