Discussion List
20D NewFeature Session_Assignment Level Security_For China CustomerSummary This is reply and material of 20D NewFeature Session_For China CustomerContent Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 20D NewFeature Session held by China CSM team,…Walter Wang-Oracle 28 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Walter Wang-Oracle Human Capital Management
Suspend assignment with 0 incumbentContent Good day everyone! Could you please advice me if there is an option to suspend assignment and get 0 incumbent for this position? I tryed this on Lab environment,…
Disable Line Manager roleSummary Customer is undergoing a reorg and we would like to see if we can disable the line manager functionality but enable 3 matrix manager types to meet their needs.Co…
No difference after enabling HCM_TAC_RESUBMIT_ACTIONSummary No difference after enabling HCM_TAC_RESUBMIT_ACTIONContent Hello all In 20C update, Transaction Console was supposed to have the option "Resubmit" after enablin…
Not able to view details in following sections-Demographic Info,Communication,Address,National IdentSummary Not able to view details in following sections-Demographic Info,Communication,Address,National Identifier sectionContent We have recently implemented data securi…Ritwick Chatterjee 63 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ritwick Chatterjee Human Capital Management
Best practices for implementation of ESS and MSSSummary ESS and MSS ImplementationContent hi, What are some best practices to implement ESS (me) and MSS (my team)? I couldnt find a lot of info in docs.oracle.com thank…
Manage Messages - User Detail in Warning MessageContent Hi, Is anyone able to help me please with adding some User Detail into a Message (via Manage Messages in FSM)? I know the Short Text field has a limited number o…
How override Manager while hiring if we are using Position HierarchyContent Good day, We are using Position Hierarchy functionality in Oracle HCM Cloud. So, while we are hiring an Employee and select a position in assignment, Line Manage…Evgeniya Repnina 32 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Evgeniya Repnina Human Capital Management
Use flex field in AORsSummary Use flex field in AORsContent Hi,Is there a way to use a flex field in scope of responsibility(AORs)?ThanksVersion 20c
Ethnicity Value "Two or More Races" roadmap.Summary We ant to know the roadmap for Ethnicity Value "Two or More Races", until when it will be available as read only in HCM.Content As we know that Two or More Races…Mohd Shahnawaz Mohd Merajuddin-Oracle 178 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Traci Houghton Yewell Human Capital Management
How to convert textbox to dropdown listSummary We want to convert three attributes of Person Address details(State, City and Local Government Area) from textbox to dropdown list.Content Under Person contact-A…INNOCENT EMMANUEL 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by INNOCENT EMMANUEL Human Capital Management
Checklist Notifications and ExpirySummary Checklist Notifications and ExpiryContent Hi, We are implementing Off Boarding Checklists which are required for both the Employee and Manager. However, an Emplo…
Display DOR in Employee Self Service based on the location of the EmployeeContent We have a requirement to display DOR in Employee Self Service based on the location of the Employee. Example: Salary Certificate UAE(DOR) must be visible only fo…Harish Vummidi 66 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by alexander khoerniawan-Oracle Human Capital Management
What;s the way to promote is not showing data for promotionContent What;s the way to promote is not showing data for promotion
Autoprovision Roles for All Users processSummary Autoprovision rules not being assigned when employees move from one team to anotherContent Is the Autoprovision Roles for All Users process supposed to be schedu…
My compensation is not visible in employee Personal Info pageContent Hi Experts, "My compensation" is not visible in employee Personal Info page. I have checked the roles (Took a copy of seeded role), Structure (Its enabled) and R…
Off Boarding Checklists being Sent when Termination Date is in the PastSummary Off Boarding Checklists being Sent when Termination Date is in the PastContent Hi, There is sometimes a need to terminate Employees with a Termination Date in th…
Restrict the auto-generated Assignment Number prefixSummary Enable the auto generated Assignment number to be the Person Number itself and have the suffix for multiple assignments as it isContent Hello, The assignment num…
Hire an employee Approval Transaction > transactionApprovalRequest fieldsContent Hello All, I will appreciate your support on the following issue: In “Hire an employee” Approval Transaction, can you please advise if the fields in transactionA…
Remove Action Reason from ActionSummary How do I remove an action reason from an action?Content I mistakenly added an action reason to an action. I don't see that a way to remove the action reason that…
Progression Grade Ladder - The values 30000000xxxxxxx,Step X aren't valid for the attribute RateObjeSummary Getting error 'The values 30000000xxxxxxx,Step X aren't valid for the attribute RateObjectId.' when uploading ProgressionGradeLadder data file.Content I have alr…User_BYVNN 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathi Chenoweth-Oracle Human Capital Management
20C - Document Records - One user gets server error when trying to view document records for an emplContent We have one user who is trying to view the document records section for one specific employee and she gets "ADF_FACES-60097:For more information, please see the …
How to stop resignation and termination approval notifications for HR?Summary How to stop resignation and termination approval notifications for HR?Content Hello Folks, How to stop resignation and termination approval notifications for HR?…
Loading Document of Records by HDLContent Hello experts, do you know the HDL format to load document of records (attachment included)? In other words, I should load pdf documents for several employees an…
How can we change the legal employer of the employee using the old UI , with correct mode ?Summary How can we change the legal employer of the employee using the old UI , with correct mode ?Content Hello , We have a mistake in one of the employees - with the l…
worker global transfer historycal order hdlSummary hdl historycal with global transfer unsortedContent We facing an issue with HDL for historycal worker data, with above 300 employees in following scenario: We al…
Cloud HCM Talk Radio - North America Cloud Payroll: Final Readiness Review for Year-End 2020Summary Cloud HCM Talk Radio - North America Cloud Payroll: Final Readiness Review for Year-End 2020Content Are you an Oracle Cloud HCM Payroll customer in the United St…Frank Cowell-Oracle 15 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Frank Cowell-Oracle Human Capital Management
End of probation periodContent Good day! Could you please clarify if probation period ends automatically or do I need to make some setup for this? Thank you! Regards, KristinaKristina Serikova 69 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayakrishna Paleti Human Capital Management
On Boarding ChecklistSummary On Boarding ChecklistContent HI All, i have a very quick and somewhat simple question. i have created an Onboarding Checklist which fires as expected. But when t…
You can't have multiple records of this address type HOME on the same day.Content Hi All, We are facing an approval issue "You can't have multiple records of this address type HOME on the same day." Please advice.MohammadAfghanul Khair 91 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Claudiu Postolache-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management