White Paper
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Project based requisition should first approved by project managers followed by EmployeeSupervisorThis is for oracle Fusion procurement request where currently we are using BPM approval rules for requisitions approvals where the approval process follow the standard e…
Internal Requisiton change the statos from Approved To Return and transfer order is not createdSummary Internal Requisiton change the statos from Approved To Return and transfer order is not createdContent After internal Requisition was approved it change from APP…
list of attributes which will create a Internal/external change order on a PO/BPASummary: What and all list of attributes that will trigger an internal or external change order on a Purchase Order (PO) or Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). Content (pl…
Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement and SCM 25A Known Issues Firefox or Chrome link doesnt workSummary: FYI I have a ticket out still tbd why none of us can access the links to look at the known issues. I've seen a post that those trying to open for HCM isnt worki…
How to change look and feel in Redwood pages using VBS something similar to Sandbox Appearance toolSummary: How to change look and feel in Redwood pages using VBS something similar to Sandbox Appearance tool for classic pages. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Need guidance on how to implement Supply Chain Command Center in Oracle SCM CloudSummary: Our customer is interested to utilize SCM command center in cloud. we are unable to find any details regarding how to implement Supply Chain Command Center in O…
i couldnt use feature "Procure Goods from Preferred Sources During Catalog Shopping"Summary: i enabled this feature "Procure Goods from Preferred Sources During Catalog Shopping" also i grant my self privilege "POR_ALLOW_SHOPPING_FROM_ALL_SOURCES_PRIV" …Mohamed Attia-Allah 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772Summary PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772Content Hi, We are getting below error message while trying to deploy approval rules in PR. After checki…
Requisition Line level Approvals for Different Approval Limits based on line amountContent Hi, The requisition has multiple lines and each line has a different line amount than the requirement is to route the approval for each line to the respective ap…
Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval.Summary Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval.Content Hi all, Work Order(WO): Requisition is approved without approval. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 19B
How to do Role based personalization on new Responsive Self Service ProcurementSummary: Hi @Ashok Sriniva-Oracle, We have currently in SSP we have restricted/hidden PO Charge account fields based on the Role of the user to streamline the process an…
RSSP In what release we will be able to use VB (customize the screen) for Non Catalog RequestSummary: We want to be able to customize this screen like Remove manufacturing # field, Remove Add to list, Remove Enter New Supplier information, etc. In what release w…Pablo Schenquerman 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Update customer contacts using 4 sheet upload customer spreadsheetSummary: We are looking to update the customer contacts using the upload customer from spreadsheet in UI, but it is not replacing the existing contact and creating a new…
PR generated through Min-Max cannot be queried through Process Requisitions to create a POSummary: Purchase Requisitions (PR) generated through Min-Max cannot be queried through Process Requisitions to create a Purchase Order (PO), as 'no results found' is di…
Allow multiple BPA linked to an item on a single requisition using Min MaxSummary: Purchase requisitions are created through Min-Max, but when an item is associated with more than one BPA, only one of the BPA lines is included when the purchas…
Item generic and product code issueSummary: we have below scenario in healthcare project. All medication items have generic code as well as product/brand codes. For example, Generic Code: Paracetamol Prod…
how to attach images on public shopping list for a BPA itemSummary: I configure a public shopping list using an item from a BPA. In the BPA I added the Image URL in the BPA line detail information (Image URL). The Item in the BP…
Personalization in RSSP receivingSummary: We have requirement of personalization in RSSP New Receiving zone with Visual builder. it looks like this is behaving separately than requisition visual builder…
how to define parameter based DFF in selfservice procurementHi, We have a requirement we need to create a DFF at PR header level, the DFF will bring only the department (values) for the respective BU. for example there are 3 diff…
Is it possible to hide a category in the 'Shop by Category' section using the Content ZoneSummary: Is it possible to hide a category in the 'Shop by Category' section using the Content Zone? We want a user to have access to specific categories in the 'Shop by…
Is it possible to define an Internal Requisition with its own numbering format different from PRSummary: Hello Expert, Is it possible to define an Internal Requisition with its own numbering format so that it can be easily differentiated from Purchase Requisition n…
Approval for Invoice Submitted from Supplier PortalSummary: Hi Team, I want to understand if it is possible to setup approval for the Invoices submitted by supplier through supplier portal? Currently we are testing this …
How to Restrict Requesters in the Requester LOVSummary How to restrict Requesters in the Requester LOVContent All We recently had a customer use case that cited the following requirement: The Manage Requisitions page…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 1.3K views 24 comments 11 points Most recent by Srikanth Dodla Self Service Procurement
Update published to the Whitepaper on Configuring DFF Segments with Requisition ParametersSummary: Update published to the Whitepaper on Configuring DFF Segments with Requisition Parameters Content (required): Customers / Support The consolidated list of whit…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 647 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by Namish Sharma Self Service Procurement
How to mass update the destination type for all users' preferencesHello guys, I have a request from the business. They face a lot of issues regarding choosing the inventory item while creating a purchase requisition, but mistakenly, th…
How do i activate a pod?I'm not sure of next steps here, but I have an order ID that has given me instructions to 'activate an environment' however, I don't have one to activate according to my…David Kaminski 32 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Garrett Reynolds-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
How to set default Destination type as "Inventory" in requisition user preferenceSummary How to set default Destination type as "Inventory" in requisition user preferenceContent Currently, when we create new user account for SSP, the default destinat…
Only actual buyer should appear in dropdown in Manage Purchase Order screenSummary: Hi Folks We have a requirement as below - In Manage Purchase Order screen, there is filter parameter of buyer. In these LOVs the requirement is that only person…
RFQ header DFF or Quote DFFSummary: Can we Copy RFQ Header DFF or Sourcing Quotation DFF onto Purchase Order when RFQ is converted onto Purchase Order Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
How to restrict items (Inventory) in requisition / PO Lines?Summary How to restrict items (Inventory) in requisition / PO Lines?Content Hi all, In Requisition / PO line-entry all inventory items are coming, We need to restrict so…