Absence Management
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Your absence entry cannot be displayed because your time entry format is 8.00. Contact your time andSummary our absence entry cannot be displayed because your time entry format is 8.00. Contact your time and labor managerContent Hi, Below message is displayed on time c…
Accrual Fast Formula for BiWeekly Repeating Period Absence PlanSummary Accrual Fast Formula for BiWeekly Repeating Period Absence PlanContent Hi, We have requirement to calculate Accrual based on Approved hours entered by Part time …
Explanation needed on how Time Consumer helps for third party payrollSummary Role of Time Consumer for third party payroll, Absence Approval Routing FeatureContent Hi All, I would like to know how the Time consumer supports the third part…Yal Prabhakaran-28110 39 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Yal Prabhakaran-28110 Workforce Management
Best Approach To Mass End Date Absence Plan and Renroll to New Absence PlanSummary Add updated absence planContent We have an absence plan that starts 07/30 of each year, but the absence plan configuration start date is incorrect. It should be …User_2025-01-28-21-33-08-347 122 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-21-33-08-347 Workforce Management
Absence in About me: R13Summary Absence menu entry in about me is not showing dataContent Hello, Somebody has idea about absence menu entry in about me, is not showing data. Thanks.User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 39 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sashwati Arcot-Oracle Workforce Management
Automatically adding an extra week vacation above current maximumSummary Automatically adding an exra week vacation above current maximumContent I have five people each year and now some executives are being hired that require an extr…
Absence Accrual Plan - Pay in LieuSummary Can an accrual plan absence be record as an absence not really absence and paid?Content We have some existing accrual plans: Vacation, Vacation Hourly & Vacation…
Approval notification to all approversContent I have a requirement in Absence workflow. When the 2nd level approver rejects the absence the 1st level approver and the initiator both should be notified. I hav…
Absence - vacation plan with carryovers expirationSummary vacation plan carryover expiration calculation wrongContent hi, we have an absence vacation plan for one of our regions with a "Carryovers expire after specific …User_2025-01-30-04-14-21-127 95 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-30-04-14-21-127 Workforce Management
Manage Eligibility Profiles for Absence PlansSummary Manage Eligibility Profiles for Absence PlansContent Hi We have an eligibility Profile where we needed to add an Assignment DFF to determine Eligibility. When we…
'one to many' relationship for locations?Summary How to establish 'one to many' on 'manage locations' page?Content We are moving from PeopleSoft to Oracle Fusion and have one gap to address. In my client's orga…User_2025-01-25-04-02-13-126 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud Workforce Management
Absence Management >> > Is it possible to Mass Import Derived Factors for ASummary Absence Management >> > Is it possible to Mass Import Derived Factors for Absence Plans?Content Absence Management >> > Is it possible to Mass Import Derived Fac…
Absence Duration settingSummary Change absence minimum from 0.5 days to less than thisContent Evening all Where can I find the setting to change duration minimums? Holidays are currently set up…User_2025-01-29-00-51-39-326 46 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MG-Oracle Workforce Management
Hide Forfeiture line from Accrual Plan Balance Details tabSummary After Carryover process, forfeiture line appears in Accrual Plan balance details tab, would like to hide this line from employeesContent Does anyone know of a wa…
Absence Type Validation Fast Formula : Seeded RuleSummary Order of execution of seeded rule and custom Absence Type Validation Fast FormulaContent Hello Experts, Here is my understanding, when we submit an absence there…
Bulk import enrollment end date for an accrual planSummary Bulk import enrollment end date for an accrual planContent Hi, I would like to end date the enrollment for an accrual plan, how can I do this on mass via FBL or …User_2025-01-27-23-30-22-531 62 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-21-33-08-347 Workforce Management
Absence records statusSummary Absence records status isn't being updated correctlyContent hi, we have few absence plans for a specific Region. one of them is vacation. when im entering to an …User_2025-01-30-04-14-21-127 81 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-04-14-21-127 Workforce Management
Mechanism to delete absence plan enrollment for terminated employeesSummary Mechanism to delete absence plan enrollment for terminated employeesContent Hi team, We are not able to delete enrollment for terminated employees. Is there any …
Receiving error When transferring absences to PayrollSummary Receiving error When transferring absences to PayrollContent Hello, Absence plan is setup to transfer data to payroll, I face the below error when ‘Calculate Acc…
Dynamic Negative LimitSummary Dynamic Negative Limit for an Accrual PlanContent Hello Experts, We are implementing Time and Absence for a customer. Their requirement is that the ability to go…
Balance Validation for Qualifications Plans ( FMLA )Summary Usage of FF to Validate the Balance for FMLA absense type before submissionContent Hello Experts, Request you suggestions to handle the below scenario. When an e…
FMLA 12 Month Length of ServiceSummary How to derive months length of service for employee over last 7 years even with gaps in employmentContent US FMLA requires an employee have worked 1250 hours wit…
Earned Leave : Post Accrual on the First day of the Next Accrual PeriodSummary Post Accrual on the First day of the Next Accrual Period for a yearly accrual periodContent Hello Gurus, Request you thoughts. Thank you. We are implementing Tim…
Pop Up Note Blocking ViewSummary This is occurring in both Google ChromeContent In Time and Labor -- First, when you’re tabbing through the cells it gets in the way so it’s hard to see what you’…User_2025-01-29-19-59-40-005 46 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-29-19-59-40-005 Workforce Management
Absence balance: how to load?Content Hello, Does any one has idea about how to load absence balance on R13? Thanks.User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 72 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 Workforce Management
Requirement: Require internal sql function or alternative that determines duration of absence for twSummary This requirement is specifially for interfacing absence transactions to a third-party payroll system. However, third-party payroll is not date effectiveContent R…Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle 35 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-23-28-110 Workforce Management
Absence - Team ScheduleSummary Absence - Team ScheduleContent hi - does anyone know how to get the team schedule to show absences? ( screenshot attached) . thanksUser_2025-01-25-04-05-08-450 129 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Tere Cacique-Oracle Workforce Management
Restrict Absence type for employeesContent Hello, We need to restrict the access for some absence types for employees, but for line manager can see and request all type for their employees. does any one h…User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 52 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 Workforce Management
Absence ApprovalSummary Leave applications are not auto approvingContent We are trying to get all annual leave applications to be auto approved in Fusion R12. However the current soluti…User_2025-01-30-22-13-15-887 169 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by DD_Dave Workforce Management
ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE not returning the last date of leaveSummary Using ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE to retrieve last date of leave-but it is not doing soContent Need to validate ANC_ABS_ENTRS_END_DATE in a Fast formula... But,this d…