Benefits Employee Self Service
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the life event doesnt get wiped off from self serviceredwood benefits 25a, after voiding the life event from the my client groups -> Benefits Summary, the life event doesn't get wiped off from the self-service' Report a li…
uploading a document like a birth cert. when reviewing document, it's the employee's payslip.Hi Team, As one of our customers facing issue as when Benefits admin uploaded birth certificate as part of a status change event as the employee. once uploaded, they wen…
How to add text, images and link at plan levelSummary: We have a requirement wherein we want to attach links at plan level. Please see the below screenshot. Can this be achieved through configuration? Please assist.…
How to hide “Beneficiary Organizations” region/section on “People to Cover” Redwood Page?Summary: On the Redwood UI Page for "People to Cover", we intend to hide the "Beneficiary Organisation" section as it is not applicable for our implemented countries. Bu…
Deleted life events are showing on the Redwood benefits pageSummary: We turned on the Redwood benefits page and noticed that employees are able to see deleted life events. The delete life event also stops employees from taking th…
Rate Calculation based on Age of Spouse or PartnerInviting suggestions from Community Experts for below requirement and review on approaches tried so far: Rate Calculation = (User Inputted Coverage Amount/10,000)X(Age B…
While evaluating the life event on a non-monthly basis, we are facing the following errorSummary: While evaluating the life event on a non-monthly basis, we are facing the following error There's a participant rate overlap for the standard rate because of th…
Business Rules on Before You Enroll Redwood PageSummary: Hi, We are trying to hide Statutory Dependent Field and Disability Status Field from the Before You Enroll Redwood Page, but currently aren't able to do so sinc…
document type description is automatically prefixed with <p> and suffixed with </p>Summary: Updated the document type ' Enrollment Document' description to 'HOOPP Enrollment or Waiver Form' but from the self-service document of records page, the name s…
Can we restrict employee from making any changes to the beneficiariesThere is a self-assigned life event to let employees move up/down the life insurance options, but we do not want employees making any updates to the beneficiaries of the…
Redwood 24D : Is there a way to hide the 'Support' button in self serviceHello All, Is there a way to hide the whole 'Support' button/page from the self-service through VBS? I could hide the 'Estimate the HSA', Get to know your benefits, comp…
REDWOOD UI is not showing propertly the Benefits Programs for the employeesSummary: When an employee review her benefits program on Redwood, the program is not showing the latest enrollment, no mather the filter we applied. Could this be becaus…Maximiliano Zuccarino 61 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
interim coverage not showing in redwood pageSummary: Interim coverages for supplemental life insurances are not coming in redwood page enrollment summary page.However,the same is getting reflected in Admin page.An…
How to customize the Redwood Benefits Enrollment Summary "cards" on Self Service Landing pageHow to customize which enrollments "cards" and how many enrollments "cards" are shown within the Redwood Benefits Self Service Landing page, Enrollment Summary section? …
Hiding Annual Amount and Annual Cost in RedwoodSummary: Hide Annual Amount and Annual Cost in Review and Submit page - Benefits Self Service Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We …
Text in assigned benefitsSummary: Hello community, Is there a way to put a text on the options displayed in enrollment summary in Redwood UI? When we pass the mouse over the box a click option i…
Can Oracle Benefit support material benefits as mobile phone, car allowance, laptop etc?The client is asking to implement material benefit like car allowance, laptop, mobile phone, etc. in Oracle Benefit. Is it possibile to configure such kind of plans and …
Can completed Pending Actions be suppressed in Redwood ESS?Summary: Previously, the pending actions tile in My Benefits would only show the pending actions that are still pending. In Redwood, it looks like it displays all of the…
Post-Enrollment Survey Conditional Questions are not working - How do I link the two questions.Summary: Conditional Question are not working. 1st question - "Did you have enough tools to make an informed decision about your benefits?" Yes/No If the employee select…
25C OTBI Report on Enrollment QuestionnaireSummary: The new Redwood enrollment pages will provide an opportunity for an Employer to place a questionnaire to survey their employees at the end of the Redwood Self-S…
User Not able to add dependent to health planSummary: User Not able to add dependent to health plan, Showing below error. Can anyone guide us here? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
New hires- Benefits Enrollment Date Should be March 1stHi, We had employees whose hired date is January 31. The expected coverage start date is March 1. However, our enrollment period end date is set to 31 days after event d…
Report a life event tile missing under Me --> BenefitsSummary: Report a life event tile missing under Me --> Benefits post enabling benefits redwood in dev environment. How to add Report a life event tile under Me —> Benefi…
Employee was not able to enroll into the Benefits from Employee Self Service PageSummary: Hello, We are using Seeded Employee role, but the employee was not able to "Enroll" into the Benefits from Employee Self Service Page. We can see that Enrollmen…
Why do we use "Continuing Benefits Type" at life event levelAt the life event level we have a continuing benefits type field. Could someone please explain why do we use this field and its significance.
Two life events added on the same day is giving error.Summary: The life events are Birth/Adoption and Salary life event both effective on 3/3/2025. How to resolve the error? Error: You can't process this life event because …
Rate calculation FF based on the number of Dependents selected isnt working as intended?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): So our client has a requirement where the Family plan rates are calculated based on the number of…
Restrict Spouse to be designated as dependent if they work in the same organizationSummary: We have a requirement to restrict the spouse to be designated in the Benefits Plan as a dependent in employee's record, if the spouse is also an employee in the…
Prevent Duplicate Contacts - RedwoodSummary: I'm looking for a way to prevent duplicated contacts on the Redwood UI. I saw previous posts on how to do it with Autocomplete, but since converting to Redwood,…
Redwood Benefits Self Service Page Issues and ObservationsSummary: Redwood Benefits Self Service Page Issues and Observations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, We are noticing couple of…