User Experience: UX
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Workforce Scheduling Tile MissingSummary: Hello! Does anyone know how we can make the Workforce Scheduling tile visible in My Client Groups? I already have all the Workforce Scheduling roles and I alrea…
OTBI / SQL > Absence Management Reporting > Ability to Fetch Absence Details Based on Balance CalculSummary: OTBI / SQL > Absence Management Reporting > Ability to Fetch Absence Details Based on Balance Calculation Date Content (required): Hello All, On the Absence Rec…Bernard T 139 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Iswarya Lakshmi Priya-Oracle Workforce Management
Generate Alert For Missing In Time Entry or Out Time EntrySummary: Generate Alert For Missing In Time Entry or Out Time Entry Content (required): Hello All, Do you have an idea how to generate alert for employee and line manage…
Redwood Timecard with never Renders in a Variety of ScenariosSummary: We have enabled Redwood timecards, and we are using a multi-attribute Time Entry Layout component that includes Absence Management Types, they are set to be Rea…
How to DISABLE "Generate Entries Using Schedule" in 25A Redwood?We need to disable functionality added in 25A for workers to "generate time entries from their scheduled hours" in Redwood. It's a great option, but City Policy requires…
EL Expression Based on Person TypeHi, We received a request from the business to display a comment (HTML markup) for certain absence request type. The comment should vary based on the person's type (e.g.…
How can Employee view comment for rejected or approved Timecard TransactionSummary: How can Employee view comment for rejected or approved Timecard Transaction? At the moment we are using Redwood Approval Notification and the approval history a…
Make the Recruiter field optional (non-mandatory) when Hiring Manager creates a requisition.Summary: Hello everyone, Client wants Recruiter field optional (non-mandatory) when Hiring Manager creates a requisition. The possible solution that I have come up is ch…
Disable pop-up window - "apply selected position changes"Hello, In quick actions like Change employment, employee hiring etc. - when selecting a position in the Position field - window pops-up for selecting which fields can be…
How to increase width for HTML page on Page composer in Sandbox.Summary: Hi Folks , i am getting the fixed width for the HTML page in page composer and getting the scroll bar below. Please help me how to increase the width. Content (…
Position duplication - solution for nullify fields valuesHello, Is it possible to nullify some fields values when duplicate a position ? We have some custom fields (DFFs) that need to be blank when duplicate an existing positi…
Absence Hours are Not on Team Time cards for Absence type with Days/ Calendar Days UOMSummary: Absence Hours are Not on Team Time cards for Absence type with Days/ Calendar Days UOM. This is creating a confusing User experience and therefore request you t…Namrata_Phukan 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gourav Shrivastava-Oracle Workforce Management
How To Add 'Existing Absences' Tasks to Responsive UISummary: Hello experts, I have a requirement to access Existing Absences directly from My Team Page. Currently in order to access these task user has to follow below nav…
Duration not updating when changed from standard hours via Show individual dates in Redwood UISummary: When adding an Absence and updating the duration of individual days via 'Show individual dates', if a user edits the duration and immediately clicks 'Save' the …
How to Enter Leave for LeadersSummary: We have a need for Staff Assistants to be able to Add Absences on their leader's record. Delegation does not work since it only gives access to the leader's emp…
Absence case not getting created if requests are submitted from ESS / MSSSummary: Hi All, We are implementing Absence and Payroll solution for one of our UK clients and have enabled Absence case functionality (as per guidance shared by Oracle…SMalhotra 87 views 19 comments 0 points Most recent by Mikie L. Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Payment Method Validation LoqateSummary: Client have an integration with Loqate to validate sort codes for employee bank accounts in the legacy system. Is it possible to integrate Loqate with Personal …
Deep Link for Web ClockSummary: We require employees to sign in to a shared iPad using the Oracle app. We would like to create a deep link that automatically takes an employee directly to the …Shiv M. 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Assignment Status for End AssignmentSummary: Inactive - No Payroll/Inactive - Payroll Eligible not showing in Assignment Status for End Assignment Content (required): Hello Good Day!, I would like to ask i…
Data Masking for Document records attachmentsSummary: Data Masking for Document records attachments Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, after the P2T and Data Masking reque…
Absence balance is not properly updated upon employee absence submissionSummary: When users submit an absence, their accrual plan balance gets calculated to another value, usually deducting more days than the ones submitted Content (please e…
Documents renamed in DoRHi our client requires the possibility to show in the DoR the title of the documents changed during the uploading, for example if a user uploads a signed document and re…Francesca.Ruggiero 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Getting error while applying absence in RedwoodHi Experts, I am getting below error while submitting the absence in Redwood. It is working fine in Responsive. Applying List binding LOV___FLEX_Context with given set o…
Change Module NameHi Oracle Experts, We want to change the module name of Absence to Attendance. Can you please let us know where this can be done in REDWOOD UI ? Thanks, ShivamShivamKumar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea - Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Content is not publishing even after the sandbox is published .Summary: Hi Folks, I have added some content through text by Page Composer in sandbox. When i publish the sandbox,i am not able to see the content. It is displaying the …
Redwood Time Cards - No label on the Unit of Measure field?Summary: After transition to Redwood for Time and Labor, we have noticed the Unit of Measure column does not give a description label - Is this deliberate or is there a …
Getting an error while adding an absence for employeeSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, There is an employee for that we are trying to add an absence type called Sick Leave but when we are trying to add then system th…
Kiosk for Time and LaborSummary Any recommendations/ Experiences/Caution while using Kiosks or public systems for Web ClockContent Our client is going live with the web clock functionality for …
Request a Position Change points to blank page with an error messageHello, I created a deeplink that points into "Position Details" page in accordance to Oracle's deeplinks list sample -…
Repeating Period: Anniversary date. in Accrual planSummary: We are implementing in a LATAM client, in which we are asked to count the vacation accumulation per-15-day period (year by year), our problem lies in being able…Luis Orlando Cespedes 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Luis Orlando Cespedes Workforce Management