Core HR
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OTL/ Projects - Maintaining Project Supervisor in Project Allocation pageContent Hi All, In Project Allocation page business is expecting to define Project Manager, Supervisor and Team Member. The Supervisor defined in the Project Allocation …Soumya Goswami-Oracle 32 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Soumya Goswami-Oracle Workforce Management
OTL - Booking Timesheet hours for multiple expenditure typeContent Hi All, As per our business need in OTL the hours booked for a particular project and activity/task should be tagged to a particular expenditure type. Earlier we…Soumya Goswami-Oracle 77 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Soumya Goswami-Oracle Workforce Management
First Approver Line Manager and then to a Specific UserSummary Absence record approval needs to be approved by the line manager of the requestor and then to a specific personContent Hi Experts! I have a business requirement …
Absence Qualification PlanSummary How do I assign a Qualification Plan to some employees only on demandContent Need to only assign the qualification plan to some employees as they qualify for the…
How to Create People Group?Summary How to Create People Group?Content Hi All, I have requirement to Create people Group. Please be kind to share your knowledge. Best Regards Mithun Abhisheka
Worforce Structures items not appearContent Hello friends, Somebody has any idea why my Workforce Structures items not appearing automatically when I have a Sandbox active? Thank you.
Backdating employee start dates in mergers and acquisitionsSummary Backdating employee start dates in mergers and acquisitionsContent Hi, We acquired a company and are in the process of migrating the employees and projects into …
How to disable FYI Notifications to employee on approval of absencesSummary How to disable FYI Notifications to employee on approval of absencesContent How to disable FYI Notifications to employee on approval of absences? Currently,we se…
Absence not updateable but can be withdrawnSummary Need absence validation formula to prevent update of absence but allow withdrawalContent Can anyone please suggest the formula text to validate that the absence …
Absence Fast formula errorSummary Absence Accrual Formula - LEGAL_EMPLOYER_IDContent Here is my Absence Accrual Formula . Code is below. DEFAULT for ANC_ABS_TYP_NAME IS ' 'DEFAULT for LEGAL_EMPLO…
How to Generate Primary element classifications?Summary How to Generate Primary element classifications?Content Hi all, How to Generate seeded "Primary Element Classifications"? when I Search Sri Lankan Element classi…
RUI- OTL- time and Lbor issue with account code displaySummary values in account codes are not displayed for selected dates in new ruiContent Hello , We are testing the New RUI Pages. we have two custom fields Account code a…
Administering Organization GoalsSummary No way for HR Admin to administer Organization Goal in 19CContent We are not seeing the option to administer Organization goals for HR Admins. We used to be able…
Absence Notifications duplicate in Bell Notifications/Things to FinishSummary Absence Notifications duplicate in Bell Notifications/Things to FinishContent Hi, We have an issue with our notifications. We see multiple approval notifications…
Public Holiday issue in AbsenceSummary Public Holiday issue in AbsenceContent Jan 1st 2020 is set as public holiday, but system is still allowing to enter an absence on this date. Also its counting as…
Public Holidays are not getting excluded from the absence DurationSummary Public Holidays are not getting excluded from the absence DurationContent Hello Everyone, we have added the Public holidays in the Calendar Event. Also attached …
Fast formula to fetch the value from a table based value setSummary Fast formula to fetch the value from a table based value setContent Hello Team, I have created a Value set to fetch the number of submitted leaves for a Particul…
Shared Parental leaves for UKSummary Shared Parental leaves for UKContent Hi Team, I am currently working on an Implementation project for United Kingdom. For UK, there are different types of Shared…
RUI Time and Labor - Transaction design studio Time cardSummary Transaction design studioContent Hello all , We are testing the time and labor RUI pages .I worked on couple of HR transactions like Transfer ,Promote etc via Tr…
Different Approval process when Absence is initiated by Employee, Line Manager and AdminContent Hello All, We have a requirement to define a separate approval process for Absence when it is initiated by Employee or Line Manager or HR. Have anyone configured…
How to get "Manage Planned Schedule" reportSummary How to get the published shifts from the Manage Planned Schedule in report/Analysis ?Content Business requirement is to pull the Shift details of each employee i…Shubham Singh 68 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Holiday Schedule is overriding Daily ScheduleContent When A employee has Daily Schedule from 6 PM to 3 AM and a Holiday - Example- 1st Feb - 6 PM to 3 AM (Normal work schedule) 2nd FEB - 6 PM to 3 AM (Normal schedu…G S 49 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Task/Process Name to see the assigned workscheduleSummary Task/Process Name to see the assigned workscheduleContent Hello Community Does anyone know if there is any one step process/task exists to see the name of the as…Prosenjit Manna 38 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shivanshu Santosh-110055 Workforce Management
Restrict withdraw option for completed leavesSummary Restrict withdraw option for completed leavesContent Hi All, We are able to withdraw the completed leaves under Action. Though we will be able to restrict this e…
How make mandatory Attachment based on condition?Summary Is it possibles make attachments mandatory based on number of leaves requestingContent Hi All, is it possible to make attachments mandatory based on condition wh…
How to Create a Custom Role which can be used in EL Expression such that it is supported in hcmUI, fSummary How to Create a Custom Role which can be used in EL Expression such that it is supported in hcmUI, fscmUIContent Hi Experts, We want to create a dummy role which…AshishERPCloud 114 views 8 comments 2 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Workforce Management
To enable Country/State fields on the time card using the valuesetSummary To enable Country/State fields on the time card using the valuesetContent Attached document helps to create value set which can be used in time card to show stat…
Employees able to book annual leave over their entitlementSummary Employees able to book annual leave over their entitlementContent Employees should not be able to take more annual leave then they are entitled to. For UK employ…
Analytic didn't show dataSummary No data shows after selecting from more than two areaContent Hi, I created analytic in "Workforce Management- Worker Assignment Event Real Time" I select "Busine…
19B Update - Absence icon not available for employeesSummary Absences Icon and its corresponding cards are not available in responsive UIContent Hello Oracle Experts, Greetings! The test,development and production pods for…