Intelligent Advisor for Fusion Service
Discussion List
Receiving Non-descriptive OPA ErrorSummary Receiving java.lang.NumberFormatException[For more details on the error contact Oracle Support]Content Hi, We are frequently receiving this error when trying to …
question about integration with B2C and Web servicesContent hello, im wonder if a view/page of OPA can load data from a web service and store data in Rightnow and if i can load data from Rightnow and save in RN and call a…
Filtering data from OSvCSummary How do I only show certain rows of data in OPA from an OSvC tableContent Hello, I'm using an OSvC table that generates a menu to create a value list in an OPA Mo…
How to pull Loaded Entity Instances from OSC into OPA DropDown as List ValuesContent I am loading OSC Data to OPA Attribute as instances based on Entity Condition.How to pull Loaded Entity Instances from OSC into OPA DropDown as List Values. For …
Welcome to Intelligent Advisor CloudContent As you know, Oracle Intelligent Advisor Cloud has been part of the Oracle Service Cloud Portfolio since February 2013. Getting Started? - please check out this i…
Error Saving Contact ???Content Hello all- Needless to say, this is my first interview, and it isn't a simple one overall, (from my perspective at least), but I am not seeing where I can config…
Current Screen NameContent Attempting to capture the current screen name in extension but it's returning "not defined". Any suggestion on capturing the current screen name on the submit bu…
Filtered Drop DownSummary Filtered Drop DownContent Hi All, We have a filtered drop down field on the interview screen. The value of this field gets selected from a dropdown whose value f…
Country field - ISO code vs NameSummary Country field - ISO code vs NameContent We have OIA with a data mapping set for Oracle Service Cloud. Mapped data for Country field only brings in ISO code set f…
LIVE Virtual Product Strategy Event – NA + LADContent Our Product Strategy event is a collaborative discussion with the Intelligent Advisor Product Development team. You’ll hear from other customers about their proj…
Refresh OPA Session DataSummary Pull latest data from OSvC in OPA draft modeContent Hi Everyone, We are in a scenario that latest data seems to be not pulling into OPA and not executing in Rule…
CSS not rendering on web but is rendering in debuggerSummary How to get CSS for control extension to render in the browser.Content Hello, We adapted the Oracle Limit Text control extension to work for both single line text…
Moving models to a different repositorySummary How do I move models from one hubs repository to another?Content Hello, I would like to be able to easily move numerous models from a repository on one hub to an…
Get OSvC site name dynamically in OPA JS filesContent Hi All, I am calling controller file from OPA Javascript files for API calls. But in JS files I have given complete URL of the controller file, Now Im looking fo…
How to dynamically load an entity instance based on the value from a different entitySummary Use an entity value from one entity to load data into a different entity.Content Hello, I have one entity which asks the user to populate a value from and OSvC g…
Use String Contains function or InstanceCountif functionSummary Use String Contains function or InstanceCountif functionContent We have Global -> the Patient relationships. Patient can have multiple diagnosis. Integrated Syst…
How to setup indian currency format in OPMSummary How to setup indian currency format in OPMContent How to setup indian currency format in OPM. 12,12,12,123
Get interview data into OSVCSummary How to get OPA/OIA interview data into OSVCContent Hi there. I have an OSVC site and have the connector vissible in my OPA hub. I have the OPM tool connected and…
Write rules which refers back to its own conditional branchSummary Is there any way to write rules which refers back to its own conditional branchContent Hi, We are trying to write decision based rules in OPA. Is there a way we …
Have a custom extension honor readonly statusSummary How do I make the numeric keypad honor readonly of the input attribute?Content Hello, I am trying to use the "Example: Display a numeric keypad" from the OIA doc…
Ability to move the saved form from channel to channel (“multichannel”) – e.g. start online and callSummary Ability to move the saved form from channel to channel (“multichannel”) – e.g. start online and call center be able to finish itContent Does OPA has Ability to m…
How to Connect OPA to Service CloudSummary OPA Documentation says they can be connected manually via the self service configuration assistant but doesn't show howContent I currently have two OPA sites, on…
OEC 20A New Intelligent Advisor subtab doesn't workSummary OEC 20A New Intelligent Advisor subtab doesn't workContent Hi, We are trying to use the new OPA sub tab introduced in OEC20A…
Can the hub log in page be customized?Summary Can the background image, look/feel be customizedContent Just curious, can the look and feel of the hubs' log in pages be customized? For instance, can the backg…
Mobile App Certificate ErrorSummary I get a self-signed cert error while trying to connect the OPA mobile app to our OPA hubContent I'm trying to connect the iOS mobile app to our OPA hub, but I'm …
Styling Read Only InputSummary adjusting color of read only fieldsContent Similar to this post: I need to make the read only shade a da…
Site Provisioning emailSummary What email address(es) receive site provisioning email from Config AssistantContent Hi there A customer would like to create an OPA site from the Configuration A…
interview extension to remove the remove entity instance buttonSummary How do I get the styling I want to apply to the entity control for deleting an instance?Content Hello, We have a situation where we want our field samplers who a…
Concatenate text from child entitySummary How do I concatenate text from a child into a parent's text field?Content Hello, I have a situation where data are being gathered at a child level that the user …
Provide OAUTH bearer token in HTTP header on Load, Save, GetCheckpoint, SetCheckpoint and ExecuteQueSummary Provide OAUTH bearer token in HTTP header on Load, Save, GetCheckpoint, SetCheckpoint and ExecuteQuery actionsContent Hi, I am creating SOAP connector framework …