Benefits Other
Discussion List
How to move employees from one option to other newly created option.Summary: Currently, for a particular plan we are having 40 different option (all options have same rate configuration)and waive option. From 1/1/25, they want only two o…
Can Oracle Benefit support material benefits as mobile phone, car allowance, laptop etc?The client is asking to implement material benefit like car allowance, laptop, mobile phone, etc. in Oracle Benefit. Is it possibile to configure such kind of plans and …
Is there a way to differentiate between the approved and the rejected documentsCase 1: Employee uploads a document (ex, birth certificate) from the self-service and admin rejects the document as some details are missing. Case 2: Employee uploads a …
Error when Evaluating Life Event - Termination (PAY-1635003Summary: Hello, Encountered the error below when trying to Evaluate back dated Termination Life Event. Resignation is 10/1/2024 What might be possible reason for this? T…
User Not able to add dependent to health planSummary: User Not able to add dependent to health plan, Showing below error. Can anyone guide us here? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
Benefit Enrollment Submissions Query: Is there a query that list User Enrollment Plan SubmissionsSummary: Our Benefits Team, would like a Query or Report to identify the following: Did the user enroll in a certain Benefit Plan Did the user submit enrollment into a B…
Can we update coverage end date for mass population?Summary: I need to update the Waive Option coverage end date for mass population via batch or other means. We end dated the plan already. Therefore, when I run a life ev…
Getting "One or more valid dependent for the participant could not be found" error in Data loadingSummary: We are trying to load Benefits Dependent Data but facing the error of "An error occurred. To review details of the error run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis …
New hires- Benefits Enrollment Date Should be March 1stHi, We had employees whose hired date is January 31. The expected coverage start date is March 1. However, our enrollment period end date is set to 31 days after event d…
Error "Autocompletion failed" when using search in Benefits Service CenterSummary: Navigate to Benefits Administration > Enrollments > Search Person If we type the name/ID in and accurately select the record, we do not have any problems. Howev…
Using HDL to Load Beneficiary OrganizationsSummary: Content (required): Hello. We've configured beneficiary organizations and are now attempting to designate beneficiary organizations via HDL (in the Beneficiary …
How to enable multiple assignments for benefit relationshipSummary: We are rehiring a retiree into a non benefit eligible role. Therefore, we need to change their benefit relationship assignment to their original role they retir…
Kick starting oracle delivered benefits process using SOAPSummary: Need guidance on how to kick start oracle delivered scheduled Process using SOAP. Example: "Assign Corrective Potential Life Event" is a Benefit schedule proces…
Two life events added on the same day is giving error.Summary: The life events are Birth/Adoption and Salary life event both effective on 3/3/2025. How to resolve the error? Error: You can't process this life event because …
original enrollment dateSummary: Hello! I am trying to get at the Original Enrollment Date. Currently in reporting the date shows effective when there is a change in plans or coverage levels in…
Error while importing Benefit ProgramSummary Unable to Import Benefit ProgramContent Hi, While trying to import Benefit Program from One instance to other,received below error: JBO-HRC:::HRC_FK_ATTR_UNABLE_…
Benefits Close enrollment and Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process behaviourSummary: Persons are getting processed even though the life events are not closed (Close Enrollment Process) or Loss of Eligibility LE is not assigned to dependents Cont…
COBRA Qualifying event sample ExtractSummary: Hi I am writing a extract for benefits Strategies for COBRA Qualifying event. Does anyone have a sample extract that I can use. If not can someone share what, u…
How do I get the Add button back under Person Info?Summary: I was updating an employee's tobacco designation under Person Info, and had the wrong start date, so I deleted the designation and was going to start over using…
Restrict Spouse to be designated as dependent if they work in the same organizationSummary: We have a requirement to restrict the spouse to be designated in the Benefits Plan as a dependent in employee's record, if the spouse is also an employee in the…
Benefits Fast Formula: a local variable was used before being initialized.Summary: Benefits Fast Formula: a local variable was used before being initialized. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Oracle Team, I h…
Unable to schedule process to insert Unrestricted Life Event for Retro TerminationI faced an issue in end dating the Unrestricted enrollments by inserting Unrestricted life event after termination for which we have created a custom lookup type - 'BEN_…
Person Change Cause LIfe event FF not working as expected for ACA Eligible field updateSummary: Hi Team, We've FF developed for ACA Full time field update at the employement page using a Person change cause life event FF. The FF gets the value of ACA with …
Original Enrollment Date - can you report on org enrollment date of the Plan and not just the optionSummary Original Enrollment Date - can you report on org enrollment date of the Plan and not just the optionContent Is there a way to report on the original enrollment d…
Benefits enrollment event for an acquisitionSummary: Can OAB Benefit Self Service be used to allow benefit enrollment for an acquisition group prior to their employment effective date? Content (please ensure you m…
Benefit relationship does not get updated when assignment changesSummary: Hi, We have this recurring issue where when employee has different assignments that if they have temporary assigments (Primary Flay = Y) , the benefit relations…
We ran the 1094 process and got two submissions for the same legal entity in the xml. Any ideas?Summary: We ran the 1094 process and got two submissions for the same legal entity. There were 6 1095s in one submissions and 56 in the other Any ideas? This is likely a…Karl Neff 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Karl Neff Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to capture Military Status Yes/No for a DependentContent Usually children upto age 26 are eligible for Medical. We have a requirement where the children are eligible upto 30 years if they are Military Veteran. The depe…
ESS Benefits Personalizations - Nonredwood pageWe did customize New Contact page under People to Cover tab and turned off disability type and status and tobacco use. Fields were not displaying until 25A patch. Post-2…
dependent designation questionSummary: Hi, We have a plan which is purely for dependents and not for employees, however, when we designate the dependents, the employee also shows up as 'You' in the d…