Category 59
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Succession Planning: What is the default behaviour when adding incumbents via add candidates screen?Redwood Succession Planning. We have noticed during testing that when using the navigation: My Client Groups > Succession Plans > *Click on Plan > *Click the '+' in the …ChrisFromNZIR 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Succession Plan - How to sort candidates by last name?Summary: Our customer would like to sort the candidates of a Succession Plan by Last Name Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, When…Giuseppe Casalino 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Talent Profile with associates position code, some of the positions codes we are not able to seeSummary: Hello Everyone, We have loaded the Talent Profile with position some of the positions we are not able to see as per the below. Can you please help me out. Conte…Krishna Sigilipalli 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Rating Description not updating on Redwood pageHello, Currently working on the implementation of talent review, we need to change rating description of a Rating model but it's not updating on Redwood page : Do you ha…Lise_Rekik_Acc 2 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Can we make delivered fields read-only based on value of DFF in Skills and Qualifications page?Hi Experts- We have a requirement to make all the fields in Education section as read-only when Verified field(which is a DFF) is set to Yes. Please let us know if someo…Manpreet Kaur2412 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
How to control visibility of field only for employees and managers on redwood career profile pageSummary: How to control visibility of field only for employees and managers on redwood career profile page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Please share query/table to fetch box assignment value before Talent meeting is conducted/submitted.Summary: The box assignment details can be fetched from profile items "hrt_profile_items">>source_key2 or "hrt_profile_items">>item_number_1 after the meeting is conduct…Harini Sairam 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Challenges maintained in Job Profile does not appear in Explore CareersSummary: Challenges maintained in Job Profile does not appear in Explore Careers Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have "Challenges" sect…HaneyFateha 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
Manager unable add Check-In DocumentSummary: When manager is to to add check in document to an employee. When click on schudule.It showing an error"Forbidden" in redwood page. Is there any privileges/roles…Rajeswari Jonnala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Career and Succession
No recommended candidates in succession plan.Summary: No recommendations from the AI Talent Best Match feature in succession plan. Content (required): Hello, we have enabled the AI feature AI Talent Best Match so w…
Activate LinkedIn Profile Import without Oracle Recruiting CloudSummary: We currently do not have Oracle Recruiting Cloud implemented, but we would like to use the LinkedIn Profile Import feature for Talent. Is it possible to turn th…
Career Statment Was not Visible in Skills and QualificationsSummary: In Skills and Qualification the career statement was not visible after given access in Profile content Section Access and After running the LDAP Process also . …
Performanace rating captureHI All, I need to clarify from where the performance rating will be captured for an employee under My Team—> Talent Ratings? Is it form the performance document ? Or do …
unable to adding a new 9-Block RatingHi Team Select ‘Me’ Type any employee Select ‘Show More Select Talent Ratings Navigate to the bottom of the screen to the ‘9-Block Rating’ section Select +Add. The next …Aparna _ Mulluri-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Aparna _ Mulluri-Oracle Career and Succession
Add training cost field to license and certificationSummary: Are we able to add a training cost (numerical) field to the License and Certification record? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
Unable to hide work preferences section from career development page.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a work preferences sections enabled at the profile level for career development page. Bu…
Is it possible to exclude Non-workers from Succession Planning management pages?Summary: For Team Leaders with Non-workers in their reporting lines, we don't want them to be able to select these workers for Succession Plans, like creating an plan fo…
Mass Upload of responsabilities on Job ProfilesHi, I'm trying to upload, using HDL, Job Profiles. I used this template to create the Job Profile and to associate it to the job, and it works correctly. METADATA|Talent…
Questionnaire responsesSummary: Hi, I am working on HDL Template of questionnaire responses. but as of now i couldn't find any solution on that. could you please help me know if it is possible…
Talent Review meeting view only accessSummary: Is there a way to set up a review meeting in "view-only" mode, where even the facilitator is restricted from making any changes, and the meeting is purely for d…
How do managers and HR see the careers of interest that the employee has added in Grow?Summary: In Oracle Grow employees can add their Career's of Interest. How can the manager and HR team see these? The use case is for HR to view employees who are interes…Jacqui Shore-Oracle 84 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by K Patil-Oracle Career and Succession
Clarification required around Owner type 'Viewer' on Succession Plans.Summary: Based on the Oracle documentation for the Notification Settings on Succession Plans, it seems that any Owner that is type Viewer should NOT be able to receive n…
Line Manager Unable to view Talent Review Meetings of a different business leaderSummary: Hello, We are facing issue with a scenario where a Talent Review meeting is created from My Client Groups—>Talent Review (Redwood) and business Leader field ass…
Not able to view legacy learning item loaded through HDLSummary: I have loaded the Legacy learning item using the business object Legacy Learning available in HDL. The load was successful but when im searching for the item in…
Need to hide the Add button for a specific section of the Talent Profile only for a roleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I have an issue occurring when from profile content section access the Certificate…Elena_Panniello98 7 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Debayan Bhowmik-147509 Career and Succession
Succession Planning: Back Button loop when clicking on Person Spotlight page via Succession Org ChrtSummary: We have found that when a user takes the following navigation, they will get into a endless back button loop. Causing them to have to go back to the homepage to…
Overall Goals and Competency rating not populated in Talent ReviewSummary: Overall Goals and Competency rating not populated in Talent Review Content (required): We have created a matrix for talent review using Overall Goals and Overal…Dinesh Parasakthi 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Foos - Sr Manager HR Technology at ADT LLC Career and Succession
Succession Plan - How to customize the order of Readiness sorting?Summary: We would like to change the sorting criteria of the Candidates when we sort by Readiness Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi exper…Giuseppe Casalino 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Giuseppe Casalino Career and Succession
Difference between a Participant and a ReviewerHi Team, We have created a Talent Review Template and a meeting, while creating the meeting we have selected a Reviewer and a Participant. The issue we are facing is tha…
Need template for Succession Plan bulk loadSummary: Hey Team, Can someone provide the template for Succession Plan bulk load in Talent Management? Thanks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…Pankaj _Kaushik 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ramchander Pothanolla Career and Succession