Late Charges
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late chargeSummary: Currently we are flat 1.5% for all the customers as late charge%, But we want to charge high late charge only for two customers. In this case how this can be ac…
Create Late Charge Batch Generating Intrest Invoice from Last Run DateHi Team, While running Create Late Charge Batch Ess Job to create Intrest Invoices against overdue Transactions, we observe that Intrest Invoices are creating for the in…shashank.bhatnagar 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Late Charge calculation related tableSummary: What is Fusion table name where Oracle stores all late charge related calculations during each ‘Create Late Charges Batch’ run? For example (assuming Late Charg…
Late Charge Calculation on Converted Open AR TransactionsHi Team, Open AR Transactions were converted form EBS R12 to Oracle Cloud on 31st May for our client with same Transaction date & Payment Term Late Charges invoices till…shashank.bhatnagar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Late Charge Interest Calculation Formula Values Back end tableSummary: Late Charge Interest Calculation Formula Values(Simple, Flat rate, Compound) are not stored in any back end tables. All the Late Calculation Setup field values …Lakshmi Damarla 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Database package body ar_ess_wrapper_pkg requiredWe tried below query in Reports & Analytics but there is no output returned. Package Body we were not able to get from Reports & Analytics select TEXT from all_source wh…KavinKumar 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jan Bart van der Plaats Receivables & Collections
Late Charge: Greater of Minimum Charge or 2% per billing periodSummary: Late Charge calculation: Greater of Minimum Charge or 2% per billing period Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to charge Gre…
How can we achieve the following Late Charges calculation for the our business scenarioHow can we achieve the following Late Charges calculation for the our business scenario whereby for example: Invoice due on 15th July, customer has a 7days grace day per…Varun Vithalani 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mallik_D-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Adjustment Late Charge Receipt Application Missing Original AmountRequirement: The customer has a process to raise late charges (12%) for each late invoice after every 15 days. There is a requirement to track the late charges at every …Savir Bansal -Trinamix 52 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Savir Bansal -Trinamix Receivables & Collections
Create Late Charge Transactions Batch completing with error on Submit final processing.Create Late Charge Transactions Batch completing with error on Submit final processing if we make any changes on draft version. Error: Batch en error You must provide a …Hari Pinnaka 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Phil DeCoster - Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How Can we run Create Late Charge Batch process based on Completion of a Event (I.e. Period Close)?Hi Team, We wanted to create Late Charge invoice based on closing of AR Period. Please let us know if someone achieved this requirement to Run Create Late Charge Batch E…shashank.bhatnagar 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we manually calculate interest on late charges and also waive it off if required?We have a use case wherein the business wants to know: If Interest can be charged on late charges manually? Can Interest on the late charges be waived off if it is charg…Shivani Verma_999 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Payment terms due dates exclude Sunday's and holidaysSummary: Due to a legal requirement, late charges cannot be calculated if the invoice due date is on a Sunday or holiday. Therefore, we want to exclude Sundays and holid…
Exclude Disputed Transactions from the Calculation of Late Charge TransactionsHow to Exclude Disputed Transactions from the Calculation of Late Charge Transactions if Client if not using Collection Module? We've a requirement of excluding Disputed…shashank.bhatnagar 23 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Tejas Vaze-Oracle Receivables & Collections
SQL Select Query to Oracle SaaS TablesSummary Aside from OTBI, BIP or BI Analysis - is there another way to query-select SaaS Tables? Like an Oracle-provided Tool or 3rd Party ApplicationContent Hello, Aside…
How to restrict the submission of create late charge batches Ess Job .Summary: Hi Team, How can we restrict the submission of create late charge batches Ess Job . This should be accessible for specific users only. I have removed the privil…Akhilesh C 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How do you charge a late fee only once but continue to charge interest every month?Summary: How do you charge a late fee only once (the first month it is late) but continue to charge interest every month? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…Jennifer Tavino 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jennifer Tavino Receivables & Collections
Late Charge Invoice - Remit To AddressSummary: Create Late Charges Batch ESS job is creating Late Charge Invoice without Remit To Address populated. Current Remit To Address setup with Country & State = Defa…Abhishek.Kabra 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Late Charge Incorrect Calculation (Overdue days and Number of days used for Interest calculation)Summary: Late Charge Incorrect Calculation (Overdue days and Number of days used for Interest calculation doesn't match) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…brightstar 41 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Mandatory fields for Late ChargesSummary: We've been working with Late Charges, and we found that when we don't enable the Late Charges at Site level, the process doesn't work and the invoices are not p…cgallego 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Clarification on quantity and unit price for Late Charge TransactionSummary: We've enable Late Charge at the Customer Account Profiles and using Late charge Type as Invoice and creating Late Charge Transactions for Overdue Invoices and L…shashank.bhatnagar 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Late Charge - How to default Ship To Site on Late Charge InvoiceSummary: Create Late Charges Batch program is generating Late Charge Invoice will only Bill To Customer Name & Site details populated whereas the Customer account has bo…Abhishek.Kabra 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Not able to calculate late charge penalty on overdue amount.Summary Not able to calculate late charge penalty on overdue amount. System is calculating penalty on late charge interest amount only and not on the invoice overdue amo…Prachi Shah 42 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Richa Priya-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Late charges- Interest (10%), Fees(10%), Charges - flat $Summary: We have 3 elements in late charges- 1) Monthly interest - every month 10%p.a till the payment is made 2) Late fees - 10% on 31st day- one time charge 3) Admin C…Prachi Shah 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marius Neagu - Oracle Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Revenue Contingency on Payment not working for Late Charge InvoiceHello, Our requirement is to have revenue contingency for AR late charge invoices...that means unless customer pays the amount for late charge will be on un…
Are Late Charges allowed on Portugal Localization? (AR_POR_API_INVLD_TRXN_STATUS)Summary: While running "Create Late Charges Batch" process, why we're getting AR_POR_API_INVLD_TRXN_STATUS error?Jesús Vega-Oracle 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jesús Vega-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Want to calculate late charge from Invoice date or due date when it gets overdueSummary: If the transaction is created on Oct-23-2023 with payment term as Immediate then the due date is Oct-23-2023. However, if the payment is not received from custo…Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Autotrigger an invoice with BANK CHARGES amount after a payment is failed due to Non-Sufficient FundSummary: When a payment from customer is failed due to non-sufficient funds, the bank levies a charge on our client. Is it possible in Accounts Receivables to have an in…shivpathak 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to update Customer Account Late Charges Section using REST/SOAP Webservice in Oracle Cloud ERPSummary: How to update Customer Account Late Charges Section using REST/SOAP Webservice Content (required): How to update Customer Account Late Charges Section using RES…
Want to calculate late charge from Invoice date instead of due date when it gets overdueSummary: Once invoice gets overdue the late charge calculation is done from the invoice date, how can this be achieved as system starts calculation from due date? Conten…Sohail M.-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections