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HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Discussion List
unable to load competencies due to QualifierId2Summary: I've tried to load Talent Profile Competencies multiple times, but no luck. First time around I tried with no QualifierId2/QualifierCode2 column and then second…
ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call aborted for HCM Data Loader Error Analysis ReportWhen we are adding one back dates absence entry for one employee through HDL, we are getting error as " ORA-56735: elapsed time limit exceeded - call aborted" for HCM Da…
Unable to Delete Education Profile Item using HDLSummary: We are trying to delete Education Entry from Employee's Skills and Qualifications using HDL HDL loaded successfully but data is not getting deleted. We are succ…
"The legal employer either isn't valid or doesn't exist" error while loading jobs in hdlHi, I am trying to load new jobs using HCM data loader, but I am getting the below error. The legal employer either isn't valid or doesn't exist. This is a sample of my …
Uncheck the Bulk Update Interest in Opportunity MarketplaceInternal employees for only Particular region supposed to be unchecked the Update interest in order to not receive Opportunity marketplace alert, when ever a new job has…
Planned Schedule Request HDL is read only and able to edit from UISummary: Hello, We have loaded planned schedules using HDL and data is loaded we are not able to edit the shifts from UI either from manger or admin role. Can someone he…
Job Requisition HDL keeps giving me errorsSummary: Job Requisition HDL keeps giving me errors regarding the Requisition number, Published job ID, legal employer ID, ..etc. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
HDL eliminar supervisior en posiciónSummary: buenos dias, se requiere eliminar los datos existentes en el campo de manager (supervisor) en posiciones, para esto requiero una plantilla HDL que me permita de…Yudy Vanessa Sandoval Arango 25 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Yudy Vanessa Sandoval Arango
Benefit Plan Option CorrectionSummary: I enrolled an employee in 'Kaiser Permanente California Medical' with the option 'Employee Only' effective 2025/01/01 using HDL. On the same day, the employee d…
The action reason is invalidSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Goals transfer from Old assignment number to New Assignment with HDLHello, Rehiring was done for an employee. Performance documents and performance goals in the inactive assignment record must be transferred to the new active assignment …
HDL to update / create Cost Centre Managers (PER_GL_COST_CENTER_INFO)A customer I support has approximately 1,500 Cost Centre Managers defined across 4 different Departments. I can see that using this SQL: -- cost centre count per departm…
Need sample HDL file to load US City Calculation cardsSummary: Need sample HDL file to load US City Calculation cards Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to load US City tax …
Is removing failed lines and reuploading necessary? (HCM Data Loader)If there are failed objects when attempting an upload, do the failed lines need to be removed and the file re-uploaded? Or are the other 'good' lines uploaded? In the sc…
Is anyone struggling with assignments data conversionWe have been given an assignments data conversion template by our consultants that has approximately 70 columns and we have 40K lines of data. We are finding this size d…
Update Accrual plan via HDL not workingSummary: We successfully uploaded an HDL making changes for "EH PTO" using the following template, however the changes for plan "EH VACATION" are not completing to succe…
HDL file to update Benefits and Pensions Calculation card that has a Card Association also createdSummary: Need an HDL file that updates the Enterable Calculation Value on a previously created Benefits and Pensions Calculation Card, this Card also has the Card Associ…
HDL to load person name stylesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
HDL Dat File: JobSummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Jobs Content Description The attached dat file provide examples of loading job with valid grades, evaluation criteria an…
The file isn't a compressed archive file and can't be read ErrorSummary: The file isn't a compressed archive file and can't be read Error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Greetings! We are sudden…
work relationshipSummary: Unable to set a work relationship as primary in the UI or with the below HDL snippet Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The HDL runs…
Unable to load seniority date with HDLSummary: Hello, I am trying to update the seniority given to system with HDL but oracle gives me this error: METADATA|SeniorityDate|SeniorityDateCode|PersonNumber|EntryD…
Potential Life Events - HDL loadHi All, I am attempting to load benefit life events in a processed state. We are receiving benefit life events from Workday, and these need to be loaded into Oracle. Whi…
Need inputs to load multiple absence adjustments in a single day for an employeeSummary: Need inputs to load multiple absence adjustments in a single day for an employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are able to l…
Convert excel in PDF through Document Record HDLSummary: We need to load a PDF in Person Document Record, but the file comes in Excel. Is there a way to convert from Excel to PDF in the Document Record HDL? Version (i…
24D - Redwood Experience is not available for Import and Load Data (HDL) pageHello, We have enabled and currently exploring the Redwood experience for HDL, but it seems, for importing/loading a local zip file through HDL, we still need to use the…
HDL To Mark Complete Learn Assignment Records on the CourseSummary: HDL To Mark Complete Learn Assignment Records on the Course Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Oracle Learning Specialists, Do…
Entry Type for this element entry is invalid because it doesn't exist in the Pay Entry Type lookupSummary: The entry type ({ENTRY_TYPE}) for this element entry is invalid because it doesn't exist in the Pay Entry Type lookup Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Upload Talent Ratings Via HDL or HSDL during Conduct Talent Review MeetingIs it possible to Upload Talent Ratings Via HDL or HSDL during Conduct Talent Review Meeting.
Is there is way to have HDL template to upload Special project in the skills and qualification pageSummary: We need the experts' ideas and support regarding the Special project-related details, which need to be uploaded in bulk in the skills and qualification field un…