Discussion List
Corporate card conversion amount tolerance issue for Expense auditorCan anyone point to a conversion tolerance setup for corporate card transactions? We receive a conversion from bank files for corporate card transactions, and a minor ro…
Expenses AuditingHi Oracle Experts. I have a question regarding an issue with the Expenses Auditing module. I have an expense report selected for audit with the reason "Amount Over Thres…
can we assign expense reports to specific auditoris there a feature where we can assign the expense reports for auditing to a specific employee.
unable to view the Request more Information respond from a user to the AuditorSummary: unable to view the Request more Information respond from a user to the Auditor Auditor Request More Information to user. User received a RMI notification and re…
auditor can't see process expense reimbursements and cash advances processSummary: auditor can't see process expense reimbursements and cash advances job run by other users in oracle fusion, one user( whose Expense Auditor) ran process expense…
How to update the Expense template/BU name of corporate card transactionSummary: How to update the Expense template/BU name of corporate card transaction Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The employee was wrongly…
REST API or Webservice required to update expense template for corporate card transactionSummary: We need a REST API or web service to update the expense template for corporate card transactions. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Expense auditor is unable to edit expense report distributionHi, We were having an invoice (Expense claim) which was stuck in accounting due to multiple balancing companies in the expense lines. Claim was paid and imported into pa…
Deeplink to audit expense reports pageSummary: Hi, Can anyone provide me the deeplink to audit expense reports Page? Our requirement is to drill down through OTBI to the audit Page based on expense report nu…
Is it possible to add a comment by auditor to an expense report which has been audited and approved?Summary: We have some expense reports there has been approved both by Approver and Auditor. Now after the audit has been done, is it then possible to add a comment by th…
Ability for Expense Auditor to adjust conversion rate/amount increasingSummary: Hi, When an employee submits an expense report with a certain conversion rate, the auditor is only able to correct the conversion rate by decreasing it but is n…
Audit of Cash Advance and Auditor ApprovalSummary: I have created some Cash advance request and did the approval. Now it is showing Pending Auditor Approval. Where Can I approve and audit this Cash advance? Cont…
Can Expense and cash advance skip Auditor and move directly to Payable?Summary: Can Expense and cash advance skip Auditor and move directly to Payable not use the role of auditor?
Cash Advance Approval HistoryContent Hello All, Is there a way to see the previous approvers of an cash advance as an audit or any other way? We can see the expenses approval history from audit scre…
Auditor cannot see the description of the expense report unless they click and go inside the reportSummary: While auditing, Auditor has to click on expense line item, the account information will be displayed below the line. To see the description, auditor has to go i…
Issue in XML file generated from approved expense reportAn employee submitted an expense report, which was approved, and the approved expenses were automatically stored as XML in the UCM server. However, in the stored XML fil…
Expense Report Audit and Receipt Rule Assignments Start Date/End Date OverlapIn the expense report auditing configuration, Expense Report Audit Selection Rule section, a date range overlap has been created in error. Now it is not possible to reso…
What's the table for expense audit data?Summary: What's the table for expense audit data? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When Epense report is under auditing, what's the table f…
Is it possible to disable the Audit step for Cash Advances?Summary: Client doesn't want to do auditing for cash advances - approvals are enough Content (required): Whenever a cash advance is submitted for approval, by default th…
Under expenses, can we disable audit for a duplicate expenseSummary: We have disabled the audit rules. So currently when an expense report is submitted, it will not go to auditing but directly will be in the 'Ready for payment pr…
Requirement for creating a searchable dropdown field in Expense PageCurrently, while submitting the expense the "Templates" field lists all the templates for various business units. But we need addition of a new field called "Templates" …
Print Preview With Attachments ends in errorSummary: The Print Preview With Attachments option on the Audit Expense Report screen ends in error when the expense report has multiple attachments. In our example whic…
Tables related with process expense reimbursements and cash advancesSummary: We need to find the table that contain the description related to "EXPORT_REJECT_CODE" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When revie…
How to inactivate an expense policyHow to inactivate an expense policy to replace it for another one with different parameters. A new policy needs to be implemented but the existing one do not match the n…
Auditlist in expense. Is it possible to add a column whit the approval date?Summary: Often we have many expenses to audit in the Aditlist. Instead of sorting the expenses by the date for submitting we want to sort the list by approval date. Is i…
INVALID_VENDORSummary Expense report invoices rejected due to reason INVALID_VENDORContent Hi Team, I am unable to create invoices for expense report which are Approved and Audited, s…
Assign Expense Report to another auditorSummary: Assign Expense Report to another auditor, when auditor goes on leave not able to complete the Expense Report Auditing. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Can an Expense report dff be used to search by Auditors via Manage Expense ReportsWe wanted to put a list of values behind the Expense Report 'Purpose' field but it seems that is not possible and so have added 2 dff's. Is it possible for the auditors …
How can we Set Up a Mileage Expense Policy with fuel add onSummary: How can we Set Up a Mileage Expense Policy with fuel add on Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are …