Requisition Processing
Discussion List
Goods Received not invoiced reportSummary: Hi, I trying to find the GRNI (goods received not invoiced) report in Oracle Fusion. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…
We would like to make charge account read only for certain users based on roles using Visual BuilderSummary: For that we would like to use visual builder instead of Page composer but we don't know if that is possible and how to do it. Could you advise? Content (please …
Quantity lockin based contracts ?Summary: Quantity lockin based contracts ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi community I have a scenario where the quantity of a particul…
Manual Expense based receiving in interorganizational transfer through internal requisitionDear Community I am making an internal requisition within the same inventory organization, scheduling pick wave and confirming ship but the item is auto received, no rec…
How to restrict PO receiving to requester onlySummary: Current client is having three levels of receiving (Receiving, Inspect, Final Receiving) for PO which is open for everyone have the role. For "Receiving" it's o…
How mass close purchase requisitions in Fusion?Hi Could someone please confirm if it is possible to mass close purchase requisitions in Fusion? If yes, could you also explain how to do it? Regards, Harsh
How to keep the PR Description Blank and editableSummary: When we enter new requisition or create PR. Requisition header description by default take first line description. How we can make header description bank and e…
Exploring move from single bin pars to 2-bin parsSummary Looking for ideas, lessons learned regarding implementing 2-bin parsContent Our hospital currently has 200+ single bin par locations throughout the organization,…Pattianne Belitz-Children's Hosp Omaha 87 views 15 comments 1 point Most recent by Boying Inventory Management
What happen when an item is Min Max Planning enabled and planner is assigned and planner is on leaveSummary: In case of planner is absence what will happen to the Requisitions generated in that name of that planner? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Can a Purchase Requisition auto generate more than one Transfer Order according to a certain rule?Summary: Can a Purchase Requisition auto generate more than one Transfer Order according to a certain rule? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
List of new features available in RSSP For 24C,24D,25A,25B and 25CSummary: Please provide us the list of new features available in RSSP For 24C,24D,25A,25B and 25C Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
To use this flow "Internal requisition to Transfer order", what are the modules license required?Summary: Hi Team, To use this flow "Internal requisition to Transfer order", what are the modules license required? Is SSP (Self Service Procurement) and Inventory licen…PAWAN WALKE-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PAWAN WALKE-Oracle Inventory Management
Impact of changing BU to shared service BUSummary: Can we change any existing BU to shared service BU in the later stage of implementation. Is there any impact of doing these changes. Content (please ensure you …
Split transfer order within categoriesSummary: Dear all, i'm writing because i wanted to know if is possible to select a rule for splitting the transfer orders that are generated from requisitions? I'm enter…Lorenzo Cicognani 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Inventory Management
Automatic goods receiptSummary Ability to create receipts automaticallyContent Hello all, Is there an option to have the receipts created automatically once the PO are generated for 1 BU? Than…Joëlle Mpinganzima-136698 40 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_EU2FL Inventory Management
Can you create purchase Orders after contract purchase agreement is expiredSummary: Can you create purchase Orders after contract purchase agreement is expired Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the …
Is there a possibility of Automatically scheduling pickwave as per item picked from a category nameSummary: We have a requirement for Internal Requisition (Internal Material Transfer) where we want certain items from a specific category to automatically schedule the p…
How can we create PO's with on one Expense PRSummary: Suppose i raised a Expense PR of 2 million, how can i make 2 PO's of 1 million each to send it to different suppliers. Is it possible by enbling any profile opt…
Transfer Order is Interfaced to Shipping when we enter the Project details on IRSummary: Transfer Order is Interfaced to Shipping when we enter the Project details on IR. We have created the Enrichment rule to interface the transfer orders from Self…
How to allow Receipt of Segment Value but not Place RequisitionSummary: Client has requirement to enforce Cost Center security. This restricts users from using Cost Centers outside of their department. Although, Central Office would…
How can we default a requester in PR for Min-Max planned automated PR's?Summary: When a PR is automatically created after running the Mix Max planning, how can we default a requester so that all PR's are routed to him for editing. Content (p…
Does a user require any specific privilege to delegate Requisition document to other user?Summary: Suppose there is a user A. When we log in with user A and try to search for other users to delegate the requisition document, those users do not appear in the s…Pragyanand Das-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Inventory Management
Internal Requisition Line with Information "This line was returned by the buyer."Summary: In internal requisitions, some of the lines have the Returned status and the message "This line was returned by the buyer.", despite there being no action from …Thiago de Carvalho 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RANGANATHAN V-Oracle Inventory Management
Purchase requistion becomes returend by applicationSummary: Purchase requsition after approval, becomes with returned status automatic, what is the reasons not to generate transfer orders ? Content (please ensure you mas…
Item revision cant be selected in PO line levelHi, Multiple requisitions are created and when we converting single requisition line manually I have option to select the item revision in PO line level. Similarly when …
Receipt FBDI failing for SSP receiptsSummary You must set up receiving options for the inventory organization {ORGANIZATION}.Content I am getting error while creating receipts FBDI, but I was able to receiv…
Can sales / transfer order be converted directly to purchase requisition?The goods backordered at transfer order level have to enter individually into purchase requisition to initiate procurement process. Is there any provision of creating pu…
Unable to Receive the goods using Responsive Self Service Receiving.Summary: Content (required): We are using the Responsive receipt page. We have the roles with the below privileges in addition to regular create receipt Manage Receipt f…
We have a requirement to understand how the receipting of a PO Receipt was done. Is it possible?Summary: We have a requirement to check whether the receipting of a particular PO Receipt was done via email or from log into Fusion. Is this possible? Also, we have fou…
Ensure that when delivering a partial quantity from inventory, the transfer order remains open?Summary: How to ensure that when delivering a partial quantity from inventory, the transfer order remains open instead of closed, allowing for completion at a later time…