Benefits Other
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Closed Dependent Age Out LE gets reopened after evaluating any other LE ex. Salary ChangeWe are facing one issue related to evaluating Depedent Age out LE. Please follow below steps Add Dependent Age Out LE 2. Evaluate 3. Notice it is closed as on 1/30 under…
Benefits: How to void potential life events in mass?Summary: Hello, Is there a way to void or delete these potential life events in mass? We want these 2 potential life events to be deleted in mass as every employee has t…
Restrict user from adding Provider during life eventHI, The user is able to add a provider whenever there is a life event. Is there any chance to block the user from adding the Provider to the system? Please let me know. …
Employee deduction for two plansSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where if employee enrolls in X plan and Y plan then there should be one employer liability for both the plans. Plan X and Plan Y are i…
Employees on LWOP - What's the recommended approach or best practice to get benefit deduction reportSummary: We would like to generate a benefit deduction report specifically for employees who are on LWOP (active but payroll ineligible) but they are benefit eligible so…
Missing BenefitsSummary: Need a report to find employees with missing benefit programs and missing specific benefit plans. If anyone has OTBI or BI report to find missing benefits for e…
How to update Benefit Plan Coverage Start Date using HDLI am trying to load Benefit Enrollment (GUL Data) for the Participants. I am facing issue with updating GUL Coverage Date. Is there any HDL scripts, we can use to update…
Payroll Definition Impact to Benefits Calculation?We need to update our Payroll Definitions for 2026 and 2027 due to the way our pay dates fall on bank holidays. Week 1 for 2027 should be Week 27 for 2026 as the origina…
An application error occurred in Benefits Service Centrewhile trying to search employee through Benefits service centre, An application error occurred. See the incident log for more information.
Partner Webinar: Known2U: 3rd party data benefits integrationSummary Oracle has partnered with Known2U to offer a turn-key solution to your data integration needsContent CM – Partner Webinar: Known2U: 3rd party data integration Ev…
Short Term Disability Coverage Amount is showing $0 for High Wage EarnersHey there! We have noticed that our employees making $350,000 or more are showing $0 for the coverage amount under the Short-Term Disability plan in benefits summary. Th…
Benefits Fast formula is taking long time to compile. Is there any limitation to number of lines?Summary: Hi, we have a Benefits enrollment postedit fast formula and recently after adding new changes it started taking long time to compile. It used to compile within …
Benefits Redwood: On Demo Environment, getting issue for benefits relationshipHello, The benefits relationship already exist for many countries on demo. When going to the page my client groups > benefits summary, we're getting the following issue:…
How to pass a date from a HCM Fast Formula to a table validated valueset using GET_VALUE_SETSummary How to pass a date from a HCM Fast Formula to a table validated valueset using GET_VALUE_SETContent Hi, I need to pass the effective date from a fast formula to …
No records are returned when running the 1094 process for California. Any ideas?Summary: No records are returned when running the 1094 process for California even though there are over 400 employees in California. This has worked in prior years. Not…Karl Neff 54 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Eric Geddes Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Adding subcategory duplicating in printable statement for Total Compensation StatementHi Experts, I have a requirement where we need to show a pie chart for annual salary and benefits. I have added benefits as subcategory in Base pay category but due to s…
Unable to connect to variable rate profiles workbookSummary: Trying to update some variable rate profiles and when I click Prepare in workbook, the spreadsheet comes up but I do not get a pop up to connect to the server. …
uploading a document like a birth cert. when reviewing document, it's the employee's payslip.Hi Team, As one of our customers facing issue as when Benefits admin uploaded birth certificate as part of a status change event as the employee. once uploaded, they wen…
the life event doesnt get wiped off from self serviceredwood benefits 25a, after voiding the life event from the my client groups -> Benefits Summary, the life event doesn't get wiped off from the self-service' Report a li…
Same Benefits Designation for 2 plans.Summary: We have a requirement where we need to ensure that the employee enrolls same dependents for 2 different plans. For example: We have Plan A and Plan B with famil…
The log table is not fetching any data in the table - HWM_RULE_FF_WORK_LOGSummary: I am trying to debug a Waiting period fast formula. I have added l_msg = add_rlog(-999, 30, 'l_action_reason_code = '|| l_action_reason_code) to the FF. But in …
Unable to view Enroll Button on Benefits Summary Redwood pageSummary: After evaluating a potential life event, the life event shows under evaluated life events, and shows the amount of days available for enrollment, however the En…
The salary change life event should not get detected if there is no change in salary amountWe have a requirement wherein we want the salary change life event to not detect when there is no change in salary amount just a record is created for salary change but …
While evaluating the life event on a non-monthly basis, we are facing the following errorSummary: While evaluating the life event on a non-monthly basis, we are facing the following error There's a participant rate overlap for the standard rate because of th…
Pending Action Item: "Dependent Requires Legislative Identifier"Summary New hire entered contact/dependent information as part of benefit enrollment, but seeing "Dependent Requires Legislative Identifier" as pending action item for b…
How to move employees from one option to other newly created option.Summary: Currently, for a particular plan we are having 40 different option (all options have same rate configuration)and waive option. From 1/1/25, they want only two o…
Can Oracle Benefit support material benefits as mobile phone, car allowance, laptop etc?The client is asking to implement material benefit like car allowance, laptop, mobile phone, etc. in Oracle Benefit. Is it possibile to configure such kind of plans and …
Is there a way to differentiate between the approved and the rejected documentsCase 1: Employee uploads a document (ex, birth certificate) from the self-service and admin rejects the document as some details are missing. Case 2: Employee uploads a …
Error when Evaluating Life Event - Termination (PAY-1635003Summary: Hello, Encountered the error below when trying to Evaluate back dated Termination Life Event. Resignation is 10/1/2024 What might be possible reason for this? T…