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Learning task not in development goalsWhile creating development goals ,the learning course is not available even after enabling below steps 1- WLF_LEARN_SELFSERVICE_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED is enabled 2-Enable De…Dhilipkumaar 37 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
In Redwood UI Need to remove few fields in Performance and Development Goals PageSummary: Hi Experts, Client Ask: In Performance Goal and development goal Page client don't won't below fields: Redwood Performance Goal Page: Priority, Level, Subtype a…
HRG_GOAL_SOURCE Lookup - what does it do?Summary Looking through the Oracle Implementing Goal Management guide and HRG_GOAL_SOURCE is listed as an extensible lookup, but I can't find any information on where it…
Issue with Custom Section Name in Performance DocumentContent: Good morning, I am encountering an issue with the name displayed in one of the sections of the Performance document. Specifically, I created a section of the De…
How to massively assign Check-IN documents?Hi all, For our client we need to massively allocate the check-in documents. Is it possible to do that? Thanks, Anamaria
In Performance Redwood, how can I hide the Share and Retain button showing on the manager evaluationPlease see the screenshot.Elizabeth Earley 42 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinod Kumar Ummadisetti Performance Management
cannot assign goals to indirect reports in redwood as Line ManagerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24B Code Snippet (add any code snippe…
Is it possible to assign different goals to manager and employees under one goal plan?Summary: @Ankur_Fusion_HCM @Maxime Pignot-Oracle Is it possible to assign different goals to manager and employees under one goal plan? We have a requirement that employ…
Redwood - Auto approve goals update from the progression bar and comments (Update your progress)Summary: In redwood, a new column appears "update your progress", when employee modifies the progression bar, the system send a workflow to the line manager. We need to …
Rename Performance and Development goals tabs in RedwoodSummary: Rename 'Performance Goals' to 'Objective Goals' and 'Development Goals' to 'Individual Goals' Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
Date format on review meeting held in redwoodSummary: Is it possible to change the date to MM/DD/YYY. The default is not acceptable for my client. This is when the employee is confirming the evaluation meeting was …
REDWOOD: Goal notes going for approvalSummary: In Responsive UI, we are able to add Notes to a perf goal without triggering any approval which is our desired behaviour. However in Redwood UI, adding an Updat…
Redwood: Need to delete/Remove LOV valuesSummary: Performance Module Navigation: My Team >> Team Goal Center >> Performance » Assign Goal In Select LOV: 1. Need to Delete Dotted Line Reports value 2. Need to Re…Manish_Chauhan 35 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Title is cut off in share performance documentSummary: When manager is on the share document page the title is cut off, any idea how to fix this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…Daniel Shabra 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Goal plan not getting assignedSummary: Goal plan is not getting assigned to all the employees eligible as per the eligibility profile created. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Redwood Bug: Goal Center - Line Manager page - Goal Update page issueSummary: When a Line Manager is checking on the Team Goal center and trying to check the Goal details, under "Update Employee's Progress" (Goal Completion). Content (ple…Mohammed Waseem Akram S 66 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Colin Garside Performance Management
REDWOOD: Not able to request feedback as HR SpecialistSummary: Hi All, Getting the errors in the screenshot below and " An unexpected error occurred" while attempting to request feedback for an employee navigating through M…
Performance process flow admin page titleSummary: Admin tasks to set up "Performance process flow" the title is missing. It is only showing …. Anyone know how to fix this, this is in Redwood Content (please ens…
Unable to hide card in Performance Document page in ESS with Visual Builder (Redwood)Hi team, Can you please help us with your advice regarding an issue we noticed using Visual Builder? We need to hide the "Review your competencies" card that is taking t…
Unable to hide below items in Performamce document pageSummary: Requirement 1: Navigation: Me > Career and Performance > Performance > Open Performance document > Expand Any Goal Section. Hide Save and Next and Cancel butto…
You can perform integration between Check-In Document and Outlook?Hi all, Our client needs to integrate the Check In Document with Outlook. Does anyone know if it is possible to do this or will be possible with the next updates? Thanks…Anamaria Giura 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Deep link in goal notification to worker when manager assigns a goalSummary: Deep link in goal notification to worker when manager assigns a goal Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have enabled Worker notif…
Disable option to add additional questions to Requested FeedbackSummary: On our questionnaire templates for Requested Feedback, we disable the option to add additional questions to the questionnaire. Now in Redwood the Request Feedba…
Error response during RestAction in PerformanceWhen scheduling a meeting to review the performance document, when the manager clicks on the "schedule" button, the following error is generated: Error response during R…
self evaluation is freezingSummary: We have enabled redwood for testing, and noticed that when you try and competle a self-eval that the system freezes. When we try to fill out the competency sect…Quad Matthew Decker 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Daphnie Mason Performance Management
how to enable redwood dff field that are not migrated from dynamic pagesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Remove the additional click.The landing page should immediately display the question for participantWhen Participants give feedback then questions should be displayed immediately rather than expanding the section of Questions.
Redwood UX: Performance Goal actionsSummary: Are the actions determined by the employee role privileges? Content: We have profile option HRG_ENABLE_GRANT_ACCESS (for goal sharing) set to 'No' and our custo…
Can't view the Administration section in PerformanceHi all, with my superuser I can't view the Administration section in Performance (My Client Groups/Performance). I can see only Setup Maintenance section: My user have t…
rename competency section on Performance document in redwoodSummary: Hi All, We are in Redwood, customer wants to rename the competencies section on Performance document page .Please suggest if its possible. Thank you Content (pl…