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Insight Report/Dashboard Data Refresh TimeInsight Report/Dashboard Data Refresh Time As far as I know, it takes up to 24 hours for data to be updated on insights and dashboards. I think there will be a time when…
Can we pull all the Campaigns Approvers List for a particular year from Eloqua Insight?Hi Team, Can we pull all the Campaigns Approvers List for a particular year from Eloqua Insight or by some other methods? Regards, Digant
API-fy Your Eloqua: A Beginner's Guide, Part 1Eloqua’s user interface enables marketers to configure complex processes, integrations, and custom reports, making it a valuable tool for digital campaigns. But it’s not…
Insights Report to show all form submissions where certain field value criteria is metI'm trying to set up an insights form data report to send records of all form submissions from the last day. Easy enough, I understand this part. The report is to show t…
history of contact delete in InsightIf a contact in Eloqua is delete by a personal information expiration date, etc., can I check the history of the delete in Insight? For example, I'd like to see insights…
Modifying an agent not owned by meAs an admin I'm unsuccessful in modifying an agent not owned by me. When i look at the documentation for Agents, I see the following: You cannot modify another user's ag…
What is the impact of having an identical ElqTrackId value in two or more emails?In the Eloqua documentation it specifically warns against copying an email and retaining the ElqTrackId values in the resulting new email. We do have some emails with El…
[February Update] Eloqua’s Reporting API Controlled Availability Program (Closed)February Update - Changes to Oracle Eloqua Reporting API Endpoint URLs With the release of Oracle Eloqua 24A, we announced that the structure of the endpoint URLs for th…
Insight (OBIEE) - how to fix a dbase field not showingHi all, I will explain what was the issue we came accross in case someone has a similar problem and after that the solution, which is very simple. Hope this may help som…
Unique Sends metricIs there a way to calculate UNIQUE SENDS? For context, I'm trying to put together a report and with the way insight calculates "Unique" Opens/Clickthroughs, it would hel…
[HELP] Deduplication report insightGood morning, I created an insight report with the aim of outputting mail sending statistics over the last 7 days. My submission total includes many duplicates. Do you h…
How to find new subscriptions metric in eloqua reports?Hi, I can find total subscription metrics, but no new subscription's (e.g. per month)?
Is there a way to see the Eloqua Database Schema without using a BI tool?Specifically, I'd like to understand how the campaign activity object is related to to the email activity object in Insight. I do not have access to a BI tool to underst…
Can we add more than 25 fields in Custom Data Insight setup or any workaround for that?Hi Team, Can we add more than 25 fields in Custom Data Insight setup or any workaround for that? Actually, I am currently creating a dashboard in Eloqua Insight using da…
Sitemap not updating with website migration.We had a website migration that uses a new URL structure. With the migration, the sitemap is not updating and Eloqua can't seem to be reading the script tags present. Ho…
how to set a form submission report for last 24 hoursHi, I'm working from a basic form submission overview report. I'm having trouble determining which field will allow me to set the time span to anything less than 7 days.…
Assigning permissions to reports/dashboardsGood afternoon, I have a question about setting permissions for Insight reports and dashboards. Is there any chance to assign the same permissions as I have to my collea…
Renaming a dashboard page in OBIEEIs it not possible to rename pages within a dashboard? The buttons to do so is disabled within the Dashboard Properties and from the catalog view Is there another way to…
Password Required For Data Export HelpWe use SSO to log into our instance of Eloqua. However, when you export data say, from a Segment, it requires a username and password to download the data. The data we'r…
[INSIGHT] Output stats from the last 7 daysHello, I would like to create and send myself a weekly report on the statistics of a certain email over the last 7 days. Can you help me ? Here's where I am: I don't see…
If multiple streams on canvas and customer qualifies for all segment streams which do they enter?Considering a contact can only enter the canvas one time, if there are multiple segment streams and the contact qualifies for multiple of them how does Eloqua determine …
Eloqua Bounceback Date/time via APIHi, I wanted to ask you a question regarding the retrieve of the Bounceback Date/Time field via API. In the platform I can find this data in the "Email Bounceback Histor…
Issue with the calculation of Unique CTREloqua Unique Click Through hi I have two questions -that I need your help with. A) As per th…
Eloqua API data/reportHi, I recently joined a new project and I wanted to ask you for information regarding an API call that I found in use. For reporting purposes with Business Intelligence …
The Analytics Excellence Series | Heatmaps for Time-Centric TrendsFor more information on the Analytics Excellence Series, please visit our main page. Heatmaps are invaluable tools for uncovering trends and providing compelling visuals…
Eloqua Insight Resource PageEloqua Insight Resources Featured Content: The Analytics Excellence Series In this series, we're spotlighting best practices that will elevate your reporting strategy. W…
Excluding records from pivot table report in Eloqua InsightGood morning, I have a question about excluding records from the pivot table report. How can I exclude specific rows that I do not want them to be there? This is the lay…
How to aggregate timestamps in an analysisHi, I have a CDO with two columns: a timestamp and another column with numeric data. I would like to create a report where the timestamp rows are aggregated into weeks, …
How can I track clicked percentage for buttons allocated in the landing page?I have created the landing page with the multiple buttons (CTAs) allocated in the page. How can I tell clicked percentage for buttons allocated in the particular landing…
Oracle Eloqua User Management: Should you delete that record?Each Oracle Eloqua database allows a certain number of licensed marketing users, individuals who can access the Eloqua platform. Depending on the size of your team, it’s…