BI Publisher
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Need table where Learning Outcome Details are storedSummary Need table where Learning Outcome Details are storedContent Hi, I am trying to find out the table where Learning Outcomes are stored but could not succeed. Can y…
How to create an OTBI report to pull information on learning assignment deleted date?Summary: How to create an OTBI report ( or what are the subject areas ) that helps to pull information regarding learning assignment deleted date? As part of 24 C New fe…
Tables to fetch activity evaluation detailsHi Team, I am trying to fetch activity evaluation details in BIP report , please let me know which table I should be looking into. Navigation: Learning > Courses > Offer…
Unique Learner Record - Learning Records Real TimeSummary: I am needing to produce results that provide a unique set of learner records for each training title in the analysis. I need the formula to produce the record t…
SQL to retrieve all learner records with community and course taken detailsHi, How to generate a report with all learner learning records along with their course taken details and the associated Category Community and Topic Community? I am unab…
How to Fetch Data from SCORM Assessments in Oracle Fusion HCMHi, I am working on a report in Oracle Fusion HCM where I need to fetch data related to SCORM assessments. Specifically, I want to retrieve information such as patterns …
Need an SQL Query to get the questions in learning module evaluation section shown in image?Navigation in user login:- Me→ Learning→ select any completed course→in default section select evaluation and click on review attempt We can see the questions in above n…
Extract Completion Type of Learning Evaluation activity in an offeringSummary: We're trying to report on the COMPLETION_TYPE (Required or Optional) of all activities in an offering. We've made use of WLF_LI_ACTIVITIES_F table to query the …
How to generate .ics file using BIP report?Summary: We are trying to generate an ics file and want to send it to the learner's email for their assigned activity Content (required): Version (include the version yo…
How to add ICS file in custom alert/notification?Summary: How to add an ICS file in a custom alert/notification? We have created a BI Publisher report for customized notifications in which we are using RTF templates. C…
Report to extract all Dynamic Group/Analysis Criteria and the filters applied to it.Summary: We have Dynamic Group/Analysis Criteria created in Oracle Learning. Is there a report we can use to extract all Dynamic Group/Analysis Criteria and the filters …
Learning Sql to fetch Analysis Report CriteriaIs it possible to fetch Analysis Report Criteria name associated to course. I have found the table(WLF_BI_ANALYSIS_DESTINATIONS) which stores the Analysis Report Criteri…
IP address when an employee completes a courseSummary: Please let us know if there is a way to capture the IP address when an employee completes a course or any where in table the IP address is captured when employe…
Report to extract initiatives associated to Learning ItemsHello all, We're trying to create a report which should extract for each learning item (specialization, course, offer etc) the initiative(s) created and its status (acti…
sql to get learner pass fail status along with course completionHello, Does any one know which table stores the Learner course completion status (complete/not complete) along with pass/fail status? @Sricharan Monigari @MandeepGupta @…
1Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Descriptive flexfield WLF_LEARNING_REQUEST_DFFHi to all, We have created descriptive flexfield fields on the WLF_LEARNING_REQUEST_DFF code, in which BI table are they contained? Thank You Claudio
Table name to join course with competency/skill/certification details direclySummary: Hi Team, I have one requirement where we need to fetch course wise skill/competency/certification details. Please help to apply direct join to the skill/compete…
Alert statistics and execution details ReportHi, We've a requirement to list how the OLC alerts are executed everyday and how many associates are getting notifications etc. Can you please suggest if it can be achie…
How to remove the 'price' field from the overview of the course details?Hi everyone, I need to remove the 'price' field from the overview of the course details because the employee should not be able to see it (see the attachment). It is pos…
Report course. where we receive reports without information about who made them?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): regarding the reporting functionality in courses, where we receive reports without information ab…
Learning Certificates of Completion are not available when setting catalog defaultsHello, I've configured the Completion Certificates in BI Publisher, and they're in their respective folders in OTBI. When I go to add the completion certificates to the …
How to add SQL query in where statement for creating parameters and the list of valuesSummary: Hi I need to create parameter for country can anyone help me how to write the line in where statement and list of values , Select PAPF.PERSON_NUMBER, per_extrac…
Extracting the "Write to person profile on completion" of a course "Skills and Qualifications" pageSummary: Hi We are currently trying to determine te perimeter of the courses that do not have correctly set the flag option "Write to person profile on completion" due t…
Report a Course - Comment Attribute within OTBISummary: When a learner goes into learn and reports a learning item, a report is generated in OTBI and sent out to the recipients. This report does not include the comme…
Change format date for Completion Course Certificate templateSummary: Hello all, We're modifying the data template for the Completion Certificate Course using BI Publisher. We need to change "COMPLATION DATE" data format. Analyzin…
Table for Global access group CriteriaSummary Table for Global access group Criteria and selection methodContent Table for Learning initiatives CriteriaHi Everyone can anyone help me in the table name that c…
How to report on communities linked to courses with BIP?Summary: How to report on communities linked to courses using BIP? Content (required): We try to report on our course catalog and want to know to which communities they …
We are trying to add hyperlink of report in Collection DashboardSummary: We are trying to add hyperlink of report in Collection Dashboard but in collection dashboard 'Add Content' is not visible, but the option is available in AP are…
Insert a DFF in a completion certificate and create a functionSummary: Hello all, I'm modifying a completion certificate using BI Publisher. We need to change an information in the certificate if the course's certificate has a DFF …