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Intelligent Advisor for Fusion Service
Discussion List
Assign a number to an entity instanceSummary In an entity, create an attribute that assigns a count/number based on the value of another attributeContent Hello, I have an entity Bank Accounts with type whic…
How do people gather requirements for OPA interviewsContent We're looking at adding bit of rigour to getting requirements for OPA projects and I was wondering what others do? We were thinking we might actually build an OP…
Error: "This Interview session has expired. Click here to start a new interview."Summary Every time I start my interview I receive the error.Content Hi, I created an interview in OPM tool connected to our hub and uploaded and deployed. I was presente…
pass a value into an OPA interview using the widgetSummary How do I get a value into an OPA interview using the widget.Content Hello, I have the OPA widget 3, v1.2 integrated into our customer portal. A customer is requi…
OPM errorSummary Can't get past this OPM errorContent Has anyone seen this error in OPM before? I'm not quite sure how to get past it. It happens when I attempt to open the word …
Cannot edit rulesSummary Cannot edit rulesContent I've tried installing versions 18A/B and C of the Policy Modeller and each time tried with 'Run as Administrator' option. Whenever I cli…
Submit attachments behaviourSummary To understand the order of events when clicking submitContent Hi thereUsing OPA to submit data and attach 8 forms (pdf from rtf templates) on submit.The docs whe…User_2025-01-29-03-19-38-558 33 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-03-19-38-558
Pull many to many related data into OPA from OSvCSummary How do I pull many to many related data into OPA from OSvCContent I have two Parents related in a many to many relationship with a cross reference table between …
How to pass data into an OPA model from the URLContent Hello! I am creating a help wizard for an online gateway. The user will link to the OPA model from any of a number of different screens. Since the link is being …
how to pass Contact data into application with embedded interviewContent Hi there, We use a login widget to redirect to an application called Form2 page in which we embedded an interview “FutureLearn_tst” using : …
OPA Mobile SDK Hub Sample not synchronising dataContent I've installed OPA server components (including OPA hub in a private cloud) and able to connected to it from Mobile SDK using the sample 'Hub Sample' application…User_2025-02-03-21-26-10-500 16 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-21-26-10-500
How to make Reference relationship control Mandatory on OPA InterviewContent I Can't see any Option to make Reference relationship control Mandatory in OPA Interview Tab. for now i created a reference relationship and able to pull loaded …
'Microsoft Word does not appear to be installed' error when opening Word rulesContent Do you have resolution for this issue. I used to be able to open Word rules. Is it related to 18B upgrade? 'Microsoft Word does not appear to be installed' error…
Use a relationship in BI Publisher?Content How do I use a relationship in BI Publisher Desktop? For example, if certain questions in the narrative entity are related to certain project categories and any …
Stupid Question - how to add two attributes in BI Publisher DesktopContent Hello, I've been all over trying to figure out how to add Attribute 1 + Attribute 2 in BI Publisher Desktop. I've tried all different iterations of the advanced …
How to Make Radio Button Values Read-Only based on Conditions(Rule-File Conditions like Boolean)Content I am Having Radio-Button Attribute with Values List on Interview Screen mapped to OSC Menu-Type. Now Based on Conditions(on Data Load from OSC) i need to Make Ra…User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244 42 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244
Dynamic Drop Downs from excel in OPAContent Hello, I have solved an issue and I what to share it with all of you. I had two Drop Downs depending one from the other, and it was hard to manage them from mult…User_2025-02-03-19-52-42-009 43 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-03-17-24-30-094
How can we add updating incident URL in a custom script?Content How can we add updating incident URL in a custom script? I have tried adding the survey url on the script but it can be accessed only by identified contacts. Is …
Disable next button when data is still loading in Interview PageContent On Interview page, we enter Part Number and this validation is happening through Data Mapping. If this Part Number is valid, we are getting Part Description thro…User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244
Too Many deployments for OPM project in OPA HUB will effect Performance of OPA CP Widget?Content we have deployments for our OPM Project more than 2500 in OPA HUB. will this effect Performance of OPA CP Widget? As rarely Interview is getting strucked & not g…
Unable to Download RTF File as PDF on OPA CP WidgetContent We have RFT Form Template(BIP Report) placed on Interview Screen. We are unable to download that RTF as file as PDF or RTF in OPA CP Widget. I created new RTF Fi…
Option visibility without value listsContent We are building a project that requires dynamic visibility of options. I understand this is possible with value lists. The integration requirements of the projec…User_2025-01-29-03-19-38-558 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-52-42-009
Interview Screen getting Reloaded on Click of "NEXT" of that pageContent User will fill Data in OPA Forms and filled data will get saved to OSC Custom Objects. Now on "EDIT or UPDATE Action we are getting filled data from OSC Custom O…User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244 24 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244
Error event rule automatically reverts the original values of the fieldsContent Hi, I wrote a simple error rule that checks the sum of the instances: Error ("The sum should be 100.") if InstanceSum(all instances of the bank account, the bank…
Interview Style button causes an exceptionContent I'm finding in the 18B Policy Modeler that the Interview Style button is causing an exception on all of my projects. The exception says ' Unhandled exception has…
Setting Dates to Null Values based on Values list of Radio ButtonContent I am having Values List of Radio Button(4 values) Field in 1st interview screen. I am having 3 dates fields which are Enabled & Disabled based on Values List of …User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244 17 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244
Desicion Report for INFERRED ENTITY INSTANCE RULES WSDL Responce(SOAP)Content I am getting decision Report(Detailed Responce) for every error(rule error) in OPA WSDL Responce(SOAP) according to request(SOAP) to OPA Rules. But i am not gett…User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244 24 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244
OPA and Customer Portal Login for organizations?Content Hello, I have a use case where I need to let several people associated with an organization and its hierarchy in OSvC to login using the Organization login and p…
How Check Points will work for multiple incomplete interviews created by logged in ContactContent Conatct Check Point is not supporting Multiple Incomplete OPA Interviews created by Contact. Our requirement is as follows, * Logged in Contact will click a Link…User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244 22 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-19-25-36-244
Do not leave this screen while Data is being Submitted errorContent I am able to submit the data from OPA to OSC Most of the times as Sometimes i am getting Do not leave this screen while Data is being Submitted error and can't a…