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Required diagnostic logs to check when accruals ran for employeesSummary: Calculate accrulas and balances ran on 01/01/2024 for absence plans.But some employees accruals didn't credited for 2024.When we have checked balance calculatio…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
How to check who has done Created by and Last Updated by details for LeavesSummary: Flexileave balance adjusted for one employee.i want to know who adjusted balances on that dates. I have checked in 'About his Record' under view but not able to…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Data Security to view just people reporting to youSummary: We have Time Reviewer. I want to create a Role so they are able to view the time cards of only People who they are Time Reviewer. Can someone please tell me wha…
Calculate Accruals and Balances ESS Process Not Showing ParametersSummary: We have an admin account by which we use to schedule all the ESS process but from this account while we are trying to schedule the "Calculate Accruals and Balan…
How to create custom Role for viewing salaries and compensationHello, how to restrict viewing salaries and compensation details from all custom roles and create new one to be assigned for few employees only . Regards, Mahmoud
How to give Read Only Access on Person ManagementSummary: We have created a custom Benefits Manager role. The user can search for workers in Person Management but the shouldn't edit any information. Content (required):…Monika_Dubey 387 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by ManjunathaReddy Kommuri-Oracle Workforce Management
The values 20 aren't valid for the attribute PersonId.Hi I am getting the following error when trying to assigned the JOB roles for existing employees using the HCM Spreadsheet template: The values 20 aren't valid for the a…
Manager with multiple assignments viewing My TeamWe have managers with multiple assignments where each assignment has subordinate team members assigned. How can a manager view his/her entire team (all of the subordinat…
Role Delegation not working for Time and Labor - View Time CardsSummary: Timekeeper A have delegated the Time and Labor Admin role to Timekeeper B via Roles and Delegations, but when the proxy/Timekeeper B tried to search/view the em…Shannon Teves 101 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Divyalakshmi Krishnamoorthy Workforce Management
How can we remove formulas and rates, eligibility, time periods sections from absence administrationSummary: How can we remove formulas and rates, eligibility, time periods sections from absence administration for custom role. Content (please ensure you mask any confid…Devayani Kulkarni -Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Restrict Admin in updating Person management --> Employement updateswe have a requirement where one of the custom roles of HR administrator should not provision admin ability to update, correct, or delete employment records. My Client gr…
How to add transaction approval actions in the Custom build email notificationsSummary: We have custom escalation email notification created and we need to include the Approve/Reject action in the custom created notification. Is it possible to get …Siva Sankari N 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Delegation Notification to both Manager and DelegateSummary: We want that Delegate approval should go to both Manager and Delegate Person. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want that Delega…
how we can check the history of uploaded hdl after one monthSummary: I need to check the uploaded hdl history in data exchange. i was uploaded the hdl in October month but i need to check the ucmcontent id's but in data exchange …
Transaction Summary Page Approval HistorySummary: after update 23B, in the transaction Summary page, when accessing ongoing transactions, it only shows the next approver, before the update it used to show all a…
Viewing Time CardsSummary: Hi All, We had a requirement to create a custom role when assigned to an Employee, they could able to view the other workers details as well as should be able t…Sreeram V 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Pop up should come when manager is submitting the leaveSummary: When manager is submitting the leave pop should come before submiting like we are submitting your leave request. Do you want to continue. Content (please ensure…
Can we control tasks on My Team-> Action (button)Summary: Is there any we can control the task appearing on My Team-> Action (button) with respect to View By Position / Assignment? We want to hide some of the tasks fro…
duties/privileges access to Accruals & Enrollments and Adjustments linkSummary: Hi Team, Kindly request to share us what privileges or duties gives access to "Accruals" & "Enrollments and Adjustments" link?. we have given the below required…Yalluri Sreenivasa Reddy 51 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sjoerd Klijn Workforce Management
Issue in Reassigning the notification.Summary: Hi Expert, While we are reassigning the notification to other assignee, we can see assginee name twice with two different numbers, and they are not employee num…
Facing error while entering "NRIC or FIN"Summary: Hi Team, We are facing an error while entering "NRIC or FIN" number for Singapore, employee already has "NRIC or FIN" for Singapore, we are trying to add new ro…
Workflow for resignation.Summary: Hi Expert, How we achieve the below requirement. If employee "A" has Mr. B assigned as "Primary Manager" and Mr. C as "Secondary Manager" in the system then wor…
EL expression based on country and business unitSummary: EL expression based on country and business unit Content (required): Hi, I'm looking to hide a quick action based on country and business unit, please advise. B…
Getting Error when Proxy enters AbsenceSummary: We had a need for Staff Assistants to be able to Add Absences on their leader's record. Delegation does not work since it only gives access to the leader's empl…
Giving Access to normal users to access manage Calendar EventsSummary: i need to grant users access to manage calendar events without giving them new roles, is there a certain privilege to add to their current role to able to achei…
Absence Approval Delegations HelpSummary: Hello All, Currently we have the seeded approval flow, where the absence record routes to the manager. The manager has created a approval delegation rule using …
Anyone else seen a change with using vacation rules and now the screen is asking for a certificate?Summary: Cannot get to my rules tab as now it shows a certificate screen, which we know nothing about, and does not let you to the area where you can select a period and…
Priviliges.Summary: Hi team, I am not able to fine the talent Profile Priviliges under My Client Group / Person Managment/ Click on Task / under Personal and Employment we have tal…MDAK 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
HireRight Access in Workforce StructuresSummary: We have a manager that is requesting HireRight Access however, the issue is that we have a rule setup in Workforce structures to restrict anyone with the Hiring…K25655 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Employee assigned to custom role unable to view Availability CalendarSummary: Employee assigned to custom role unable to view Availability Calendar. Content (required): We have a requirement for custom role where the employee assigned to …