Discussion List
OGL Free use Limited to Oct-9th, 2025 (Need clarity on Free usage)Summary: Looking for Clarity on OGL free usage as mentioned free guide usage limited till oct-9,2025 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Subje…
pages not showing in EditorSummary: There are apps that appear in the normal view but when I got to OGL Edito view, I cannot see those pages. Do we need to do something to show those pages in OGL …
How can I configure a message by Oracle Guided Learning (OGL) to display only once?Summary: How can I configure a message within Oracle Guided Learning (OGL) to display only once preventing it from reappearing upon subsequent logins? Content (please en…Srijita 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Is there possibility to export / import OGL content meta data from one instance to another?Summary: We are just exploring OGL capabilities and one of the questions was how to move the contents between different OGL instances? We did see that there is an export…
Oracle Guided Learning Redwood content is availableLatest update as of January 2025 Total Redwood content available live in Oracle Guided Learning: 587 Updated Redwood estimated delivery OGL content timeline: You can now…
Trick to utilizing Hotspots? Are Certain Target elements more accurate?We are trying to implement some Hotspots for an upcoming go live of our Grow Platform and it seems to either over report or under report on the analytics. For example we…
Is possible to modify the text style and formatting of OGL Survey Questions?Summary: Hello Team, We would like to know if possible to modify the text style and formatting of OGL Survey Questions. Please, I would appreciate your input. Thank you,…
Trouble selecting target on pop-out page.Summary: I'm trying to target the Create Another and OK buttons on the pop out window for adding supplier contact information. I'm able to select the form fields and oth…
Can OGL halt a step or process based on whether or not a field has been filled/verified?We are in the process of building OGL assets. Currently, our vendor uses "validations" to halt a process until a particular field is filled in correctly. For example, a …
Pre built OGL guides for Non Fusion ApplicationsSummary: OGL guides/Use case for Non Fusion Applications Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Currently can see OGL guides/Use case for Fusion …
Is there any standard way to capture commitment in the project while raising maintenance WO.We want general guidance that is there any standard way to capture commitment in the project while raising maintenance WO. We raised SR 4-0000089613 and 4-0000139859 but…Sahanaj Rahaman 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Endated Course or Offering LearningRecord is already available in system.Endated Course or Offering LearningRecord is already available in system. Cannot create Offering LearningRecord with EffectiveStartDate provided.:
Process guide published in the OGL, But unable to open the process guide in the fusion applicationSummary: Created the process guide in the OGL, Published the process guide, But published process able view in the fusion application, Unable to open the process guide i…
How to select a specific word on a page as an element for an Oracle Guided Learning message?Summary: Need OGL message to show only for employees and not executives for a message on performance documents but the target element (which is the page title) is showin…
Raising an oracle SR to enable OGLSummary: Hello SMEs, Would like to seek your help, I am trying to raise an SR to enable the free OGL on our lower pods but I am not really sure as to the Service Type th…
How to Restrict a Process Guide or Message Guide to certain Users in Oracle Guided learningSummary: There is a Requirement where the Process Guides need to Visible to only Few users not all the Users Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Why are Offerings hidden now in the course structure?Summary: Why are Offerings hidden now in the course structure? I have to click "Search" to see the list of Offerings instead of them appearing automatically. Content (pl…
Can you activate an OGL message or beacon when a specific text appears?I trying to create an oracle guided learning message or beacon that only appears when the following pop occurs in in the time sheets area. Is there an condition that can…
Taleo search functionality.Hello Team, We need to understand regards Taleo search functionality. Is there way to export all searches details done so far with the search tab in taleo Regards, Bhask…
When previewing OGL in the editor, a loading icon appears instead of the OGL.Summary: When previewing all OGL in the editor, a loading icon appears instead of the OGL. I am using Chrome and have the extension for the editor. It is working for eve…
Course Publisher is not updated although the course owner is changed. How can I update this field?The course owner has been changed on a course. However, when a learner accesses the "View More Information" data. The original course owner's name appears as the publish…
User_name doesn't appear on the drop down in Advanced ConditionWe are creating a guide condition using an advanced condition and selecting Type: User, and subtype: Field. On the Name field, we are not getting the user_name value lik…Vijay Ramani VJ 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
OGL Widget missing post 24C upgradeSummary: We updated the AP ID and Host in the sandbox as well as checked CSP and the issue is still not resolved. Anyone else having the same error post 24C? Content (pl…
How do I know which guide (smart tip or beacon) is being used from the front end?How do I know which guide (smart tip or beacon) is being used from the front end? Is there a tool in the browser?
Is there Webpage for Oracle Images that I can reference to display the OGL widget in my tip?Summary: I'm going to configure my process guide to run automatically the first time a user enters the workspace, however I would like to tell the user they can find the…
How to track a Process Guide over a new tab/window?Summary: I am creating a Process Guide for approving Spend Authorizations. Our process is to approve from the BPM worklist. How can I get my Guide to continue onto the n…
Smart Tip - No Unique Identifier Between Absence Balance Page and LM Absence Balance PageSummary: Hello I'm trying to create a smart tip that only shows on the line managers absence balance page (Accessed via My Team > My Team > Select the Actions Button > A…
Disable ElementSummary: Hi Experts! We are trying to disable "Submit" Button if attachment is not available on the page, but the "Submit" button is always disabled and doesnt activate …
Interrogation mark for some list of values with Oracle GuidesSummary: Hide interrogation mark for some list of values with Oracle guides to perform the list of value setup. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Can custom fonts be imported into OGL for use in assets?As part of our organization's brand standards we are wondering if it's possible to import custom fonts into OGL for use on messages, process guides, etc?