Sourcing Programs
Discussion List
roles to provide for collabrator members to view and score assigned quotationsSummary: HI Team, Please let me know what roles needed to provide for collaborator members to view and access to score for assigned quotations. Content (please ensure yo…
How to delete a Supplier Qualification Question?Summary: While I Am trying to delete a Supplier Qualification Question, the delete option (X on the top) is greyed out. I do have Supplier Qualification role and adminis…
Automatically fetch Manufacture Part Number and Manufacture details from PIMSummary: Currently, we are able to fetch Manufacture Part Number and Manufacturer details from PIM on Supplier response screen on RFQ and on Standalone POs. We need to u…
Is there any API to disqualify supplier's response for negotiation?Summary: After supplier submit a response, buyer can disqualify the response in the fusion interface, but is there any api to do that? Content (please ensure you mask an…
How to delete PDF from the Negotiation notification emailSummary: Currently, in Negotiation notifications email, negotiation pdf is coming as an attachment. So, business want to remove that pdf from the negotiation notificatio…Koti Reddy Chintaguntla 65 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Koti Reddy Chintaguntla Sourcing
Title field on Negotiation to be made non Mandatory and HiddenSummary: Our client does not want to have Title on each RFQ they create. They are willing to search RFQ by the system number that is getting generated for each record. T…
Raise a purchase requisition each year on a negotiationSummary: How can I effectively raise a purchase request for 1 million while initiating negotiations for a three-year contract totaling 3 million, aligning with my annual…
BPA need to Auto approve if buyer change Communication methodHello Team, We have requirement to auto approve the BPA if Buyer change the BPA communication methods . It should not go to buyer managers. I have checked it in "Approva…
after Accept Invitation in email, why supplier still can view the notification in bell?Summary: after supplier Accept Invitation negotiation in email, why supplier still can view the notification in small bell in fusion system? Content (please ensure you m…
Need to hide the REQUIREMENT sections completely from the supplier; Should be visible only to usersWe have a got a business requirement to configure one section to not visible to Suppliers alone, business will use this section for internal communications (i know we ha…
Distribution Set I require it in the purchase orderCan you place the "Distribution Set" field on the purchase order so that it travels to the invoice? this with the purpose of not placing several accounting distribution …
How to update cost factor in the supplier response through API?Summary: We were trying to update the cost factor after receiving response from the supplier in negotiations through integration(calculated based on business matrix), bu…
Need to combine Rfx outcomes both SPO and CPO combined into one purchase order style.Summary: Currently we have Rfx outcome like SPO/CPO- But in Rfx creation stage user doesn’t know whether that rfx outcome related to SPO/CPO. So, business needs to combi…
how to make a two stage RFI.Summary: Our client needs RFI feature in two stages ( technical and commercial). They will publish the RFI with a list of suppliers and once its closed they will unlock …
Can I apply BPA when creating a PO?Summary: Can I apply BPA when creating a PO? Can BPA only be applied when creating PR? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a business…
Open RFQ should send Invite notification to all the suppliersSummary: Hi, I have a RFQ which is have Response Visibility 'Open'. Once I publish the RFQ it should send notificatio to all the suppliers Content (please ensure you mas…
how can we change complete award warning message for complete award in negotiation?Summary: IF we don't want to award any supplier, there will be a warning message "No Purchasing Document Will Be Created Because All Responses Were Rejected". How can we…
how to create consignment agreement from Negotiation outcomeSummary: Client Request it to create Negotiation with Outcome as "Consignment agreement." Please share the pointers to fix. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Create Role with access to Manage Attribute Lists and Manage Cost Factor Lists, read-onlySummary: required creates a Role with access to Manage Attribute Lists and Manage Cost Factor Lists, read-only What privileges should be removed for this? Content (pleas…
Do we have any Reports available in Negotiations Module with following details captured?Summary: We have a requirement to have a Report from Negotiations aspects with following details captured - 1. RFP number along with negotiation round details 2. No. of …
how to send award approval to PR requester's line manager?Summary: User wants to send award approval to PR requester's Line manager. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version yo…
Send reminders for RFI / RFQSummary Send reminders for RFI / RFQ to suppliersContent Would it be possible to send somehow reminders to the suppliers about outstanding RFI / RFQ's? We know we can se…
Edit Lookup value in NegotiationSummary: Hi , How can I change the lookup value relating to the TASK COMPLETION EVENT field ? In Attachment the screen: In the value list I would like to display only on…
New drop ship SO line needs to be added to the existing Dropship PO created.Summary: Use Case: Adding new line to the existing Dropship SO should add new PO line to the existing dropship PO. Behavior: When adding new line to the existing dropshi…MaheshSangareddikar 66 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Need to create Dropship PO with Source Document as QuotationSummary: Hi All, We have the below requirement to create Dropship PO with Source reference document as Quotation/Catalog Quotation. Expected Behavior: Once the Drop ship…
How to extend the negotiation scoring deadlineSummary: deadline for negotiation scoring got past date, how to extend or edit the scoring deadline Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
Require minimum number of supplier reponse before closing negotiaionSummary: Close negotiation after minimum of 3 responses for an Open Negotiation Content (required): Is there any Negotiation control in such a way that -for a Negotiatio…
Can we use Collaboration Messaging Framework to Communicate with supplier for negotiationSummary: Content (required): Communication with supplier & parties in Negotiation should user friendly Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code S…
Minimum quantity and Maximum Quantity in Negotiation Lines Import Column mapping requiredSummary: In FBDI Load for Negotiation Line Import Which field from Front end is mapped to Minimum Quantity and Maximum Quantity columns from the FBDI template shown belo…
How to automatically close CPA/BPA when master contract is expired.Summary: If a master contract linked with a CPA/BPA and master contract get expired, then CPA/BPA should automatically get expired. Content (required): Version (include …