Report Delivery
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XMLP Server - Security & User AccessSummary Testing security and user access of XMLP ServerContent Hi All, We are looking to restructure our Reporting Catalogue for our HR users where they will use a dashb…User_2025-02-05-05-51-12-049 30 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Satyam Roy Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Is it possible to include Null values in BIP Report Parameter?I'd like to pull null values within my report. Is it possible to run the report with 'null value' parameter?
BIP Output file is not moving to FTP ServerSummary: BIP Output file is not moving to FTP Server Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! We have observed that the file SF…Parag Hiremath 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Parag Hiremath Reporting and Analytics for HCM
BIP: For Year Parameter, Set Default Value as Current Year and attach LOV (SQL Query LOV) to the YeaSummary BIP: For Year Parameter, Set Default Value as Current Year and attach LOV (SQL Query LOV) to the Year ParameterContent Hi, This is related to earlier post: https…
What Oracle IP address(es) should be provided to recipients of reports via SFTP delivery option?Summary: We need to provide IP addresses to an external third party so that they can whitelist them in order to successfully receive BI Publisher reports directly from O…BeachDreamer 196 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathleen Nguyen Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI bursting via agent for high volume email notifications inconsistent / sporadicSummary: Classic use case: Managers are receiving emails regarding outstanding actions. Of the 1132 expected emails, 1014 succeed. 118 emails still successfully send, bu…bwdata 64 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Can we change the View Profile link to navigate to Skills Center in the ProfileChangeNotification?Hi All, We have a requirement to open the link of the 'View Profile' option button from Connections to the Employee Skills Center page in the ProfileChangeNotification W…
Generate a count of employee self service requests for certain employee data fieldsSummary: Is there a way in OTBI to generate a count of the number of times an employee changed personal information data in self-service over a period of time? My unders…
How to Generate a Unique Reference Number for Each Report in Oracle Fusion HCMHello Oracle Community, We have a requirement to generate a unique reference number for each report generated in Oracle Fusion HCM, specifically for documents like lette…Harish Vummidi 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ishtiaque AHmed Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Hide Schedule and Job option from reportSummary: Hide Schedule and Job option from report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, does anyone know how to hide the followin…Oriana L. 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How can we create a distribution list in Oracle fusion Bi publisher?I need to share a custom report with multiple users through the following steps: Schedule → Output → Destination Does anyone have any idea about configuring a distributi…
Is it possible to find deleted checklist details?Summary: Is it possible to find deleted checklist details? Content (required): Hi All, For one employee, one check list has been assigned and deleted by someone. I verif…Venkatesan 55 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Girish Kushibi Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Does anyone know why running a BIP report from OIC produces different result vs. ESS?Summary: We created a BIP report to generate data in XML for a data integration, but some elements are getting dropped when it's run from OIC. Content (please ensure you…
Can we burst XPT templateSummary: We have an Report created with XPT template (Normal report creation). Can we use this template and burst the report in excel format? Content (please ensure you …
How to change 'TO' email address in workflow approval email notifications BIP TemplatesSummary: We have a requirement to change the "TO" email address when approving /rejecting workflow emails. We need to replace it with organization email address. Then it…Aditya Jena 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Venk Kudire- Support-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
Embed BI Publisher report without Fusion HeaderSummary: Hi - I am trying to embed a BI Publisher report into a page for our Learning admin to use but when I embed the report using the link provided within the catalog…
How to rename the Remote File Name, in order to display hour and minuteSummary: How to rename the Remote File Name, in order to display hour and minute Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we scheduled a BIP re…Barile Alberto 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Need to create a report on the bursting job history detailsHi, We have a job which triggers letter to employees. We need to create a report wo whom and all the letter is triggered from job history. Can you help me with the table…Shanmukhi 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Query to get Report run History in Fusion HCMSummary: Query to get Report run History in Fusion HCM Content (required): Hi All, Can we get the detail who all have run the BI report, is there any query available. He…Swati U 1.2K views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Punam Roy Karmokar-272206 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Some of reports when we try to download the report we are getting processing errorSummary: HI Team, Some of reports when we try to download the report we are getting processing error . Export>Data>CSV or Excel Content (please ensure you mask any confi…AjayKumar Maddipati 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by AjayKumar Maddipati Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Table names to get reported time and calculated time on time card for reportingHi, We need a timecard report comparing the reported time vs the calculated time. Can anyone please share table names to get reported time and calculated time on time ca…
OTBI Report Perfomance issue when I apply the 7 countries in promptSummary: Hi All, We have OTBI report but in report Perfomance issue when I apply the 7 countries only but if i apply one country working fine in prompt . needs all the d…AjayKumar Maddipati 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to get Consolidated output using Bursting data modelSummary: Hi Team, I'm creating a custom email notification for overdue learning in the learning module. For that, I have built a SQL query with bursting. When I schedule…
How to increase the specific BIP report's runtime or timeout limit?The Query Time Out that has been configured within the Data Model>Properties was set to 36000. However, during running the report, I'm still getting this kind of error: …
How long will the logging within the Audit Reports continue to show the historical data(old values)?Summary: Hi, We would like to know how long the data as retrieved via the Audit Reports is available to us. For the moment it seems as if we can insert any possible Date…
Display Person Images on BI ReportContent Hi All, Do you know how to display Employee's image on the BI Report? Images are stored as BLOB files, then how can we display them? Read on to know more details…Sricharan Monigari 105 views 10 comments 3 points Most recent by User_4H1FC Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Download PDF DashboardsSummary: Download PDF Dashboards Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we would like to download a dashboard as pdf but it seems …
Report dashboard prompt showing error - ACIOA5LNSummary: Report dashboard prompt showing error - ACIOA5LN Content (required): One of the working BI report which uses dashboard prompt, suddenly stopped working and show…
DFF - Character limitContent We currently have a flex field with a character limit of 160, it is proposed that this is increased to 1500. Will it be possible to still report in an OTBI analy…