White Paper
Discussion List
Sales Order pricing with External Pricing EngineSummary: We have 2 requirements for Manual Sales Order pricing 1) During manual sales order creation in OM, we need to get the real time pricing from External Pricing En…
Does a pricing strategy also work for the returns price list?Summary: We see 'Return price list' under 'Pricing strategy' in the UI but we could not find any details in Support documents Content (required): We see 'Return price li…
Derive price list based on the Order Date and Customer or Ship date and CustomerSummary: Customer X requested to Derive price list based on the Order Date and Customer Customer Y requested to derive price list based on requested ship date and Custom…
How to create Coupons for DiscountsSummary: We want to offer Coupons to offer discounts to the Customer Content (required): We need to offer Coupons to the customers via Coupon Codes. Once they bring that…
Pricing sales order through a third-party applicationContent We have a custom home-grown tool for pricing. We would like to understand the following if the design is to keep the pricing outside of Oracle ERP Cloud. If the …
GSA PricingSummary GSA price list for GSA customerContent We have created GSA price list. But how do i classify the customer has GSA customer. GSA price list should be applicable f…Dhasarathan Ranganathan-154776 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by arunkumar pemmanaboiyana-Oracle Pricing
How to give a discount according to ShipTo City of the customer?Summary: Do you have any documentation or do you how to give a price adjustment according to the ShipToCity of the customer ? I.e. Customer 1 is located in city A, Custo…
Customer Attributes for pricingContent Hi everyone, We need to introduce customer level attributes in pricing. the attributes are customer class on Customer Master and 1 DFF on customer master. e.g. I…
How to configure Manage Guidelines using supervisor and manager levels approval discountSummary: How to configure Manage Guidelines using supervisor and manager levels approval discount Content (required): The guideles under pricing modulo use markup porcen…
Pricing Segment and Pricing Strategy assignment not derive correctly during the order creationSummary: Pricing Segment and Pricing Strategy assignment not derive correctly during the order creation Content (required): We start to testing using the new fields to a…
How to create pricing list under Item Extended AttributesSummary: Customer use Item Extended Atribute for item clasification Content (required): How can to apply that clasification to pricing list, and calculate the sale price…
How to configure this scenario item level, customer level and Where customer buySummary: Need to configure in pricing for evaluate in 3 levels 1- first in the inventory item leves 2- them in the customer clasification 3- finally where area the custo…
We have requirement from Business to deriving 1000's Bill_To for the Pricing Strategy. We are usingSummary: Is there any Limitations for the Pricing Strategy to deriving 1000's Bill To Content (required): If any Limitations for the Pricing Strategy, please let us know…
Can we restrict Allow Manual Price Adjustments only to Specific roleSummary: Can we restrict Allow Manual Price Adjustments only to Specific role Content (required): Can we restrict Allow Manual Price Adjustments only to Specific role Ve…
Price override and adjustments are not working on sales order lineSummary Price override and adjustments are not working on sales order lineContent Price override and adjustments are not working on sales order line. Though I did a pric…
Recap of critical Ideas related to Vacation Rules / Delegation AbilitiesContent Vacation rules / Delegation Abilities impacts all workflow processes for Financials, HCM, SCM and other areas. I have recapped the key Ideas related to Delegatio…
Recap of Ideas related to Audit Policies and audit logging abilitiesContent Following is a list of over 40 Ideas related to Audit Policies that we and others have logged. Most of these are essential to have complete audit logs; what we w…
How to default Price list from Customer Ship To business Process - Price List as same as EBS R12Summary Currently we are in R12, migrating to cloud, in R12 price list is defaulting based on the Customer master ship to site price list attachedContent We have scenari…
Email Notifications for Pricing changeSummary Notifications while changing the PricingContent Hello Team, Would like to know how can we handle one of our req. where user is looking to receive the email notif…
How to limit price charges to only 2 decimal places in the Price listSummary In GL we set up currency precision to 2 decimal places, but in the pricing module selling price is showing up to 4 decimal points where as in order management pr…
*** How to waive Shipping charges based on Header level EFF value ***Summary Need to waive shipping charges based on sales order header EFF valueContent Hi, We have a requirement to waive shipping charges based on certain business rules. …
*** Can Customer Class ( account level ) be used to define attribute based discount rule to offer diSummary *** Can Customer Class ( account level ) be used to define attribute based discount rule to offer discounts by Category ***Content Hi, Is Customer Class a seeded…
Useful Documents to retrieve/call Item cost into pricingSummary Useful Documents to retrieve/call Item cost into pricingContent Hi, We have encountered a business requirement to defined the Item sale price based on the item u…
Pricing Recomended SolutionContent Dear, We are currently implementing pricing and my question is the following: The standard allows having a Pricing Strategy Assignment on an Account Level, never…
How to get QP_LIST_PRICE Charge Component alone Using Price Sales Transaction APISummary How to get QP_LIST_PRICE Charge Component alone Using Price Sales Transaction APIContent Hi Team, Below API takes more than 5 seconds to get result. Basically i …
Sales agreement getting an error - The pricing strategy was not determined for the current transactiSummary I am trying to use sales agreement in order management and I am getting an error at the moment of the contract creation.Content The pricing strategy error is hap…
Derive Pricing Segment based on Customer and Customer ship toSummary Derive Pricing Segment based on Customer and Customer ship toContent Our customer has different price for the same item based on customer-Customer ship to combin…