Discussion List
BPA Change Order StuckI was attempting to upload a BPA FBDI (Import Blanket Agreement) when I had to cancel the process due to connectivity issues. After reviewing the BPA's being updated, th…
Approved Supplier List (ASL)Summary Approved Supplier List (ASL)Content Hi, We have a requirement to restrict any purchasing (Req/Orders) for specific suppliers (Blacklisted). The approved supplier…
What is the maximum File size of attachment to flow from PR to PO?What is the maximum File size of attachment to flow from PR to PO?….In one of the case the attachment size was 18KB and it didn't flow from PR to PO while Approving. Lik…
How to create report future "approver details" of requisitions in "Pending Approval Status*Summary: Customer requests a report listing future approver details of requisitions with “Pending approval” status. Content (required): The intent is to answer questions…
Mass update of Requisition and Purchasing Approval Rules in FSMSummary: Hello Experts, We are looking to update our PR/PO approval rules and since we have around 100+ rules looking for any upload option (Apart from BPM) where we can…
PO Approval BPM task not returning any value for any of the attributes from PayloadSummary: We are trying to configure the DocumentApproval BPM task using the BPM Worklist window. However, we are unable to get proper value from any of the attributes fr…
Find a way to check the old and new email address for the usersSummary: I recently found that a user had recently updated their email, but the purchasing approval groups that they were a part of only contained their previous email. …
Enable notifications for First Responder Wins Parallel Routing Approvals for a POWe have set up approvals Rules for our customer for Purchase Order using Manage Purchasing Document Approvals and have used Terms approval First Responder Wins for some …
User not receiving the FYI notification Post PO approved, but receiving FYI notification for invoiceSummary: User not receiving the FYI notification Post PO approved, but receiving FYI notification for invoice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
API or Table to visualize next PO approversSummary: Our customer uses Oracle Purchasing Cloud to create and manage their Purchase Orders. The customer has ordered the construction of a report to visualize the Pur…
change order approvalsSummary: We've implemented PO approvals based on backing requisition. All the PO lines should have req line to be auto approved. If not, it will go for approval. Now we'…
Create a specific approval flow for the PO that was released from the agreementI am trying to build two different approvals flow for the POs 1- PO that released from a specific agreement( regardless if it was CPA or BPA) 2- A direct PO that is not …
Is there a way to use the Contract Reference Number on PO header for approval condition?Summary: Is there a way to use the Contract Reference Number on PO header for approval condition? Content (required): Hi Gurus- Just want to check if, is there a way tha…
How to auto approve a document or transaction in BPM?Summary: We have n number of rules defined in BPM for a document for example Requisition or Invoice. Our requirement is that if document (e.g. Invoice) is from Source XY…Rajat_Gupta 16 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravi Kumar-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to add a new stage in BPM worklist and add creator as the approver to that taskSummary How to add a new stage in BPM worklist and add creator as the approver to that taskContent We have specific business requirement to have different levels of appr…
What functionality comes with the "Manage Procurement Approval Actions" duty roleSummary: Dear Procurement Team, the Security Reference document mentions an unassigned duty role "Manage Procurement Approval Action" What is it used for? Kind Regards, …
"Change in Document Total Amount" attribute in purchasing approvals (PO Document Header Attribute)Summary: How this attribute calculates the change in total amount. We have an approval rule based on this, but it is not working as expected. Content (please ensure you …Govind Kumar Reddy S 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Poornachandar Chikoti-Oracle Purchasing
Rejection Reason Mandatory does not work for E-Mail NotificationSummary: We have set the Rejection Reason for PO to be mandatory. This works in the bell-icon notification but how is this managed when rejecting through e-mail notifica…
Expected Bahavior-Multiple Purchasing Document Approval Rules on One Change Order?Hi all, Apologies if this is already asked elsewhere, I searched the forums, but wasn't able to find the answer. We have a Requisition submitted via a Planned Order, and…
Supplier Registration Request Was Rejected Because of an ErrorSummary: Hello, I'm encountering an issue when using the supplier registration link (for both spend-authorized and prospective suppliers). I receive the following error …
how to download / upload all BPM ruleSummary: how to download / upload all BPM rule Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we upload all BPM approval rule after test instance got…
How to manage Purchase Order approval flow for Purchase Orders with Negative Line AmountsSummary: Currently, Purchase Order approval rules for our customer are based on the Purchase Order Header amount. Our customer wishes to make use of Negative Lines for P…
How are you maintaining cost center owners in Oracle Fusion while you have different HR systemWe are challenged with cost center owner management as we have Workday for HR data. When a supervisor or above moves to another position within the company or leaves the…
Not able to add Assingee as Start/First Approver of entire taskSummary: Hi, Currently we have done Cost Center Manager based approvals for Purchase Orders. The Cost Center manager is at level 5, but when PO document submitted by Lev…
Approval DelegationSummary: We have to delegate approval from a senior position to a junior position. Is this recommended/restricted in Oracle cloud 24B? The senior person is having an app…Niraj Kumar 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Fusion Applications Administration
Skip first manager and send approval for the second manager - ProcurementHi Oracle, I am facing the following problem: How Could I setup an skip rule? Manage purchasing document approvals > terms approvals serial > using DOA "delegation of au…
How to grant the Manager to view and approve PO approval notifications assigned to his subordinatesHi, Is it possible to have a setup or grant in Fusion that allows a Manager (intended as following user in the approval workflow) to view and approve a PO approval workf…
Requisition Approval including Department headWe have a requirement to for Requisition approval to have Direct Manager and Department head for Purchase Requisition approval. Direct manager can be handled with Superv…
Highest Approver Title is unavailable in BPM worklistWe have a requirement to restrict escalation levels for Purchasing Document Approvals till particular approver (not beyond CEO), currently the option of Highest Approver…
Requisitions are not being submitted to Top worker participantSummary: Requisitions are not going to Top worker participant (CEO) . But CEO will not approve instead it is being delegated to another SVP . Content (please ensure you …