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How to load large volume of CSV file to VBCS business object using OICSummary How to load large volume of CSV file to VBCS business object using OICContent I am developing inbound interface in OIC. I am going to get large volume of CSV fil…
Connectivity issue between SOACS and Pluggable DatabaseSummary We receive Resource Dead Exception for the Datasource that we use to connect PDB from SOACSContent Hi Team, We are connecting to Pluggable Database from SOACS. R…
Invoice Extraction using EBSSummary What are the ways Invoice can be extracted using EBS in OICContent What are the ways Invoice can be extracted using EBS in OIC. i know using Business event is an…
Read File in Segments to REST Service insert to ATP databaseSummary Read File in Segments to REST Service insert to database results in all rows written in each segment readContent I have a very large file to import to my integra…
Perform On Table - Select operation is not working as expectedSummary Perform On Table - Select operation is not working as expectedContent Hi , I am trying to fetch data from two tables. I am doing it with "Perform operation on ta…
What's the difference of "For Each" action and adding for-each during mappingContent Hi experts, In integration we are reading one file which has multiple lines, after that we want to call a DB procedure for each line(line value as input paramete…
Oracle DBaaS Adopter to ATP Adopter MigrationSummary Oracle DBaaS Adopter to ATP Adopter MigrationContent Hi All, We are in the process of Upgrading the Classic Database to ATP Cloud Service. In this DB, we have an…
Using Integration Service with Azure and AwsSummary Connectivity with Azure and AWS with Oracle Integration CloudContent My customer is interested to Integration Service. They are considering to implement datalake…
Remove trailing zerosSummary Remove trailing zeros of numberContent Hi, I have my input text as 0000001780936400. I should remove leading and trailing zeros in the number and the result shou…
How to load overtime information into Oracle HCM?Summary How to load overtime information into Oracle HCM?Content Hi Everyone, I have a requirement to load overtime information of an employee from a 3rd party system to…
Error Creating Connection for Oracle DBCSContent Hi All, Can you please guide me how to create a connection for Oracle Database Connection with DBCS. PFA Screenshot of the details entered while creating connect…
Accessing Integration User Name in OrchestartionSummary Logged in user infromationContent Hi, Use Case: In ad-hoc run of scheduled integration I am populating a Database table and I also want to populate the username …Digvijay Chauhan-163068 33 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Digvijay Chauhan-163068 Integration
OIC Agent Installation - UnknownHostException from DbaaS serverSummary OIC Agent Installation - UnknownHostException from DbaaS serverContent We had followed…
IntegrationContent I have to update the a staging table with the values from the input file. I have to run the following query in AIC. UPDATE staging_table SET active_flag = :activ…
OIC Timeout connecting to Database on CloudSummary OIC Timeout connecting to Database on CloudContent Hi All, I have heard new DB adapter is being rolled out that won't need an agent to be installed on Cloud DB, …Digvijay Chauhan-163068 21 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Digvijay Chauhan-163068 Integration
Integration ApporachContent Hi, Our customer have DB Cloud, OIC (Oracle Integration Cloud), JCS (Java Cloud Service) and Fusion Cloud (SaaS). We have tried to integrate the third party syst…
How to catch the error message in response of Fault DetailsSummary How to catch the error message in response of Fault DetailsContent Hi All, I had an unhandled error in one of my integration. Please see the highlighted in my at…
how to update database with the database adapter?Summary need to update rows based on a value found in one of the fieldsContent Hello Gurus, I'm processing data from a database using the DB adapter. I'm able to get dat…
DBCS - ConnectionContent Hi, We have tried to connect the Oracle Database Cloud Service using 'Oracle Database' adapter. But it is error out. How to create connection for DBCS. Thanks, M…
Run a select clause in ATP database with 'in' Operator using OIC ATP AdapterSummary Run a select clause in ATP database with 'in' Operator using OIC ATP AdapterContent Hi, RestAPI structure : { 'accountNum' : '123456' 'product' : ['abc','def','g…
Run a select clause in ATP database with 'in' Operator using OIC ATP AdapterSummary Run a select clause in ATP database with 'in' Operator using OIC ATP AdapterContent Hi, RestAPI structure : { 'accountNum' : '123456' 'product' : ['abc','def','g…
Connecting Oracle Integration to Oracle ATP - Issue with SequencingSummary I am not able to understand from where the sequence is picked up.Content In Oracle ATP DB : Created new sequence CREATE SEQUENCE ZEB_TEMP START WITH 1000000 INCR…
Oracle DbaaS Test Connect Failure in ICSSummary ICS Test DbaaS Connection failing after updating the schema passwordContent A number of integrations in ICS using a Oracle DbaaS Connection. The connection was c…
How to move IAR file from one OIC to Another OIC instanceSummary Move IAR file from one OIC to Another OIC instancContent I have Export the IAR file from One OIC Instance. 1. Is it IAR having All the dependencies like lookups …
Load data from Microsoft Sql server to Oracle cloud Paas using Web servicesSummary Load data from Microsoft Sql server to Oracle cloud Paas using Web servicesContent Hi, Can anyone please guide me, Is it possible to automate a process to direct…
Connect Oracle cloud Database service with Microsoft sql server without Oracle Integration Cloud tooSummary Connect Oracle cloud Database service with Microsoft sql server without Oracle Integration Cloud toolContent Hi, Good day! Need help in connectivity We have crea…
Facing issue while reading EDI filesSummary unable to read the file contents of edi filesContent Hi, I am trying read IGM/EGM EDI Files in OIC and tried multiple ways to read by creating NXSD by uploading …Abhinav Prasoon-157527 44 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhinav Prasoon-157527 Integration
XSLT transformationSummary Select a distinct value from a DB resultset arrayContent Hi Folks, Our requirement is to read data from a MS SQL server DB and transform to fusion FBDI templates…Raghavendra Manchigiah-109808 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kanchankumar Khedkar Integration
Compare if a Select query returns data.Summary Compare if a Select query returns data.Content Hi everyoe, I am working on an integration where I must evaluate a condition, first I need to do an operation 'sel…
Multiple rows are not updating in database using ICS adapterSummary Multiple rows are not updating in database using ICS adapterContent Issue while updating multiple rows in the database: #1: I have selected 'Update' operation in…