Commerce Integrations
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Can we do 'Create Quote' from Service Request Object in fusionSummary: We want to have an option for 'Create Quote' from Service Request. can we do this. If not possible with classic UI , can we do it with help of Redwood pages? Co…
I am unable to retrieve the customer's city using the REST APIDear All, I am using this REST API: /fscmRestApi/resources/, but it doesn't return the city for a specific site. I n…
CPQ Fetch Customer DetailsDear All, I am a technical consultant new to CPQ. Could someone please explain what to do to see how the "Fetch Customer Details" button is working, and how this action …
REST API Model Reconfigure, Error on SaveSummary: "title": "Could not perform Action: Reconfigure Inbound\nIntegration Reconfigure Check has an invalid endpoint URL: " Content (required): 500 Error response whe…
New Webinar- CPQ Deep Dive Development Tool KitSummary Join us to explore Dev Tool Kit, one of CPQ’s newest features, with Ekta Paliwal from the Oracle CPQ Product Management Team Content This webinar highlights the …Graham McInnes, OPM Team-Oracle 73 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Martin Gogué Configure Price Quote
ManagedPkg v8.2 : Stamping partner_price_book_entry_id from SFDCSummary: How to stamp partner_price_book_entry_id when there are multiple currencies Content (required): We are working on a multi currency implementation, we have 2 cur…
Connecting a nonproduction CPQ site to a partial Salesforce SandboxSummary: We have created a partial Salesforce Sandbox and wanted to maintain the integration to a nonproduction CPQ site. But after making some changes, we are finding t…
Where can I find the IP Address of a CPQ Server?Summary: Where can I find the IP Address of a CPQ Server? We need to Whitelist our CPQ Servers for another system. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Integrating Multiple Commerce Processes to One SalesforceSummary: Issue when opening Quote from Salesforce to Oracle CPQ with multiple commerce processes set up. Need more information on how to configure the systems so that th…apham 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Question Parent Objects of the "Move" Button in Salesforce that allows you to move a QuoteSummary: The move button in salesforce allows you to move a quote from one parent object to another parent object. For instance you can move a quote from one opportunity…
setQuoteAsPrimary function not available with manage package V8.6Summary: "setQuoteAsPrimary" Manage Package function is unavailable with MP Version 8.6. Hi , We are upgrading from Manage Package V7.2 to V8.6 and we were using the bel…
Start_Upserting_Lines__c (Quote Level ) and Line_Upsert_Deletion_Flag__c (Line Level)Summary: What is the significance of Start_Upserting_Lines__c (Quote Level ) and Line_Upsert_Deletion_Flag__c (Line Level) in manage package V8.x while syncing to Salefo…Neeraj Singh Vodafone 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Neeraj Singh Vodafone Configure Price Quote
Conditionally hide attributes or create duplicate on Subscription Workbench (Customer Assets) layoutWe have to two commerce processes that uses Asset Based Ordering (ABO) within a single CPQ instance. Our requirement is to display columns on Subscription Workbench (Cus…Eswar_s 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sushmita Singh-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
CPQ - SFDC User Token generationSummary: Hi all, we are facing issue when a newly added user in SFDC (Also user got created in CPQ and linked) is trying to navigate to CPQ from SFDC Opportunity, Via ne…Siddhartha_BRD 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
_partner_entity_id is getting blankHi All, We are facing issue that "_partner_entity_id" is getting blank even we have value in "Partner Standard Price Book Entry Id:" for respective part in data base. Th…SrinivasaRajuRudraraju 21 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Pradeep Agrawal Configure Price Quote
Need To Setup asynchronous mode of connection between OIC and CPQSummary: The CPQ to OM integration we have is currently using the Oracle CPQ adaptor for the integration in a synchronous method for establishing a connection between CP…
I am unable to add a dynamic attribute in data column.Summary: I am unable to add a dynamic attribute in data column. Are there any other options available for using that dynamic attribute in the data columns, besides creat…
Can we limit the number of attributes to be exported in out of the box export line items actionWe wanted to know if the out of the box export line items action can be invoked to fetch limited number of attributes. I did not find any documentation for thisYashasvi Seethalam 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dillon Witt-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
It's possible to execute a commerce action using bmlSummary: I need to execute a commerce transaction action using bml script Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):In my process thre is an action t…
What is the timeout duration for CPQ REST APIsSummary: We have a scenario where OIC invokes a CPQ action 'A' via REST API, and that action scans through a list of quotes in a data table, and does some processing for…
User is x not able to save changes to quote from user y.Could not perform Action: Save During commerce integration Name: UpsertPrimaryFlag mSDYNUpsertPrimaryFlag @ Line 62: Failed to clear Price Level in oracle CPQ following …raju11 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Get CRM Partner URL in runtimeSummary: Hi All, The ask over here is to get the CRM Partner URL in CPQ within run time (BML). Wanted to understand is there any attribute or function or API which can g…Sidd Sarkar 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Is it possible to implement ABO for two commerce processes within a single Oracle CPQ instanceSummary: Can we implement Asset Based Ordering for two commerce processes within a single Oracle CPQ instance ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Refuse to connect from Salesforce to oracle CPQSummary: When trying to create quote from Salesforce Opportunity, getting error on a blank screen error ('cpqsite.bigmachines.come refused to connect') Content (required…
Get Company User Details API but its additionally attaching /commerce/buyside in the REST API CallWe are trying to invoke Get Company User Details API from the hiderow.js on commerce transactions page we are getting the /commerce/buyside automatically attached and th…
Not able to add Models as Subscription Products while creating Subscription from CPQ using OICSummary: I add items from a configurator to the quote in CPQ. In the quote, the model will be added along with the items to the line-item grid. When I create subscriptio…Vignesh Prabhu Ganesan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sushmita Singh-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How To Refresh QuoteHi All, Need you input on below ask: How to make opened quote refresh automatically as soon as the external system is finished processing of records? Thank in advance!!
Mass Update Transaction Line ItemsSummary: I have a Model Configured and added to Transaction Line. And after some ECO changed a item number is changed in that particular model, now i want to update that…
CPQ integration with Oracle SCM Cloud/Order ManagementSummary CPQ integration with Oracle SCM Cloud/Order ManagementContent Does CPQ integration with Oracle SCM Cloud/Order Management available OOTB? If not can some one sha…
Change Opportunity Field Data type in Oracle Quote Object in SFDC for the SFDC-CPQ ConnectorSummary: Currently Oracle Quote object which is part of CPQ Connector managed package has "cafsl_Opportunity__c" field which is lookup relationship to Opportunity. Can w…Jason Mathews 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dillon Witt-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote