Discussion List
How can I make images in my application Cacheable ? The Cache_Control header is always no-cache.Summary: I want to make images in my application cacheable on the browser. The Cache_Control header of all the resources is no-cache. How can I change it? Content (requi…Karim Nashaat-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
How To Provide "Redirect-URL" after logout action ?Summary: Unable to Login to same application after Logout action. Content (required): The logout button in my application(status:live) triggers an action chain that call…
How to export data into word document using VBCSSummary: I've a requirement where I've to export the data of a SDP/ADP into a word document in the structure of table, Could someone please help me in achieving this in …
Application Extension - Service Connection AuthenticationSummary: Hi experts. Application Extension provides one security authentication - Oracle Cloud Account Content (required): Oracle Apex ORDS uses Basic Authentication and…
VBAFE-00105 error in Visual Builder Excel Add-In when using Common APIs in Oracle Apps CloudSummary Getting an error when using REST APIs for Common Features in Oracle Applications CloudContent Hello I'm trying to use Visual Builder Add-In for Oracle ERP Cloud …
Secure "Dynamic" HeadersSummary: Content (required): We came across a sample application by Oracle : The use case i…
how to pass a value to one application to another application using url parameter in oracle vbcs ???Summary: Content (required): Hi All, I have an requirement in my project, i have to pass a value from one application to another application. we tried for this using url…
Updating Fields in form layoutSummary: Hi Experts, Based on some requirement I created a form layout in which some fields are read only some are editable . I fetch the data for Form layout using get …
How to add a blank row in a table on click of a buttonSummary: Hi to add a blank row row on click of a button and store it into an ADP Variable Content (required): Hi Expert, I have below requirement Add a blank row in a ta…
I want the user to enter only tasks related to him/her?Summary: I want the user to enter only tasks related to him/her? Content (required): I am building applications to add tasks to users. and I want each user to enter only…
How to do multiple filed filter for the table data from ADP type?Content Hi Team, I consuming report data and return list of values in array format. then i show that data into table format using ADP Type.
invoke soap service example ExternalReportWSSService?wsdl operation : runreport()Summary: invoke soap service example ExternalReportWSSService?wsdl operation : runreport() Content (required): how can I invoke soap service (for example the service: th…
How to Assign response of an API to an ADP VariableSummary: How to Assign response of an API to an ADP Variable Content (required): Hi Expert, Can anyone share the complete step to assigning response of an API to ADP var…
Authorization Failed while Invoking Process in Fusion Embedded VBCS PageSummary: I am using "Cloud Cloud Account" as authentication for the backends in my VBCS app and our SaaS and OIC are on SSO (IDCS). Content (required): The page appears …
visual Builder Integration Points with SaaS applicationsSummary: Is there any document or tutorial that outline integration points/uses between VB and SaaS Applications example where could use VB applications inside SaaS? is …
Visual Builder Add-in for Excel Support for 64-bit ExcelSummary: Hi All, Does 'Visual Builder Add-in for Excel' support MS 365 MSO 64-bit Excel.? I have downloaded vbafe-installer-current-user.msi from VB builder application …
How to access value of child table attribute in an actionchainSummary: How to access value of child table attribute in an actionchain Content (required): I have a table based on emp BO, in which deptno, deptname from dept BO and em…
How to use App1 Business Objects in App2Summary: How to use App1 Business Objects in App2 Content (required): For example we have two applications like App1 and App2. How to use App1's Business Objects in App2…
How to show Process Approval History on VBCS pageSummary: How to show Process Approval History on VBCS page Content (required): I have a use case, I need to integrate PCS and VBCS application we can acheive this but we…
Can we call App1 flow from App2Summary: Can we call App1 flow/ page from App2 Content (required): For example we have two applications like App1 and App2. Can we call App1 flow/ page from App2 at butt…
How to use finder uriParam of a Business Object in Oracle VBCSSummary: How to use finder uriParam of a Business Object in Oracle VBCS? Content (required): We have a finder uriParam against each business object. How can we use this.…
How to export Data in multiple sheets ?Summary: The requirement is to export data of two different tables in two sheets of a same excel file. Content (required): I am using an oj-sample-export-data component …Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 131 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vishal Singh Rajpurohit Visual Builder
How to set Q param or FilterCriterion param on Master business objectSummary: How to set Q param or FilterCriterion param on Master business object? Content (required): I have a usecase: For example we have 2 businees object. One is Emplo…
Adding a new calculated value in the table.Summary: I have created a service connection and using that Data have created a table with 3-4 columns (Incl. Price column). Now I need to add a new column in that table…
Transform - REST API - Service ConnectionSummary: Hello, We created a custom transform file by selecting the filter function. Content (required): We are calling the value set API /fscmRestApi/resources/11.13.18…
Excel Spread Sheet with LOV values in VBCSSummary: Hi Team, We have a below requirement in VBCS. Download button to download an excel sheet with predefined LOV values and entire the required data and upload it t…
How to apply TextFiltering in SDP Variable ?Summary: I have a select one component which displays list of Supplier Number. When I type in the number in box , the filtering works fine when I bind the ADP variable t…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 81 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Service connection not working after vb-deploy grunt commandSummary: Content (required): We are using grunt commands to build and deploy vb application as per the doc While the application is getting deployed and staged successfu…
How to configurable delay in search for a Type Ahead Search Component?Summary: I have a Search Component that shows suggestions to the user as he types. I want to add a delay to the service call. Content (required): Currently, I am using r…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Preetham Kumar-Oracle Visual Builder
How to get the URL of application from where the VBCS page has been openedSummary: We have created a web page with VBCS and we have added this in Fusion cloud navigation menu, when user clicks on the icon it will open VBCS web page in a new br…