User Experience: UX
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How to hide “Beneficiary Organizations” region/section on “People to Cover” Redwood Page?Summary: On the Redwood UI Page for "People to Cover", we intend to hide the "Beneficiary Organisation" section as it is not applicable for our implemented countries. Bu…
document type description is automatically prefixed with <p> and suffixed with </p>Summary: Updated the document type ' Enrollment Document' description to 'HOOPP Enrollment or Waiver Form' but from the self-service document of records page, the name s…
Navigation issue on the Redwood "View Flows" page for Payroll .Summary: We are experiencing a navigation issue on the Redwood "View Flows" page for Payroll . When we attempt to view any of the flows listed, the system redirects us t…Yash.Oracle-Oracle 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhinakaran-Venugopal-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Redwood Benefits 24D: Customize Print All Benefits to redirect to a BIP reportRequest your assistance to redirect Print All Benefits button to a custom BIP Report or is there a way to hide Print All Benefits button in Redwood page? I tried to achi…
Benefits quick action text is updating payroll quick action?Summary: Benefits quick action text is updating payroll quick action? Please assist. Attached documents for reference. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Benefits Custom message box in the employee self service.How can we populate a popup message box appears to notify the user when submitting the benefits.
SSN, DOB, and Gender required for Employee’s contacts in BenefitsSummary: Situation: > Benefits Teams in US wants to make SSN, DOB, and Gender required for Employee’s contacts who are dependents covered under Benefits. > In the past, …
Redwood Self-Service Benefits Welcome Page CustomizationSummary: How to personalize the Self Service Benefits enrollment Welcome page. Video attached. 24D
Redwood - Benefits plan image blurred and not fully visibleRedwood - Benefits plan image blurred and not fully visible, but the same is clearly and fully visible in RUI page Benefits Plan image icon visible clearly in RUI per be…
To make communication section a requirementSummary: The emergency contact information generally is not set up within benefits, although we do have a check box that the EE can mark when they are adding their New C…
Is it possible to change Coverage date of PLan?Summary: Hi Experts, Can the coverage date on the plan be changed? Also, does it matter in terms of Adding or Changing Beneficiaries of Employees?
Add or enable edit button under Personal Contribution pageSummary: Hi - We have a requirement to enable the edit button during approval phase. Currently, once the user submits the request, it will be forwarded to the approver t…
Redwood Benefits 24D: Hide sections under Me > BenefitsSummary: Request your assistance to hide sections like Pending Actions, Need Help? Contact Us under Me > Benefits in Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Redwood Benefits 24D: Hide tasks in Before you enroll and Post-enrollment sectionRequesting assistance on how to hide tasks like Get to know your benefits, Choose how you want to enroll under Before you enroll section and sections like Post-enrollmen…
Agreement Statement Specific to Benefit PlanSummary:Agreement Statement Specific to Benefit Plan My Client have come up with a requirement to implement a agreement statement for a medical plan which should popup w…
Can we customize the view benefits summary deep link to add a plan name as a parameter?Summary: I have a requirement to add a deep link that redirects employee to their benefits summary page for a specific plan. Below link is taking the employee to benefit…
how do I keep the images collapsed on default using page composer?I am trying to keep my image component minimized on default expand only upon clicking. By clicking the allow minimize checkbox it would allow me to minimize but I want i…
Configuring Plan Type Grouping display is check marked but does not display while enrollmentSummary: Configuring Plan Type Grouping display is check marked but does not display while enrollment after making every other plan under that Plan type unchecked for vi…
How can I modify this EL Expression to update text on Benefit Landing Page IconSummary: Under Me > Benefits page, we are trying to change the text on this Icon to read 'Enroll/Update Benefits'. I have been playing around in page composer trying to …
How do we add/hide Tiles under Me > Benefits?Summary: We are hoping to add/remove some tiles that display under Me > Benefits but struggling to find documentation on how to do that. Please help! Thank you! Content …
Is there any way to create a hyperlink/Deeplink which lands on the page under ME>> BenefitsThere is a requirement to create a hyperlink/Deeplink which lands on the page under ME>> Benefits. The link is to use in RTF template to trigger custom notifications to …
Pending actions like Dependent Designation and Document upload is not shown while LE enrollmentPending Actions don't show up while employee is enrolling in benefits. Only when employee navigates to Pending actions these are shown. Also there is no notifications or…
Customize open enrollment lookOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): YUM Brands Description (Required): Wi…
how to rename existing 'Skills and Qualifications' tile/Page to 'Talent Profile'Summary: We want to rename all the 'Skills and Qualifications' pages and Tile to 'Talent Profile' Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
How do you change where the benefits confirmation link points?Summary: We are currently testing our Open Enrollment processes and configuration. Once elections are submitted you can view your elections confirmation page. Currently …
Report a Life Event - Redwood page errorSummary: Attempting to use the Report a Life Event (Redwood page) as an Employee get the following Error: You don't have permission to insert, update, or delete this rec…
How to add Hover text for Field "What is the start date of this relationship?"Summary How to add Hover text for the field on ESS PageContent Hi Everyone, Requirement - Want to add the text box for the field "What is the start date of the relations…
Evaluating event issueSummary unable to evaluate the potential event for new hire employee.Content Hi All, I'm receiving the below error message when I'm trying to evaluate the potential even…
National Identifier field missing in People to Cover Redwood pageSummary: In RUI People to Cover Page we get the Option of National Identifier but in Redwood page this is missing when we navigate through My Client Groups → Show More →…
Remove person to coverSummary: Hello experts! We are facing some issues because Benefits ESS - Person to Cover does not allow you to pick from the employee list like the Family and Emergency …