Benefits Other
Discussion List
The New Hire coverage start date formula is giving error on evaluationSummary: We have a requirement where the coverage for part timers should start after 1 year through New Hire life event. We tried to achieve it using the below formula b…
New Hire Life Event should be detected only for full timersSummary: We have a requirement wherein the new hire life event should only be detected for Full Time employees that are hired in the system and should not be detected fo…
How to close the Open Enrollment for Ben AdminSummary: Which process is used to close Open enrollment for Benefits Admins Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
How to Suspend a Plan and Generate a Pending Action After Changes to Life Insurance Beneficiaries?I have a process for a client's life insurance where, when making any changes to the beneficiaries, such as: adding a new beneficiary, redistributing percentages, or rem…
What is the best practice for adding commission payments to basic salary?Summary: What is the best practice for adding commission payments to basic salary when the life insurance is based on overall income (not just basic salary)? I confirm t…
1/1/yyyy Termination RatesSummary: Client's Open Enrollment is 1/1/2025 with Rates effective Pay Period preceding event (12/15/2024). Client has an EE that terminates effective 1/1/2025 but with …
Benefits Age Changed Life EventSummary:The following employees have detected "Age Changed" life events. I am unable to evaluate these life events. When I do try to evaluate, I receive one of two error…
Trigger life event based on anniversary dateSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where the life event should get triggered based on anniversary date for retirees. Eg: If the employee became retiree as of 02-Mar-24, …
Is it possible to edit the delivered error messages in Oracle Cloud HCM Benefits?We are using Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications24C ( We have conflicting elements that are being used by two plans. Now if the employee enrolled in the Reti…
Unable to see Worker Type( Emp, CWK) field in Eligibility Criteria under Eligibility ProfileSummary: Hi Team, We are working on a checklist eligibility profile where we have to restrict contingent workers and employees in it. We are unable to see Worker Type( E…
Why "Show the properties of Add" for Add button in Evaluated Life Events is disabled (not editable)?Summary: May I know why Show the properties of Add for Add button in Evaluated Life Events is disabled (not editable)? I already updated the Add button in the Potential …
Default enrollment when employee loses option eligibilitySummary Default enrollment when employee loses option eligibilityContent We have multiple medical plans with the following options: * Employee Only * Employee & Spouse *…
Employee are not able to elect Dependent in the PlanHi, We are trying to elect Beneficiary under a Plan that is set to Automatic Enrollment. We removed this Automatic Enrollment to one of our environments. In which we wer…
Default Enrollment Fast Formula Issue with Medical PlanSummary: HI all, we have a three plan types Medical plan, Dental Plan & vision Plan. Dental plan & vision plan are working fine, but coming to Medical plan in this we ha…
Interim rule for EOI should default to a certain amountSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where we need a EOI restriction if emp chooses a coverage over 250k . Any increases over 250k should suspend the plan and request EOI.…
How to enable the Date Increment Procedure for Evaluate Life Event ParticipationSummary: In the Oracle HCM benefits module, we want to have the evaluation of life events scheduled on a daily basis, for this purpose the job "Evaluate Life Event Parti…
Approval Process For Benefit EnrollmentsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Need View only Access to Evaluated life events field under Enrollment for Benefit Admin roleSummary: In our current project, Need View only Access to under Benefit Administration > Enrollment> Benefit summary > Evaluated life events for Benefit Admin custom rol…
OTBI Analysis/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, descriptionsHello, Looking for an OTBI Analysis (tables)/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, description etc.? Version 23C Thanks Gail
Error : You need to select more options to enroll in this plan. Select at least 1 optionsSummary: We're encountering an issue with the 'Dependent Age Out' life event, triggering an error message that requires selecting at least one option to enroll in the Me…
Can benefit beneficiary details automatically move from Plan A to Plan BSummary:We have 2 insurance plans Plan A and Plan B, Client wants Employee to fill the Beneficiaries details for Plan A and same information flows to Plan B Content (ple…
How to get the ESS log write of Fast FormulaSummary: We have created the Benefits Fast Formula and wanted to check it is working or not with help of writing the ESS LOG WRITE. What is the best way to test the form…
How to set Life Events to Auto EvaluatedHi Team, Is there any way to have a Life Event/s to be automatically Evaluated? Is there any configuration of Life Events that needs to configure? Thank you so much in a…
Termination Life Events need to be EvaluatedSummary: Past Termination Life Events Not Evaluated Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a scheduled process for Termination Life Event…
Drop dependents over age 26Summary Is it possible to drop the dependents automatically who are over age 26 from a planContent Hi, * Created an age derived factor Age < 26 * Attached the derived fa…
Benefit provider documents in Oracle HCM BenefitsSummary: Hi, I would like to know if there is any area in HCM Benefits where in we can put in the Benefit Guides from the providers so that the employee can review the B…
Benefits Fast Formula Error - line 133, an arithmetic, string, or conversion error occurred.Summary: Hello All Seeking quick help on the Fast Formula Error in Line 133 (Snapshot Below). Unable to process Open Enrollment due to this error. "Formula IHG_PH_BEN_DE…
Pay period start, before first check, on or after cover start - what if that is prior to hire date?Summary: We are changing our spending accounts to be taken based on the pay dates during the coverage period, rather than the pay periods during the coverage period. To …
Benefits - Bulk Update Original Enrollment DateHello Experts We use Oracle HCM Benefits, but payroll is ADP, since oracle has not a native Brazil payroll. For the systems to properly Integrate we need to pass "Origin…
Historical Participant Enrollment Data LoadSummary: Business requirement is to load the history and current plans/option employee has from legacy to Cloud. Is there a way to simplify the data load for this type o…