Oracle Best Practice
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What are Implications of increasing number of fields for workspace filter?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR)** Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22D Summary: What are the implications of …Varun Malhotra-Support-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Siraj Syed -Support-Oracle Sales
Announcing the Oracle CX Customer Meetup: AustinWe are excited to announce a new Oracle CX meet up series! Oracle product leadership will be stopping in Austin this Spring to gain your insight into the strategic direc…Elise Hymes - Oracle CX-Oracle 91 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Elise Hymes - Oracle CX-Oracle Sales
Best Practices for Industry ValuesSummary: The default values in the Industry Field are not as accurate for our business as we would like, what is the best practice to have your own list of Industries. S…
How to remove fields from searchHello! I want to remove the fields, 'Record Name', 'Owner' from my search. How can I do that? Thank you. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, …
Lead Owner Not Updated Automatically If Its Territory Owner Is ChangedSummary: Lead Owner is not updated automatically if its Territory owner is changed. We have a groovy in place under leads(Before Update trigger on Lead object) to make t…
Method Of Payment in CX Sales CloudHi everybody, we are working with Fusion (CX) Sales Cloud and we are using CPQ as well. We are facing with a internal discussion as the “Billing Account” and related “Pa…
How to re-assign a number of contacts to a new accountSummary: We have a customer that did a spin-off and a number of their contacts are going to a new account - what is the best way to do that in the UI or do we need to us…
Best Practices when a Sales Rep leaves - what do you do with their accounts, contacts, etcSummary: When a Sales Rep Leaves, and you do the other process to disable them, what is the best practice for re-assigning thier accounts, contacts, etc. to another user…
Is Oracle EBS Trade Management available in Oracle Cloud?Summary: Client is looking for a similar product of Oracle EBS Trade Management in Oracle Cloud which can handle promotions, rebates etc. In EBS, it is part of Oracle CR…
Is There A Way To Connect To The Database From External Tools or Request to access a cloud database**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22C Summary of the question: Is There A Way To Connect To The cloud Database From External Tool…
Contacts ManagementSummary: How do we group or organize or classify Account -> Contacts in an Organization with multiple line of business. Content (required): We have one line of business …
Adaptive Search Full-Publish Time Metrics for Large Data VolumeSummary: Hi, The adaptive search full-publish takes long time to complete. I wonder if that's expected and if we can optimize the running performance. Here is the detail…
Best practices for automated testing on the Fusion platformSummary: Are there any recommended practices for automated testing on Fusion apps (CRM, HCM, etc)? Content (required): Hi. I was wondering what is the common practice fo…
How to tell if Upcoming Quarterly Update for Oracle Cloud will have an impact on Sales cloud/B2B?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22C Summary of the question: How to tell if Upcoming Quarterly Update for Oracle Cloud will hav…
BPM Approval workflowSummary: BPM Dynamic Approval group and Email template in CX Sales Content (required): Need clarification on following things on regarding BPM Approval flow Is dynamic a…
CSM affecting the Webservice Configuration in Target InstanceSummary: CSM affecting the Webservice Configuration in Target Instance: Any subsequent CSM from Source to Target instance is affecting an existing Live Integration which…
What is the PVO for Manage Customer that I can use from Sales Cloud?Summary I need to get a value of attribute from Customer Account. The default sales person.Content Sales Person details are stored in DFF fields in Customer Account. I n…
Business Process training and certification for Oracle Cloud Applications is now availablePrepare for successful Oracle Cloud Application implementations with a common foundation of business process knowledge across all teams. Learn more about how new Busines…
There's possibility to perform massive test load to check CX Sales performances?Summary: Massive load for performance test Content (required): I would know if there's a framework or tool able to test on massive way CX Sales UI's in order to check on…
There's a downtime during CX Sales deployment?Summary: CX Sales Deployment Content (required): Hi all, this is just to know if CX Sales application can be access during a CX Sales deployment, specifically during CSM…
Privilage to make users not to update Account address using Rest APISummary: Privilage to make users not to update Account address using Rest API We have created a custom roles by copying OOTB Sales Representative role and removed update…Lavu Kalyan Chakravarthi 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manoj Kumar-Support-Oracle Sales
Fetch Display Name/Meaning of FCL when querying a resource like Get all Opportunities using REST APISummary: How to Get the Display Name/Meaning of a Fixed Choice List along with the response when querying a resource say Get all Opportunities in a single API call Conte…
Fetch Display Name/Meaning of FCL when querying a resource like Get all Opportunities using REST APISummary: How to Get the Display Name/Meaning of a Fixed Choice List along with the response when querying a resource say Get all Opportunities in a single API call Conte…
How to unassign inactive users from leads and opportunities automaticallySummary: Once the user become 'Inactive' under User and Roles, we would need to assign user manager to existing open leads and opportunities. Currently, if user become i…
Which privilege allows user to create partner account recordSummary: We need to restrict few users from creating partner records from UI which privilege we have to remove Content (required): We need to restrict few users from cre…
How to enable internal service request in CX B2C sales and serviceSummary: How to enable internal service request in CX B2C sales and service Content (required): is it possible to have internal service requests in oracle B2C service, i…
How to migrate custom data stores in BICC from Dev instance to test instanceSummary: Hello All, We have created few custom data stores in BICC and we used existing VO by deselecting few fields, now we need to migrate these to higher environments…
how to export all custom lookups defined in application using export managementSummary how to export all custom lookups defined in applicationContent Hi All, Is there any way to export all custom lookups defined in application through export manage…
multiple integration keys to update a recordSummary: is possible to use different fields (as key) to update a record? Content (required): our customer said us that they have a lot of external system that can updat…
Delete users in bulkSummary: Delete users in bulk Content (required): Is there any way to delete only bulk user accounts? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 21C Cod…