Discussion List
Redwood: Why Employee is able to cancel HR assigned goals in redwood?Summary: In Responsive UI when we create goal plan we set whether managers and employee can cancel or delete HR assigned goals at goal plan level. Now in Redwood even wh…
Hide Overall rating section for Worker Self Evaluation page - RedwoodSummary: Hi All, We wanted to Hide Overall Summary section only on Worker Self Evaluation page.But remain in other tasks.We tried doing personalization in VBSC but was u…
Make All-in One evaluation page available on home screenSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would need the All-In One evaluation page as a tile in My teams. Is there a way to achieve thi…
For Performance Goals, Alert Composer to ensure minimum 2 goals are set or notSummary: For Performance Goals, Alert Composer to ensure minimum 2 goals are set or not. Do we have any possibility/feasibility to create any custom Alert through Alert …Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Redwood: Library goal weighting missingSummary: We have enabled Redwood for Performance Goals and when adding library goals, we do not have a weighting field. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Performance: Participant completes the Evaulation ProcessSummary: Hi All, The requirement is that the Manager can select the participant. The participant will complete the evaluation process independently. The manager's role i…
Can we rename the Goal and Development goal page field names in redwood pages by using VB StudioSummary: Dear Experts, Greetings! Client have a requirement to rename fields in goal page. is it possible to do that, if yes please help us to know the steps to do that.…Dileep Reddy Vattimi 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Performance Management
Why related learning task has task name as required in 24B?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24B Code Snippet (add any code snippe…
Turn off AI assist for just competencies.Summary: Can we turn off AI assist? Can we turn it off for just competencies and keep it on for overall summary as manager? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Enabling measurements for task - 24BSummary: Hi Team, Has anyone tried the below the below feature of 24B, how to enable it in visual builder studio: I was not able to see it when I clicked on edit in visu…
"Suggestions" option in the manage participant feedback of performance documentSummary: Hello, I would like to know how the "Suggestions" option means and how do I configure it? When you select this option, no one appears in the search. Do I need t…
How to remove dotted line reports option when assigning or sharing goalsSummary: We would like to remove the dotted line reports as an available selection from the drop-down when assigning and or sharing goals. We have attempted to remove it…
Redwood Evaluate performance page does not show any results when the assignment type is selectedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Redwood Evaluate performance page does not show the employees when the assignment type is selecte…
can you rename goal section titlesSummary: Hello, Are we able to rename the goal section titles within VBS? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
Redwood: Update Approval Banners for Performance Goal ApprovalSummary: Hi. We have a requirement to update the Approval Banner when submitting goals for approval to the Manager. We were able to do this before in RUI via Page Compos…
Redwood: Hide Actions Toolbar for a specific Goal PlanSummary: Hi. We have a requirement to Hide the Actions Toolbar for a specific Goal Plan. Our client does not want updates/actions made to the goals in this goal plan. We…
Redwood Goal Management Access to Performance GoalsSummary: Hi everyone, After enabling Redwood the ee/lm are unable to access the Performance Goals. The path is Me > Goals and Performance> Goals Center Or My Team>Team G…
Is it possible to hide additional info and attachment with VBS?We'd like to hide the sections for Additional info and Attachments on the ESS page for Performance document in Redwood, but are not able to find out how to do it by VBS.…
In Redwood our DFF is no longer displaying in the annual appraisal.Summary: We have a DFF that is used in our annual appraisal document, but since turning on Redwood that field is no longer available. Are DFF's not supported yet for per…Laura Goodman 118 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Redwood - Language Translations availability on Employee Performance goalsSummary: Please advise if anyone has idea about feasibility of Language Translations availability on Employee Performance goals or goal plans (Redwood pages) Content (pl…Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
In Redwood can we hide Edit document dates on Performance documentSummary: Hi All, Is it possible to hide 'Edit document dates' on performance documents. We are on Redwood. Thanks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Rename 'Show competency Info' in Performance Document in RedwoodSummary: Hi All, We to rename 'Show competency Info' under competency section on Performance Document to custom name. Please let me know if this is possible. This is a R…
Redwood: Add a Text Component in the Performance DocumentSummary: Hi. We have a requirement to Add a Text Component in the Performance Document as a Guideline Text for Managers ONLY. We were able to do this before in RUI via P…
Redwood: Make Print Goals VisibleSummary: Hi. We recently enabled Redwood and wanted to confirm if the Print option for Goals is not supported anymore since it's not visible in the Action toolbar anymor…Ash Morales 48 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
What is the Maximum Text in Goal Name Field?Summary: Trying to check if what is the maximum character limit when adding user a text in goal name field Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
How to Migrate Goal setting and Mid-year cycle data from legacy system to Oracle cloud?Summary: Our customer is looking to Migrate Goal setting and Mid-year cycle data from legacy system to Oracle cloud? Can you provide the list of .dat files required for …
Unable to display the content of a custom competencies section in the perf docSummary: Hi, We've set up a customized skills section in our Skills & Qualification screens. However, these skills are not displayed in our performance document. Could y…
PMS Redwood: How to remove edit document dates and edit evaluation topic weights?Hello, With the new redwood page, can someone advice on how to remove the two buttons as shown in the red box below using visual builder studio? We checked on the privil…
Remove 'everyone' in the options when requesting/giving feedbackHello experts, is there a way to remove the 'everyone' option when requesting/giving feedback?Maria Cristina L. San Jose 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sumit Upadhyaya Performance Management
In Performance Redwood, how can I hide the edit document dates and edit evaluation topic weightsSummary: In Performance Redwood, how can I hide the edit document dates and edit evaluation topic weights on the manager and employee evaluations? Please see screenshot.