Discussion List
Smart View - Cell Styles Not Retained After Restarting ExcelSummary: Cell Styles Not Retained After Restarting Excel Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello! We are facing an issue in Smart View where…
Script error window pops up with "Object doesn't support property or method 'values'"Summary: My Smart View version is 23.210 and Browser Emulation Mode 11001. On 10 March 2025, I am unable to open reports using Smart View. When the report is open from t…
Zoom In Bottom Level Freezes ExcelSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In our relationship dimension, we have approximately 7518 members. They are currently organized i…
Smartlist not working in SmartViewHello, I have a smartlist and on the web, users can use it normally, but when the form is opened by SmartView, when clicking on the smartlist it only shows three dots (.…
Error when performing Predictive Planning in Smart ViewAs shown in the attached document, I get an error when I run predictive planning in Smart View. What can I do to avoid the error? The error message is as follows Splitte…
Smartview Error: "The data entered is wrong, so it will revert to the previous value"Content I am constantly getting the Smartview Error "The data entered is wrong, so it will revert to the previous value". The only way to fix it is to press the "OK" but…
Smart View for Google SheetsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there any impact to turning on the Smart View for Google Sheets option? How different is it to…
Solutions to errors that occur during drill-through in Smart View① In Smart View, select a cell with a value, right-click, and select "Drill-through". ② From the drill-through web screen, select "Sorce-Amount" for the end account (N21…
Is there any impact to EPM when customer removes Java 7?Summary: Due to Java 7 security concerns, customer's IT is removing Java 7 from laptops of users who use EPM Gateway solution and Smart View. The question is: can we con…
Suppress missing blocksSummary: Attribute dimension member is having data, but when we retrieve data it does not show when we have checked suppress missing block option. When we uncheck suppre…
SmartView Grid not Displaying Data when Copying a Sheet or POV to new tabHello Everyone - I am noticing an issue with SmartView when copying an ad-hoc query or POV to a new excel tab. It appears I can connect to the DB, but no data is returne…
Need a way to set Date Value in a Flex Form with an After Load Groovy RuleSummary: Hi, We are designing a Flex Form that displays in SmartView the current value of a Date field, taken from a different POV. To do so, we implemented a groovy rul…
Smartview Add Comments is Spinning for Some Users in Remote DesktopHello Oracle Community, We are facing an issue with Smartview where the Add Comments feature is spinning indefinitely for some users, specifically those working in a Rem…
SmartView for Google SheetSummary: When setting up the SmartView for Google Sheets , following the below mentioned doc…
Where do the User Preference - Ad Hoc Options have an impact in the Planning application?Summary: In the User Preferences section, under the Ad Hoc Options, there are several settings like Zoom, Alias, Suppression, etc. However, I couldn't find where these s…
Validation Rules not working on forms in Smart ViewSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When creating a validation rule on a form and selecting cell styles in Smart View (default), the …
REPORT: In smartview when we Open a "fully formatted Reports" it opens into a new worksheetSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all How can we avoid that when we open a REPORT: In smartview as "fully formatted Reports" it …
Smart view(24.2) native to standard in Planning applicationSummary: We have the below year dimension hier in planning application, alias given in the bracket. Year FY23 (2023) FY24 (2024) When switched from native the standard, …
When is the next 2025 version of SmartView planned to be released?Summary: We are working with our very controlling IT department to upgrade our SmartView from 21.200 to the newest version. Before we do, we were curious if there are pl…
Query on Management Reports in PBCSSummary: Hello , There are a couple of projects that we are working on and was hoping that you could give us guidance . Is there a way to refresh an MR report in excel, …
Hide Business Rule/Smartview connection for one of the cube in an EPBCS application for all usersSummary: We would like to hide business rules from one of the cube in an EPBCS application to the users from the rules card from the application (Should be hidden for se…
SmartView Google Workspace - "Company Sign In" connectionSummary: We successfully installed SmartView in Google Workspace, but when selecting the "Company Sign In" connection, filling out all fields, and entering the access co…LeonardoMunoz 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Al Marciante-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
New feature Smart View Add-on was not found in google workspace marketplaceSummary: Hi All, In June 2024 Oracle EPM Monthly updates, New feature on Smart View Add-on with the option Google Sheets was released to enable the support for the Smart…
PBCS and SV: Zoom in, duplicates members on the latest version of PBCSContent Hi there all We have noticed that under the latest patch of PBCS, when zoom-in in SV dimension, the display of the members are duplicated. We realised that if we…
ASO drill down duplicates members in Smart ViewSummary Drill down to bottom level on an ASO cube in Smart View returns duplicate membersContent Dear all, We are facing a situation where a Smat View drill down to bott…
Use Different Data Storage Types for Metadata in Different CubesWe have two cubes that use time differently. One uses months as the most basic level, whereas another cube breaks months down into weeks, so the data storage type used f…
Ad Hoc Grid Action Menu - Forms not opening?Summary: With the new "Enable Action Menu for Ad Hoc Grid" feature introduced in the December update, I am struggling to get this to work for forms. When I set up an Act…
Smartview Report HsgetValue to retain data when it is openedSummary: Smartview Report HsgetValue to retain data when it is opened by the user who does not have Oracle connection Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
What determines POV dimension order in a Smart View ad hoc grid for a Freeform ASO cubeWe have an ASO cube in a Freeform Planning EPM business process, 14 dims incl. Scenario, Version, Year, Period and Entity dimensions. The order that POV dimensions first…
Smartview cell Blank in Ad hocSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all We have an installation of SV 24.100 with Office 2019 on Windows 11 where the cells are bl…