Discussion List
How do I add Instructor ID to BI Enrollment report?Summary: How do I add Instructor ID to a BI Enrollment report? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Does anyone have any tips on how to add Ins…
Any advice on the best automated method for all Upcoming ILT Session reminders sent to enrollees?Summary: Any advice on best automated method for sending upcoming ILT Session reminders sent to enrollees? Currently we have the standard User Approval automated email m…
Is there any way for us to view who made assignments?Summary: I have the "educator" role admin rights for our LMS. Is there a way for us to learn who made an assignment to one of our team members? Our organization also has…
ILT Prereq Limitations WorkaroundSummary: Does anyone have any good workarounds for the severe limitation of the Taleo ILT prerequisites? We are rolling out a 20-session ILT learning plan, and most of t…
Question about connecting to Taleo LS Learn (HS Learn) via FTPSummary: Would there be a problem if someone connects via FTP to Taleo LS Learn using a different proxy than the one provided in the instructions? Content (required): So…
How to provide access to the Support Corner complete menu?Summary: Hi, I am currently the administrator for the life sciences ILT process in Taleo LS Learn (formerly HS Learn). I will soon transfer this responsibility to a diff…
View users menu not workingSummary: Hi, I'm having a problem with the Life Sciences Learn ( View users menu (Support Corner/ Users/View Users). When c…
Is there a way to transfer/copy course and ILT completions from old to new user account in Learn?Summary: I have a user who completed a lot of elearning courses and ILTs under an old user account. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to easily copy all of tho…
How to show ILT events?Summary: Cannot find current instructions for how to pull ILT events into one page in the Learn Center Content (required): The online help documents are terribly unhelpf…
Can't register for ILT via learning plan search/catalog widgetSummary: If you access a learning plan via the learning plan widget, you can easily register for upcoming ILT's as expected. If you search for and add yourself to a lear…
HELP! Duplicate tracks created using Bulk Loader to create new ILTs!Summary:Is there a way to use Bulk Loader to correct duplicate tracks that were created when using Bulk Loader to create new ILTs for existing tracks? Content (required)…
Signature Field only populated for some Attendees on ILT Rosters in Taleo LearnSummary: ILT Rosters are showing Signature field populated for some users. Content (required): Not sure how to prevent this from happening. We would like Signature field…
Two Unwanted Fields now showing for Enrollees on all Taleo Learn ILT Enrollment PagesSummary: I believe someone inadvertently made a change to the default ILT registration template page.? Where can I go to change the default registration page used for IL…
Gamification/BadgesSummary Can we use these with Learn?Content Hi, We are interested in adding some gamification/badging features to our content and wanted to know if this could be done in…
Removing a user from a Learning PlanContent Hi All, I need to remove a user from a learning plan but the box is greyed out. Is there a way to un-grey the box so that the user can be removed for the learnin…
VILT settingsSummary Setting up VILT across sub-learn centersContent Are the VILTs settings shared across sub-learn centers? We have a root (main) agency learn center and several sub…
Learning Plan with ILTs IncludedSummary Learners to have the ability to see their LP with ILTs and get to choose which "session/enrollment" they wantContent Hi all - I am reaching out for some quick ad…
How do you point Adobe Connect to Training rather than MeetingsSummary How do you change configuration to point to Training rather than MeetingsContent We have been trying to link Adobe Connect Training through Taleo Learn. It is se…
(Free) Online Training for LMS AdminsSummary Looking for Taleo Learn Online Admin TrainingContent Hi to everyone out there~ I have been searching for "free" video/online LMS Admin training modules without m…
Taleo Learn - ILT/VILT UAT ScriptsSummary Does anyone have a UAT script template they would be willing to share? Thanks in advance~Content Hi all~ I am new to the Taleo Learn system and I need to create …
Method for displaying ILT Enrollments to usersSummary We are looking for a way to display ONLY the sessions that the user is APPROVED forContent We have a page for employees to view the sessions that they enrolled i…
How to Create "Up Coming Events" objectContent Hi Gurus, There is a requirement of showing up coming event on a side bar of user home page. All the available events should be listed there and user must have t…
Recurring Enrollments with Meeting InvitesSummary Meeting invites for multi day enrollmentsContent Is it possible to send a meeting invite for each day of a multi day ILT session? Example. 5 day session (8am-12p…
Problem with Catalog Widgets not showing Enrollments - Pod CHUSummary New Enrollments not being displayed by the catalog widget, older ones are.Content I'm creating new enrollments for ILT Sessions as we have always done and findin…
Old ILT eventsSummary Is there a way to delete unused ILT EventsContent I came into this LMS just over a month ago and have gotten familiar with Taleo learn, however when they asked m…
ILT Post-work and Boosted LearningSummary Has anyone sent out post work and/ or boosted learning videos/assignments/etc through the LMS messages? I am having a difficult time getting the post ILT complet…
Learn and HCM IntegrationSummary We currently use Learn and HCM and wondering if there is any integration availableContent Hello Team, We currently use: Core HR for employee records Talent Manag…
What is your company's ILT and/or course titling convention?Summary We are looking at how we title ILT sessions/enrollments and online courses, and would love examples from Learn administratorsContent We currently use: 3-char dep…
My Tasks Widget not ShowingSummary My Tasks Widget not ShowingContent Anyone having problems with their "My Tasks" widget displaying properly. All 4 of ours are not showing but giving error messag…
Is there any way to find out when and who has attached/added course to Learning PlanContent Hi All, Please advise is there any way to find out when and who has attached/added course to Learning Plan Regards, AG