Discussion List
When tried to connect to a Onprem Database with Connectivity Agent and a Wallet it throws an errorContent Hi guys, My connection tests successfully when tried on Sql Plus On-Premise and Java On-Premise. But it throws error on Oracle Integration Cloud Service. I am us…
Error While Configuring Oracle DBaaS ConnectionSummary Error While Configuring Oracle DBaaS ConnectionContent Hello, Iam getting the below issue, while configuring the Oracle DBaaS connection. Unable to test connecti…
OIC integration with Oracle NoSQL DBContent Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to integrate OIC with an Oracle NoSQL Database? Thanks in advance.
Insert into multiple ATP tables from OICSummary Insert into multiple ATP tables from OICContent HI All As part of the integration we are fetching xml data from HCM which need to parsed and enriched to create t…
How to read Data from .pdf filesContent Hi Team, we have a requirement to read data from .pdf files .Is it possible in OIC and if not the what are the other way to read the data from .pdf file. Thanks,…
How to Receive Multi-Part Form Data Json File as Attachment and Insert Data to DB TableContent How to Receive Multi-Part Form Data Json File as Attachment and Insert Data to DB Table? Please advise if anyone has any pointers/blogposts/solution in transform…Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 17 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle Integration
Read SQLLoader format fixed length file in OICSummary Read file for staging in OICContent Hi, I am trying to read a fixed length file, which is my source. This file is in sql loader format. In on prem, the control f…
Execute select statement on an Oracle Database using variables for limit and offsetContent Hello, I need to execute a select statement on an Oracle Database using variables for limit and offset, but trying to execute the select like in the attached ima…
Unable to Connect Azure DatabaseSummary Unable to Connect Azure Database using Microsoft SQL Server AdapterContent Hi I have been trying to connect the Azure Database by following the steps provided th…
OIC Call to OnPremise Stored Proc Times out frequentlySummary Synchronous OIC Call to OnPremise Stored Proc Times out frequently and sometimes retrieves data in 40 secsContent We have a App Driven Orchestration calling a St…
Oracle ERP connector not showing childs values when put the context codeSummary The EFF atributes are not show when I put the context codeContent Hi guys. I am using the oracle fusion ERP conector to call the itemVersion2 RestApi. However, w…Rodrigo Leonel Sartorato-162426 25 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
How to fetch the errors from an xml string that were catched within the scope in SOAP/REST service bSummary How to fetch the errors from an xml string that were catched within the scope in SOAP/REST service based integrationContent While using SOAP/REST service for inb…
source ID not available in the database record, we have to collect the missing source ID and we haveSummary source ID not available in the database record, we have to collect the missing source ID and we have to send those IDs to the source.via email.Content Hi, I have…
How to read data from DBCS & Convert to FBDI Format in OICContent Hello all, We have requirement to automate the Requisition FBDI Import into Oracle ERP cloud. Our source system enters the data into DBCS Table. I need inputs on…
Stored procedure invocation errorContent I am unable to invoke stored procedure through OIC. We have used ATP DB to create Store procedure and same ATP DB is being used in OIC. As soon as control reache…
How to connect Oracle Apex in OIC to Oracle EBSSummary I want to register page apex page created in OIC in Oracle Ebs? Can someone help to register?
SFTP ArchivingSummary SFTP ArchivingContent Dear All, May i know the best source to learn about SFTP Archiving.Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle 19 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle Integration
Unable to use same dataset with different SQL queries for OAC Canvas in Oracle Analytics Cloud.Content We are trying to put different canvases from the same dataset, for example, we are plotting a piechart using filters emp_id = 1 with an attribute column. The sec…
Not able to fetch the REST API generated by OIC in OCEContent Hi, We are trying to fetch the REST API which is successfully generated by the OIC. (REST API is generated by fetching the Data from Oracle Database and OIC is g…
Object(global) of class cannot be converted toContent Hi, While integrating OIA with Oracle database in Oracle Integration Cloud(OIC), as we mapped global(id) of OIA a default parameter to a primary key id of Oracle…
Getting a list of errors while Integrating OIA with Oracle DBContent Hello, While integrating OIA with Oracle DB, as we activate the integration and insert values from OIA UI to the Oracle DB to store inside the database, below ar…
GET/POST operation to make a REST API put values onto a UIContent What operation should we use in the REST API to put values to a UI , as we are trying to push the values from one component (OIA interview) to (OCE) through OIC.…
How to sort records in OICSummary How to sort records comin from source based on a field valueContent Hi Team, We are trying to processing the records after we sort them. We are getting data from…
How to connect Snowflake databse in OICSummary How to connect Snowflake databse in OICContent Hi All, How to connect Snowflake database in OIC if we can able to connect, please suggest what adapter we can use…
Simple type deserialization issue while upserting data to Salesforce Custom ObjectSummary Simple type deserialization issue while upserting data to Salesforce Custom Object thorough OICContent Hi Team, We are trying to upsert data from DB to Salesforc…Jagadeesh Kumar Thontapaka 277 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagadeesh Kumar Thontapaka Integration
Is that TRUNCATE query not supported?Summary Is that TRUNCATE query not supported?Content Hi, When I am using the TRUNCATE query in Run on SQL Statement, OIC is showing SQL statement syntax is not supported…
Reading a DB column containing a JSON string and passing it to a third party APIContent Hi everyone, we are storing a JSON string in a DB column, and we would like to parse it in OIC and sending it to a third party API using the Rest Adapter. How ca…
Database Adapter - Issue with datetime datatype of Database columnSummary Issue with datetime datatype of Database columnContent Hi Everyone, We are connecting to on-premise database and issuing insert statement. The insert statement c…Karthick Rajarathinam 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Oracle Integration Cloud running SQL statement in Oracle ATPSummary Getting error when I ran sql statement in ATP using oracle integration cloudContent Hi, I am executing sql statement using oracle integration cloud in ATP databa…
Using OIC to Make JDBC calls to AS400Summary JDBC Calls using OICContent Hello Everyone, We have a requirement where we need to intergrate AS400 DB to OIC. AS400 supports JDBC calls. Is there a way we can u…