Benefits Other
Discussion List
Close pending action items after due dateSummary: Unable to submit denied date after the due date. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to provide a denied date on the pe…
How can we add unrestricted LE by using the scheduled processes for retro Term.Summary: The issue is Our business has retro Termination dates (example - 1 week before terminations). How can we add unrestricted life events on the day of termination …
Fast Formula: ESS_LOG_WRITES NOT WORKING in Evaluate Formula and Eligibility ProfileSummary: Hi Experts, I am creating Benefits Person Selection Fast Formula, however my logs are not displaying, is there other way around to check the logs? Content (plea…
Employees aren't being enrolled by batch process, but are when we reprocess the life eventSummary: The length of service temporal batch process is running and triggering the life event. The evaluate life event batch process is running and processing the life …
1095C form needs to display 1A on Line 14 and 2G on Line 16 for waived coverageSummary: We have requirement for waived coverage that Line 14 should display 1A and Line 16 should display 2G. How can we achieve this? Content (please ensure you mask a…
End Date Coverage for an Unrestricted EnrollmentSummary How to end date the coverage and also element entries for an Unrestricted EnrollmentContent We have an Unrestricted Program and Plan for 401k to just upload defe…
Dependent and Beneficiary Full Names not flowing from Core HR to Benefit Work AreaInviting experts inputs for full beneficiary and dependent names from Core HR to Benefits. Current Behavior: Only First Name is flowing to People to Cover and Election S…
how to end date the benefits plan enrolment to enrol new optionWe need to change the coverage amount in the plan. To do this, we created a new option and coverage, attached them to the plan, and inactivated the existing option in th…
HDL Assignment change load not triggering benefits life event based on PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_MSummary: We have a Benefits life event configured to trigger when EE changed from FT to PT below: Person Change:Part-Time to Full-Time Table Name:PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M C…
New Legal Entity not determining Healthcare Benefit EligibilitySummary: We are replacing existing Legal Entity with New Legal Entity effective Jan 01 2025. While Transferring the colleagues to New Legal Entity, their Healthcare Bene…
Redwood Self Reported Life event - Report or area administrator can see LE to approveSummary: We know that alerts can be set up to notify benefits administrators when a self-reported life event is submitted. However, with high volumes, these alerts can s…
Enrollment period for life events - Best practice and impactsSummary: Hi, Our client wants to have 7 day period for enrolment for all life events except hire such as add/drop coverage, marital status, assignment category, union ch…
Is having the ACTIVE_AFTER_TERMINATION enabled is safe on BEN_BENEFIT_RELATION_STATUS?Summary: Hi Experts, We have a problem that we cannot Evaluate the Termination Life Event after the termination in Core HR, our solution was to set the Benefits Relation…
Dependent son is no longer eligible for flat agreements due to the age of 25 years and 11 months.Summary: Dependent son is no longer eligible for flat agreements due to the age of 25 years and 11 months. Registration remains active in Oracle for health and dental pl…
Seeded Audit report unable to view audit data for Employee Enrollment relatedSummary: Hi Team, I have enabled the audit report for Benefits, I can able to view data for Potential life events, evaluate life events audit data but I am unable to vie…
"The same dependent is designated more than once for this enrollment result" Error while adding a NeContent We have to implement the Interim coverage for the EOI where we need to suspend Enrollment in case the Employee chooses more than one step in the subsequent enrol…
Add Link to Website in User Interface TextSummary Add Link to Website in User Interface TextContent Hi, I would like to add a hyperlink to our company's Benefit page on the first screen in ESS for Open Enrollmen…
Report the Original Coverage Start date of participant in the Plan not in OptionSummary: How can we get the original coverage start date of the participant to the PLAN not in the option? We can't use the Original Enrollment Date as its changing when…
25C OTBI Extra Input ValueSummary: Any customer that uses the Extra Input Values on their standard rates can now report on this data via OTBI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Voluntary Supplemental Employee plan interim coverageSummary: We have a requirement to Suspend the Employee Voluntary plan when the coverage is entered more than $250K. This will trigger EOI as well as suspend the plan. Ti…
View Search Results in Scheduled Processes for benefit processesSummary: Trying to view scheduled benefit processes and can't see the results. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I need to view the current …
Supplemental Life Plans with Sequence restrictionHello Team, We have requirement to trigger EOI for Supplemental Life plan based on Plan/Option sequence. We have setup below options, Sequence-Option: 10 - 1X of Sal 20 …
HSA error when selecting the Waive optionSummary: Hi, We have an issue where during the open enrollment, if the employee does not want to elect the HSA and select the Waive option, the system gives the error of…
Reviewing historical HDL loads done through Import and load work areaSummary: We have a need to review the fallouts of a data load done 2 years ago in hcm pod. However, unable to retrieve the historical data by tweaking the filter criteri…Tanya Sinha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Employee dropped from Medical, Dental and/or Vision plan(s) Once the dependent reaches 26 yearsSummary: Employee coverage is getting dropped fully from Medical, Dental and/or Vision plan(s) Once the dependent reaches 26 years. This is happening once the child is r…
DBI for who already click the "Submit" button in benefits that we can use in person selection FF?Summary: We have created a person selection formula that will select those employees who already have "Election Made Date". This formula will be used in Close Enrollment…
Is there any way to override benefit billing amountSummary: When Benefit billing process is run for the person who are on leave of absence , the amount is populated in Billing tab under enrollment Business wants to overr…
COBRA Administration in Oracle HCM CloudSummary Ability to do complete COBRA setup in cloudContent Has anyone here implemented COBRA benefits in cloud? From what i know there is no full capability in supportin…
unable to delete benefits option in the planWe are currently looking to change the coverage starting from 2025. At present, we have coverage associated with the existing plan, but no rates available. I would like …
Benefits Open Enrollment Window closes before midnight (12) ESTSummary: Benefits Open Enrollment window was 11/1/2024 to 11/20/2024. But every year the window closes around 5 PM EST instead of 12 AM EST (midnight - which is expected…