Category 52
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Restrict line manager from viewing document of records of his direct reports except one.Summary: For now line manager can see all the document of records for their direct reports. Requirement: line manager can only see one document type "probation performan…
Anyone can share a code of fast formula to retrieve effective start dateAnyone can share a code of fast formula to retrieve effective start date of employee when he gets promotion ( action_code = "promotion"?
When the approver is left the organization, or the position is vacant. How approval Works?Summary: Hi Team, We have a customer requirement saying if an approver is left the organization, or the position is vacant. How to set approval it to route to next perso…Rajesh Vodapelly 71 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management
Department List of value in RUI are returning to many results, and advanced search are not availableSummary: When using Responsive UI, the user are not able to select the required value for Department, when selecting from LoV. The search has returned many match, but no…
Grade Ladder defaults to numberSummary: while adding pending worker, when user selects the Job - Grade Ladder defaults to number. (Example : 300000009093150). Has anyone faced this issue? Thank you. C…
Make "why are you resigning?" field as read only to LM/HR in approval flowSummary: we don't want to give the LM/HR to change the reason of resigning field which is given by employee while submitting resignation. In the page composer I didn't f…
AS: Custom criteria not working for Workers with multiple AssignmentsSummary: Custom criteria is not working when we have an worker with multiple assignment and we have a restriction , it should not fetch specific department(s). Content: …Atish Chandra Supakar 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rares Dobrot Human Capital Management
Need to buid validation in document record type feildSummary: We need to build validation in document of record custom feild. We are storing bank information in document records. We need a validation to check duplicate ban…Poonam Raichandani 56 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Human Capital Management
Enable employment history Version 2Hello I would like to add the employment history section on the employment info quick action. The users have the right privileges & data security profiles but still the …Annelies Van Erom 1 view 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Annelies Van Erom Human Capital Management
Emergency Contact - was able to add a male employee as my daughterSummary: My client need a validation on contact relationship page. Where if relationship type as daouhgter gender should come as female. Content (required): My client ne…
Checklist Integration - I9 Section1 'Auto update I9 status and task status' not updating the JourneySummary: Checklist Integration - I9 Section1 'Auto update I9 status and task status' not updating the Journey Checklist Status when the employee is completing the HireRi…
HDL Template for HRC_STANDARD_DATESummary: Hello Team, Can you please help me HDL Template for below flexfiled Content (required): Name: hbrFullTimeHireDate(PER_PPS_DF=Global Data Elements) Label: Vacati…Rupinder singh Virdi 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rupinder singh Virdi Human Capital Management
Checklist task open in new tabSummary: Hello - we currently use checklist as an onboarding tool for our new hires. Many of or tasks as the employee to click "Go to task" and complete the item, and th…
Actions button not working on employment Info page for EmployeeSummary: Content (required): We are having issues with the ACTIONS button visible on the Employment Info page. We created the custom employee role with the following pri…
What's the recommended value for profile option ORACLE.ADF.VIEW.ALLOWED_ORIGINSSummary: ORACLE.ADF.VIEW.ALLOWED_ORIGINS is a profile option used across modules and I noticed that different modules are getting impacted depending on the value selecte…
First name & Last Name read only in Personal detailsSummary: We have a requirement where we want to make first name & last name as read only under edit mode only for employee, HR roles should be able to modify the employe…
Document of Record Transaction FailureSummary: Document of Record Transaction Failure Content (required): We have noticed that since 23B, when an HR users submits a document of record transaction on behalf o…
Highest education level to be enabled for One CountryHi All, We are facing one issue . We want to enable highest education level for employees under personal details to be visible for one country specifically and not be vi…
How to disable/hide the classic UI pages in oracle HCMSummary: We have been receiving frequent requests / complaints about the classic pages. Since oracle has decomissioned most of the classic UI pages and does not support …Anusha B S 363 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management
how to add a small Image and it is embedded with deep linkHi Team, I am working on a requirement to add a small image on the employment info page and this image has embedded with a deep link 'Org chart'. Deep Link: https:///fsc…Mohan Murali P-Oracle 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management
Implementing OnboardingSummary: We implemented Taleo Recruiting in May 2019 and at the time did not spend much time configuring the Onboarding Module. We have been processing all our onboardin…
What is the HDL template for Mass Legal employer change through global transfer ?Summary: I want to do mass global transfer for legal entity change. Please let me know the HDL template to perform the task. Content (required): Version (include the ver…Vanuganga Swain 21 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vanuganga Swain Human Capital Management
Is SMS communication possible with Oracle HCM Cloud?Summary: Content (required): Is SMS communication possible with Oracle HCM Cloud? I know that the functionality is there in OR but how about the other modules, is there …Shikha Agarwal 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Performance Management
Loading US Geography for Non Payroll ClientsHi All, We're implementing Non-Payroll customer without enabling Features by Country or Territory we need to load the geographies for US. After reading the Oracle docs, …Sathish M 51 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Sathish M Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to transfer accrual balances from source legal employer to target employer for Global transfers.How to transfer accrual balances from source legal employer to target employer for Global transfers employees.Chandra Kiran Ushakoela 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chandra Kiran Ushakoela Workforce Management
Can we create a new payment type for Payment methods?On the Personal Payment Method screen, under the Payment Method section, we would like to have an Organization Payment Method known as MPESA with a payment type called M…
HCM Extract - How to prevent a child block with no data limiting the parent blockSummary: Looking for advice on how to configure an HCM extract so that the parent block returns data even if a child block does not. Thank you Content (required): We hav…
Manage personal Contribution PrivilageSummary: How to add this for user what is the name whatever role hierarchy or privilege: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): …
Delate all roles for inactive peoples.Summary: Delate all roles for inactive peoples. Content (required): Hi Team, I have arequirment I need to delete all the roles that are assigned to the inacive person us…
Area Code should be a close listSummary: How Can we make sure that the user picks the area code from a close list ? it shouldn't be an open text Content (required): Version (include the version you are…Galia Weissler-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Human Capital Management