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Form Submission Data report Graph viewSummary: Hi, I am creating a graphical view of a form submission data report which has multiple choice questionnaire with some basic fields like first name, last name, e…
Permanent redirectionsHi everyone, I've identified an issue with the redirection settings for Eloqua Landing Pages. As you're all aware, it's possible to configure redirections on each landin…
Change of the logging method after 25A releasesGood morning, Would the log in change done with the 25a releases (Feb 15 for POD 6) affect the API users? Any action recommended to be done? Best regards,
How to create a custom object record in program builder (triggered by company creation)We would like to create Oracle CX Sales Accounts using Oracle CX Sales Integration app. Unluckily this scenario is not supported, on the other hand, the app can create O…
Eloqua Page meta tagging rule limitSummary: Meta Page Tagging rule limit of 5000 pages is too small. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am working with a client who wants to …
Email Group Subscriptions Are Not Displayed as a Subscription Activity on the Contact RecordWhen navigating to a contact record and viewing the activity log under Email Subscribes, the only subscribe activities reported are global subscriptions. Email group sub…Shreya Nagaraj-Support-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shreya Nagaraj-Support-Oracle Eloqua
Auto Meta Tagging RulesHello! I would appreciate your help with the following behavior I observed when I attempt to create auto meta tagging rule. The tags get populated only on some of the pa…
Analytics Excellence Series | Aggregate Data QueriesFor more information on the Analytics Excellence Series, please visit our main page. With the Eloqua 25A release, we’re introducing Aggregate Data Queries for the Report…
Add new user to Oracle Support user groupSummary: Hi, We have been trying to add a user to an existing client's Oracle Support user group. We have tried requesting and manually adding and have not been successf…
Configuring Complex Processing Steps on FormsEloqua forms are a powerful tool that can receive, transform, and direct contacts. Once a form is submitted, you decide how it will affect your database. Form processing…
How to send test emails to multiple recipientsPlease review the below documentation: Kumar Gudla-Support-Oracle 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephen Carlisle - Support-Oracle Eloqua
Developing a Campaign ChecklistLaunching a marketing campaign can feel overwhelming. With all the moving parts involved, even the most experienced professionals can lose sight before activation. That’…
Access to Edit Single Sign-On?Hi! I asked this question to support and they sent me here! Help! I need to know exactly what access a user needs to be able to get to: Settings > Users > Single Sign-On…
How to suspend SSO access ?Hi ! Did someone achieve shutting SSO access(letting just user-pw access possible for a few admins) for a certain period ? My goal is to suspend Normal activity for a wh…
How to delete contact field prevented by BulkImport/BulkExportHello, I would need to delete a contact field but I am prevented from doing so because there are two dependencies: BulkImport & BulkExport (I have their IDs). Is there a…
How to update custom items of contact data in import management.I would like to update custom items in my contact data. How do I update from tool
Making Sense of Decision Steps and Evaluation Periods - Part IDecision step or wait step – which is right for your canvas, and when should you use an evaluation period? It’s a question our Consulting Team gets asked often. And, lik…
Hyphenation in Eloqua emails in OutlookDear All, We are currently experiencing issues with hyphenation in our email formatting, where words at the end of a line are being broken and automatically hyphenated. …
Making Sense of Decision Steps and Evaluation Periods - Part IIDon't Miss Part One: Making Sense of Decision Steps and Evaluation Periods - Part I Getting the hang of the various ways to configure decision steps, evaluation periods,…
A Simple Guide for SSL CertificatesHello, We hope you are finding the Customer Cloud Connect discussions, product tips, and best practices valuable. A topic that is always of interest is securing microsit…Bryan-Connelly-Support-Oracle 53 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Bryan-Connelly-Support-Oracle Eloqua
Zoom for Eloqua using SSOWe only have access to Zoom through SSO. However, trying to set up the Zoom App in Eloqua requires typing in credentials. Is there a workaround for this?
End of Year Clean Up - File, Archive, DeleteAs another year ends, many begin to reflect on accomplishments and year-in-reviews. Yet, we often overlook getting our Eloqua house in order. There is no better time to …
Accounts aggregate countHi Perhaps some basic stuff, but I was not able to figure out (from audience > accounts perspective, nor in a segment) how to see an aggregate count of for instance Acco…
Curious about using Litmus and Eloqua together?Curious about using Litmus and Eloqua together? Hear from @Ling Zhang-Oracle, Principal Product Marketing Manager at Oracle and Jessica Materna, Director of Product & Pa…
Questions about the changed My Oracle Support WebsiteI'm contacting you because I'm having difficulty signing up new employees to the recently changed “My Oracle Support” website. Even if I enter the correct information in…
Importing internal activityWe are decommissioning a salesforce/marketing cloud environment and we would like to import internal activities into eloqua. Have you got any suggestion? We are thinking…
Email Deliverability and Soft Bounce BacksHi Community, We've been facing challenges with email deliverability and are seeking effective solutions to manage soft bounce-back subscribers. Specifically, we'd like …
Root Cause of Rising Spam Submissions in Eloqua FormsWe have noticed a recent surge in spam form submissions through our Eloqua forms and would like to understand the underlying causes. Could you please provide insights in…
How to transfer a Checkboxvalue from Eloqua to Sales via CX Sales IntegrationHello, We are currently using the CX Sales Integration to facilitate the transfer of information between Eloqua and the Sales Cloud. While most of the integration works …
how to implement field level access in to eloqua userI want user to access only few pII fields like email address, first name, last name, company, country in eloqua and he should not see other fields in eloqua contact table