Discussion List
PreStatus - UserDropped - Trying to understand the difference in Post StatusSummary Maybe you all get it?Content WUZZZZUP FROM NYC!!!! Probably some easy points for someone out there. You may have verified this one - just curious. What is the di…
Learning Plan PrerequisitesSummary Can you add prereq's to learning plansContent I think I know the answer to this but want to confirm. Can you add prerequisites to learning plans? Ideally we are …
Limiting one enrollment to a sessionSummary Ongoing issues with duplicate enrollments for one classContent Our LC services several different vendors. Despite detailed instructions, users repeatedly create …Jessica Sanderson-43475 37 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jessica Sanderson-43475 Taleo Learn
Quick SessionsSummary Use of and best practices for the "Quick Session"Content I was wondering if anyone is currently using "Quick Sessions?" Nothing has been written on this for a co…Timothy Murphy-11411 33 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Connie Castillo-Winkler Taleo Learn
Does the recurring sessions / enrollments actually work?Summary Unable to get child enrollments to appearContent First, I'm hoping someone can help me see the value or use case for using recurring sessions, or the recurrence …
Error with post status for user initiated drop using widgetSummary Post status retains completed defaultContent When users drop an enrollment themselves, the post-status retains the default (completed) status instead of a post-s…
VILT Integration with WebExContent Is anyone integrating their VILT events with WebEx? We create a VILT event and the enrollment in the learncenter. The integration somewhat works where as a class…
HTML Tags Appearing in Course Description when Special Characters are used in Search StringSummary When a special character such as ()#!-, etc. is used in the search string using the Search Widget, instead of displaying the formatted html in the description, u…
Duplicate EnrollmentsSummary Double/Duplicate Enrollments being created at onceContent Several of my enrollment admins have reported that when they create an enrollment and click save they a…
Are we crazy or is there a problem with the new Widget ability to have Supervisors drive Enrollment?Summary Swear we tested the heck out of this. Is it broken for you?Content We just had a soft go live of our widgets and the Team Monitor view! Yay! But wait a minute - …
Location information visibility in Training Calendar for EnrollmentContent Hello, Let me know how the location can be made visible in the Training Calendar for an ILT. When I am clicking on the respective date and selecting the specific…
Enrollment Widget on the Road Map?Content Wondering if anyone has the down low on when an Enrollment widget might become available? Is this on the roadmap for any time soon? Thanks - Kristin
Catalog Best PracticesSummary Catalogs - Does anyone have suggestions/best practices for setting up catalogs.Content Does anyone have best practices / suggestions for setting up catalogs to a…
Force a course to open in a new windowSummary Is there a way to force a course in the system to open in a new window?Content I have the new course player enabled and running into issues with the older course…
VOTE UP - Update the enrollments to end when instructor passes the student and add in an assessmentSummary Update the enrollments to end when instructor passes the student and add in an assessmentContent PLEASE GO TO IDEA LAB AND VOTE UP Currently enrollments end when…
OHUG 2018 - Lets make plans to Share your learning center experiences and issues with othersSummary Lets use the free time wisely - Lets do some informal Formal sharingContent Hi everyone. Since there seems to be some gaps between the OHUG Learn Sessions and th…
Ability to allow Users to self register for some ILT Enrollments and not for othersSummary Is there a way to allow Users to self register for some ILT Enrollments and not for othersContent We have product training that we provide for external people wh…
Have you mapped groups to categories yet?Summary New feature of 18B is working as a charm!Content In our current setup, we have 6 main categories of training and then for each department (aprox 120) we have an …
Can you add a Pre-Status or Post-Status Option/Label? Alternatives?Summary Need to track classes scheduled, then not held, without deleting class. Is it possible to add Pre/Post Status to give an option of 'ILT CANCELLED'Content We have…
Permissions to edit post-status for ILT enrollment?Summary Looking to see if there is a permisison setting that allows instructors to update post-status without allowing then to edit other enrollment information.Content …
Enrollment ReportSummary Enrollment Report to tell who "hasn't" completed trainingContent If we were to remove pre status and post status and run an enrollment report on a group, would t…
Need to override an enrollment prerequisite and enroll studentSummary Need to override an enrollment prerequisite and enroll studentContent I would think that as an administrator I should be able to manually override a prerequisite…
Please deleteSummary I was not allowed to delete this post, but I figured out what I did wrong, and it was not a Learn issue
Vote it up: Add a signature field to the instructors to allow it to be printed on the certificateSummary Add a signature field to the instructors to allow it to be printed on the certificateContent There is a need in some regions, countries and companies to have the…
BI Report missing custom fieldsSummary BI Report missing custom fields valuesContent Is anyone having issues with custom fields not being displayed on the BI reports? Our normal configurations include…
A password must be supplied with your new userSummary While using the Bulk Import user functionality to create the users for Taleo learn, system shows the above error messagesContent Using the 'Bulk Import user' fun…Krishna Chaitanya Javvadi 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishna Chaitanya Javvadi Taleo Learn
Forced EnrollmentSummary Advise NeededContent Can someone please clarify using "Forced Enrollment"? We have been using it, but it seems to mess up our system. Example (we use auto approv…
Is there any way to enter sessions/enrollments in 20-minute intervals?Summary Under Session Information>Schedule. The Start Date and End Date only have 15-minute intervals,Content I can neither overwrite the 15-minute intervals on the drop…
Using prerequisites with an enrollment and ecommerceSummary The expected behavior of prerequisites (combined with ecommerce)Content We have several one-on-one sessions that I would like to attach a prerequisite to (a cour…
Has anyone configured LMS to send reminders as text messages to user phoneSummary Has anyone configured LMS to send reminders as text messages to user phoneContent Can the learn center be programmed to send enrollment reminders to people’s mob…