Calc Manager
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ASO Calculation Script Very Slow!Hi, We have an ASO Freeform application and I am trying to calculate prior year retained earnings using the formula template using the following script, but it is taking…
EPBCS Datamanagement groovy rule - with Json loopSummary: Hi Expert, I'm trying to call a groovy rule which will execute Data integration , changes source filter based on subvar for ent1 and ent2, First ent1 filter sho…
run scripts parallelySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi is there a way i can tell the system to run the highlighted in yellow color scripts - to run p…
Populate a Smart List with a Parent of a value from another Smart ListSummary: I have two Accounts, ProjectChild & ProjectParent. Both have Data Types of Smart List and both Smart Lists are referring to Dim members in the Entity Dimension.…
Security for Funds Reserve menu item?I am wondering how we can view and modify security on the Funds Reserve menu item in the Revision Management action menu. I've tried a few different things, but nothing …
How can move Artifact Snapshot from instance to other instance by scheduleHello everyone, I have one question. I need to move the artifact snapshot from the Production instance to the Test instance automatically. How can I do it without using …
Is there a way that Supplemental calculation can pick up the shortness from the Regular calculation.Summary: Hi All, The payroll calculation set up for Regular paycheck and Supplemental paycheck are default to calculate separately. In the case of low regular earning, s…Eswar Kishore 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Eswar Kishore Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Set Text Account with Attribute ValueSummary: Is there a way to assign a Text Account with an Attribute Value? I'm trying to use a regular rule but it is not working. A couple examples of what I tried below…
How do i create a member formula to pull for children as wellI would like to create a scenario member with a member formula that will calculate the variance between two columns in my management report. Then when I drill into the, …
Dynamic calc members crossing dim with smart list member does not calculateSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I have the following calculation Sparse_DimA = @MEMBER(@CONCATENATE("HSP_ID_",@HSPNUMTOSTR…
Functions Not Supported for Hybrid AggregationHello! I've been reading the below document and it confuses me Does it means that any of this functions are not allowed if Hybrid is enabled? I've performed some test wi…
Currency conversion rule not working for certain currenciesSummary: Multi Currency Planning application has been set up and up until now, the currency conversions have been working fine for all scenarios. Now there is a new scen…
I am trying to use Groovy scripting to return the current user name for an account within Planning.Summary: In Planning, I am trying to return the logged user name (full name if possible) for an account which shows the initiator of the process. For example, if I log i…
Business rule is not executing for selected members and not working when the calc block has logicSummary: We have encountered an issue with a newly created business rule where the if condition and fix statements do not execute as expected. The problem manifests as f…
Simple Calc Script QuestionI'm coming in on the tail-end of an EPM implementation. We're about a year into the process, and I don't have formal training, so I've been attempting to reverse enginee…
ASO GROOVY Script to export data to a file for a specific scenario excluding the shared membersSummary: Hi All, Im trying to write a calc manager groovy script to export the data out of ASO reporting cube for specific scenario to a file which excludes the shared m…
Unallowed commands on BRHello everyone! I'm migrating a planning application from on-premise to EPBCS cloud. I'm aware that there are not allowed commands on EPBS such a "SET CACHE HIGH" and si…
Copy amount to many different combinationSummary: Hi, I need some ideas for my case. So, in my case, I want to copy the amount from the specific combination to many combinations (Entity-Division-Account level),…
How to Extract Shared Parent member name for a member in a shared hierarchyWe have an alternate shared hierarchy in the Account dimension. We want to extract the shared parent member name for a given Account in the alternate shared hierarchy. I…
Copying a CSV file from Inbox/Outbox Explorer to Data Management Inbox using GroovySummary: Copying a CSV file from Inbox/Outbox Explorer to Data Management Inbox using Groovy Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to Cop…
How to know CECOs and Accounts that have in different formsHello Experts, I have an assignment to do, in planning process we have all the accounts and all de cecos covered by different forms. I have maybe 50 forms with different…
Groovy rule to get user's group and prevent that group modify data row in a formHello everyone, I have one question about groovy rule. If a have 4 users : U1, U2, U3, U4 and (U1,U2) are in group A, (U3, U4) are in group B. Now I have a form that bot…
Deploying one or more business rules take too long timeSummary: I have an issue with deploying business rule(s). It takes unlimited amount of time to deploy Content (required): This is something that started happening recent…
dynamic calc member takes timeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi There are so many formulas where i have referenced as below example, and rule performance is l…
How To Create New Alias or Make Modification to Existing Value in EPM CloudHI Oracle Community, I am trying to figure out how to create a new location alias in Oracle EPM Cloud. I was able to accomplish this easily in previous version by going …
Business Rules suddenly go haywire -> @LIST with @UDA behavior has changed?Summary: The FIXes in my business rules suddenly resolve differently due to a change in behavior when using @LIST(@UDA(Dim,UDA)) Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Year Reference in Member FormulaSummary: Would like to make this formula dynamic Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have an account with a member formula that rerefnces th…
How to Extract Shared Parent member name for a member in a shared hierarchySummary We have an alternate shared hierarchy in the Product dimension. We want to extract the shared parent member name for a given product in the alternate shared hier…
Add dynamic member and its alias by using business ruleHello everyone, I have one question about create dynamic member in the business rule. I am using business rule to create member. I can name for the member but how can i …
Assign smart list entry name to text memberSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, is there any way to reach out the idea I mentioned on the tittle? So, I have 2 members: Ac…