Discussion List
Explore Journey - We are not able to see custom categories within the explore section as a employeeSummary: Enable employee to view Journey categories on the Explore tab Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we access to the explore secti…
how to fetch data from preceding task in a journeySummary: Business has a requirement where in task 1 what ever the feedback entered by line manager should be visible to employee in task 2 and emp has to acknowledge and…
Journey needs to be assigned to all the employees in the legal entity.Summary: We have a requirement to assign a journey to all the employees in the legal entity. I have enabled the ORA_PER_SOA_JOURNEY_ASSIGNEE_SELECTION_TYPEprofile option…
Required star like Journey QuestionnaireSummary: I have created a onboarding Journey for probation end process and included one questionnaire in task and one of the question require star like rating and it sho…
Can we assign a Journey to a current and future manager?We have a requirement for an internal appointments journey that has tasks for an employees current manager (to collect assets) and the future manager (to arrange an indu…
How to modify the embedded link name on "TaskActionRequiredReport" bip report ?Summary: How to modify the embedded link name on "TaskActionRequiredReport" bip report ? i changed the label in the rtf but then the link doesn't work.. Content (please …
Is the "Checklist Welcome Report" available only when using the "Enterprise onboarding" ?Summary: Is the "Checklist Welcome Report" available only when using the "Enterprise onboarding" checklist category ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Journey Alert template not working when the owner is initiator or any other valueSummary: I have created a new template for 'Task Assigned for Owner' HCM Alert but unable to find any notification , I have attached configuration images, kindly suggest…
Send Custom Email from JourneySummary: Hi Team, We do have a requirement to send communication with pending during pre-onboarding Journey. Communication to be send from journey tasks. Is there any wo…
Issue with Fast Formula Eligibility Check After Element Entry UpdateSummary: Hi everyone, I'm encountering an issue with a Fast Formula I’m using to verify the eligibility of an element entry for a specific task within a checklist, based…
Auto update Task Due dateSummary: Hi, Is there a way to auto update the task due dates once the start date of new hire is postponed? Currently we have onboarding step that gets assigned when "hi…
Issue in DocuSign Configuration - HCM Electronic Signature ConfigurationSummary: We have followed the below link to configure DocuSign for our customer with User name and password. However, during the recent time we faced a issue "You cannot…
Getting errors on Embedded application pages in Journey pageSummary: We have tried with seeded Employee role and custom roles and getting errors on Journey page. We are using task type = Embedded Application Task for Demographics…
Is there any option to hide/rename the Last updated by "FUSION APPS" in Journeys pageThere is a requirement to hide the last updated by FUSION_APPS_HCM_SOA_APPID in journeys page. If not able to hide, is it possible to rename the FUSION_APPS_HCM_SOA_APPI…
Goals Application Task is not available in Journeys after redwood migrationThe Goals task was available in the Journey application tasks. However, after moving to Redwood, we are unable to see the Goals application task. How can we resolve this…
Journeys Embedded Task - Address Page is not LoadingSummary: Journeys Embedded Task - Address Page is not Loading for Pending Worker. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, When pending worker …
How to remove the on boarding checklist action buttons ?Summary: How to remove the on boarding checklist action buttons ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…
Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template ESS Process LimitationsSummary: Hi All, Regarding the "Update Assigned Journey Attributes Based on Modified Journey Template" ESS process delivered in 22B - there seems to be a lot of limitati…
Can I add a new hire's name onto the Journey's Name?Summary: We are looking to incorporate the new hire's name into the Journey's Name. For example, Onboarding Checklist for (INSERT NEW HIRE'S NAME HERE). IS this possible…
Assigned person checklist information onlyWe have requirement to fetch the particular person information only when we click on see document We created a Task Type- Report there we have mentioned the report path …
Preview Checklist Task of Native Electronic Signature typeSummary: We have checklist tasks of Native Electronic Signature type and they are tied to Document Type - Recruiting. Now when the candidate completes the task and revis…
View only access to offboarding joureny tasksSummary: I created specific role which is based on the "View Worker Journey" role and i need that some Non-HR employees will have view only access to the off boarding ta…
Unable to attach report to Checklist Task Type ReportSummary: Receiving warning message 'You're about to save the task even though the report doesn't exist in the specified report path. Continue anyway?' when attaching the…
HOW TO UPDATE/CHANGE ACTION REQUIRED EMAIL NOTIFICATION SUBJECT LINE FOR A JOURNEY TASKWe have configured Onboarding Journey task for new hires to complete/go through certain Task. And the Task is Manual Task and we have used processing mode as "BI Publish…
Review Job description journey when job change is performedSummary: Hi, We would like to trigger a journey to internal employees when there is a job change action performed on their employee assignment. I see action "job change"…
Is it possible to Auto populate Employee display in the employment agreement journeysSummary: is it possible to Auto populate Employee display in the employment agreement journeys Whenever the employee opens an assigned journey, they are requested to go …
Employee to View Uploaded Attachment in Journey TaskSummary: Hello, Does anyone know how to enable options for employee to be able to view the attachment they have uploaded to the task after task is marked as done? We hav…
Document within a Journey - TaskSummary: Hi We have a need to add a document in different languages in one Task within a Journey, so new hires can fill in and being saved in Document of Records. Seems …
HR manager unable to see the completed journey.Summary: Hi Team, I have created the journey 'Action HIRE'. once employee hire Line manager get the notification after 90 day's survey question, I have made the performe…